WEEKLY NEWSLETTER:Monday 26th February 2018
Telephone: 0161 770 5401Email: Web:
Headteacher: Mr J GravesDeputy Headteacher: Mrs A Wainwright
Thought for the Week:
“In Lent I know I fast, pray more and give alms.”
Home-School Agreement
Thank you to the parents who have already sent this in. Please can this agreement be returned to school before the end of this week. If you do not have a copy, please let us know and we will send you one, or pop in the office to pick up a copy. Thank you.
Book Fair
Unfortunately, the Book People have had to cancel our Book Fair this week. The Fair has been re-arranged for
w/c 23rd April.
World Book Day
Thursday 1 March – Children can come dressed as bees as part of a whole school Super Learning Day. St Anne’s is buzzing about reading!!!!
Dates for the Diary.
Tuesday 27 Feb – Y5 Class Mass @ 9.15am
Wednesday 28 Feb – Lent Mass @ 8.30am
Thursday 1 March – World Book Day: Children can come dressed as a bee.
*** Tuesday 6th March– Y6 Class Mass: NEW DATE ***
Wednesday 7 March – Lent Mass @ 8.30am
Friday 9 March – Reception Assembly @ 9am
Tuesday 13 March – Y4 Class Mass @ 9.15am
Wednesday 14 March – Lent Mass @ 8.30am
Tuesday 20 March – Y3 Class Mass @ 9.15am
Wednesday 21 March – Lent Mass @ 8.30am
Tuesday 27 March – Whole School Mass in Church @ 9.15am
Wednesday 28 March – Lent Mass @ 8.30am
Friday 4 May – Y6 Assembly @ 9am
Friday 18 May – Y3 Assembly @ 9am
Internet Safety at Home
Most broadband providers operate a ‘firewall’ that you can switch on for your home broadband, that tries to stop all inappropriate material being displayed on any laptop, tablet, phone or device that connects to your home’s wifi. For more details, contact your provider, Eg:
BT: 0800 100 400 Sky: 0800 151 2747
Plus Net: 0800 432 0080 Talk Talk:: 0345 454 1111
EE: 0800 079 5119 Tesco: 0345 30 400 30
Roll of Honour…
Last week’s certificate winners:
Class / Golden Book CertificateRec
Y1 / Ryan and Andrei
Y2 / Kendal and Daniel
Y3 / Zarron and Kaydey
Y4 / Samson and Marvin
Y5 / Shabaz and Ellie
Y6 / Riley and Conrin
Next holidays…
We break up for Easter on Thursday 29th March and return to school on Monday 9th April.
Visitor to St Anne’s
We’re very excited to be welcoming GB Paralympic Sprinter Michael Churm to the school on Monday, 26 February (TODAY!!!).Through his career, Michael was consistently ranked in the world top 10 for ten years and he won a silver medal at the 2000 Sydney Paralympic Games.
Michael will be leading a sponsored fitness circuit with all pupils, and will follow-up with a talk and question and answer session. The aim of the event is toinspire the pupils to take up sport generally, but just as importantly to encourage them to discover and then pursue theirpassion in life.
A sponsorship form has been sent home. As the sponsorship form explains, much of the money that is raised will be used to buy sports equipment for the school, while also supporting GB athletes (including Paralympic athletes).
Please ensure that sponsorship forms and moneys arereturned to the school office on or beforeMonday, 05 March at the latest.
Please also make sure that your child/children come to school on the event day with their PE Kits!
Thank you in anticipation of creating a terrific and memorable event.
SATs & Phonics Tests
Year 6 SATs exams are below, and Year 2 SATs are carried out throughout the month of May.
May 2018: w/c 14th May
May 2019: w/c 13th May
Children in Year 1 must sit a National Phonics Test at the end of the school year… June 2018: w/c 11th June
June 2019: w/c 10th June
Please avoid any absences during any of the above dates.