Library Science 7 Course Syllabus

Instructor / Margaret Borlie / Phone / 814-749-9211 x 221
Office / Blacklick Valley JSHS / E-mail /


·  Student will be able to independently locate materials in the library utilizing the Dewey Decimal System and the Library’s automation system.

·  Student will able to cite various resources in MLA format.

·  Student will able to define the difference between a search engine and a web site.

·  Student will practice using search engines in order to locate information quickly and efficiently.

·  Student will complete a 2 page informational report on a topic approved by the teacher following MLA format.

·  Student will achieve a 70% or better on all Accelerated Reader quizzes taken to accumulate points.


The Library promotes the skills of research. In this class, students will first learn to navigate the library by learning the basics of the Dewey Decimal System and the Destiny automation system. Students will then learn about the individual components of creating a research paper, including cover pages, note taking, and citations. Students will then take what they have learned and research a topic, create an outline, take notes and formulate a written report in the Modern Language Association (MLA) writing style. For the duration of the class the students will also be responsible for reading books and taking tests for points utilizing the Accelerated Reader program (AR). After finishing a book, the student takes an online multiple choice quiz to test their comprehension. Points are awarded based on the number of questions answered correctly with a passing score. Students will also record books read by typing a Works Cited page and completing a summarization form.

·  Class Participation

o  Each student will be given 45 points.

o  To retain these points, students must follow the rules stated below.

§  Follow posted classroom rules.

§  Arrive to class on time.

§  Come prepared for class. (i.e. have a pencil and AR book).

§  Demonstrate appropriate classroom behavior.

§  Be respectful to the teacher.

§  No use of electronic devices, such as cell phones, ipods, etc. Unless otherwise instructed. (Device will be confiscated and sent to the office. Handbook protocol for this offense will also be followed.

§  No talking during reading time.

o  For each offence points will be deducted. (You may lose multiple points during a class).

·  How Accelerated Reader Works

Students can choose from the books in the library that have quizzes. The high school library does not have a book for every quiz, but students can use books they find elsewhere, or the librarian can request the book from another library. Once a student has read a book, he or she takes a reading comprehension quiz.

The Library cannot provide a printed list of quizzes for families because the list is approximately 500 pages long. However, you may access the schools website and link to an electronic version of the list which may be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader software (available for free from Students should check the list prior to reading a book to make sure that a test is available. There may be errors in the list.

When Taking a Quiz

·  Notify teacher that you are taking a quiz.

·  You must take the test independently (no other students may be sitting near you).

·  You are not permitted to have the book open during the quiz.

**Failure to do any of these may result in not being able to use that particular quiz for points.

Grading Scale Per Marking Period

·  Accelerated Reader 20 points

·  Library Skills points

·  Research Report

·  Spelling/Punctuation 40 points

·  Grammar 40 points

·  Subtopics 40 points

·  Note formation 40 points

·  Note cards 40 points

·  2 page report 40 points

·  Works Cited Page 40 points

·  Attached Grading sheet 40 points

·  Assignment due 40 points

·  Class Preparation 45 points

93%-100% = A

85%-92% = B

77%-84% = C

70%-76% = D

< 70% = F

Students are responsible for keeping a portfolio of completed test scores and work in the library.


·  Observation of student’s ability to independently locate materials in the library utilizing the Dewey Decimal System.

·  Successful completion of Library assignments with a 70% or better.

·  Student’s ability to locate correct citation information in resources and record that information in MLA format.

·  Student will state the difference between a search engine and web site.

·  Student’s ability to successfully locate desired information using search engines within the first two attempts.

·  Report will be evaluated using grading rubric which the student will have reviewed prior to the start of the project.

·  Student will achieve a 70% or better on all Accelerated Reader quizzes taken to accumulate points.

·  Student will demonstrate compliance with written classroom rules.

Course Schedule:

Enter week, topic for the week, and required reading in the appropriate columns below. Use the Tab key to move around in the table. To insert rows, click on the table and then on the Table menu, point to Insert and click on the Row action you want to take. To delete rows, click on the table and then on the Table menu, point to Delete and click on Rows.

Week / Topic / Required Reading



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