Oshkosh United Soccer Club Board Meeting Minutes 01/31/2016

Start: 7:03pm

End: 9:17pm

Members present: Chris Billstrom, Kari Vis, Tracy Berray, Jenny Ostertag, Theresa Duren, Chris Guido, Bob Stelzer, Tim Troudt, Greg Ruark, Matt Callahan, Fred Baier and Jeanne Schlichting

I. Approval of Prior Minutes

A. December 15th meeting

B. Motion made by Kari, 2nd by Chris Guido- all in favor

II. Special Actions: none

III. Reports:

A. President- Chris Billstrom

1. Chris is running for president in March

2. Tipler agreement

a. Our club has full use of Tipler fields

b. First priority is URL and Academy

c. Try to use for practice as much as possible

3. Valley Athletics Banner

a. Paid $140

b. Good advertisement for the club


a. Dedicated tournament account

b. Discussion on Chromebook purchase for Tournament Director

5. Change to Google accounts for @oshkoshunited.com

a. Can send out double or triple emails per day

b. Save club documents on Oshkosh United gmail

6. YMCA 3v3

a. Session 1 (U14-U18) cancelled due to lack of interest

b. If we can increase session 2 numbers, program will come close to

breaking even.

7. Meeting with Abby Jacobs from Dick’s Sporting Goods

a. Looking for reciprocal relationship

b. They’ll start with a team sponsorship

B. Vice President- Kari Vis

1. First order of Championship t-shirts completed

a. Form made to send out to ream reps

2. Friendlies Discussion

3. Spirit Wear

a. Three runs last year (March-April, July and Christmas)

b. Discussion on dates this year

C. Treasurer- Tracy Berray

1. Treasurer’s report/ Scholarship fund report

2. Decided not going to run for Treasurer in March election

D. Secretary- Jeanne Schlichting- no report

E. Registrars- Jenny Ostertag and Theresa Duren- no report

F. Coaches- Matt Callahan and Greg Ruark

1. Coaches Courses

a. Must take “F” license course online in addition to “E” class.

b. Coaches are also getting charged a $12 background check

2. Winter Training

a. Going well

b. Need futsal balls for more realistic training in gym

3. Try Outs

a. U11-U13- 06/04 &06/05/16

b. U14-U18- not determined yet

4. URL

a. Currently 40 players signed up

b. Goal is to get 80 players

G. Games Commissioner- open

H. Fields/ Facilities Coordinator- Fred Baier

1. Friendlies update

I. Tournament Director- Chris Guido

1. Update on vendors and sponsors

2. Early bird fee

3. U15 and up will be 35 minute halves

J. Special Committees- none

IV. Unfinished Business- none

V. New Business

A. Potential Bylaw Changes

1. Voting members- no players

2. Elected Positions

a. Who is eligible? Now- no standards

b. Fix- no one who holds a paid position can be in an elected position

3. Elected Position start date

a. Fix- elected in spring, start 8/1

4. Provision if one person holds multiple job description positions

a. Fix- Add temporary at large board positions

5. Appointed Positions

6. Closed Board vs Open Board

B. Bylaw Discussion

1. Table it for a few weeks

2. Vote Band-Aid vs complete rework

3. Small committee meeting

C. General Fund Expenditure- URL start up

1. Cones- $250

2. Pinnies- $600

3. Goals (PUGG &Bownet)- $1100

4. Corner Flags- $150

5. Large medical kit- $100

6. Benches- $250

7. Paint- $200

8. Miscellaneous- $350

9. Total $3,000

10. Motion made by Theresa, 2nd by Tim to waive voting procedure-all in favor

D. General Fund Expenditure- Tipler

1. Field Striping- $545 plus shipping

2. Trailer/Storage-$2,200-$4,000

3. Goals- $4300

4. Motion made by Kari, 2nd by Chris Guido to vote for full budget- all in favor

VI. Discussion Topics

A. Outreach Program

1. WYSA rules/United Cost structure are geared towards Middle Class Suburbia

2. United Scholarship Program functions more as a Financial Assistance Program

3. There is a need for Zero or Near Zero Cost offerings

a. Hmong Population

b. Refugee Influx

4. URL/Academy - We can create, run our own program

5. Classic Program

a. Circumvent the rules

b. Petition WYSA to legitimize an initiative

B. US Youth Soccer Birth Year Changes - Where should the club stand

C. Spring Meeting- Sunday, March 20th

  1. 6:30pm - Toby Bares led clinic on Rules of the Game
  2. 7:00pm - General Meeting - Spring Elections
  3. 7:30pm

a. Q&A on new US Youth Soccer Changes (Chris, Matt, Greg)

b. Social with other Board Members/Club in cafeteria.

D. 3rd Tournaments

1. Should we limit dollar amount to be spent?

2. Should we guide teams to/away from specific tournaments?

3. Should we have reciprocal agreements with other clubs?

4. Finalize 3rd tournament by 2/14- Matt will send email

VII. Anything Else for the Good of the Club- nothing at this time

VIII. Motion for Adjournment- Kari made motion, Chris Guido 2nd- all in favor