Edexcel GCE Spanish
Units 1, 2, 3 and 4
When planning a Spanish Scheme of Work, teachers should bear in mind that those inspecting Modern Foreign Languages at post-16 are
encouraged to concentrate on the extent to which students:
• Demonstrate their understanding of material written in the foreign language, drawn from a wide range of everyday, topical, technical, business, literary, social and historical sources, and can respond appropriately to it.
• Understand language spoken at speed on radio, television, cassette or film, by native speakers or others on a variety of themes and in a range of styles.
• Can translate or interpret from one language to another effectively, accurately and idiomatically.
• Speak the language accurately, confidently and fluently, and react spontaneously to complex questions and unfamiliar language.
• Speak with good pronunciation and intonation and use different registers appropriate to the context of the discussion or dialogue.
• Engage readily in conversation, discussion or debate, and present, develop or sustain a logical argument in the foreign language, while taking account of the views of others.
• Show extensive knowledge of the countries, customs and culture of the people whose language they are learning.
• Have detailed knowledge and understanding of the themes and topics they have studied and the issues facing contemporary society.
• Have developed mature and well-informed views on topical or controversial issues, and can present these in a logical, coherent and accurate way in speech or writing.
• Write accurately in a variety of styles appropriate to context, using an increasingly wide range of complex, sophisticated and topic-specific language.
• Demonstrate a high level of grammatical accuracy.
(Source - Adapted from Specification: p. 15)
The following Scheme of Work represents just one possible guide for teachers and it is based around the following Edexcel-approved materials (see List of Resources at the end for further suggestions):
Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Student’s Book (referred to below as Edexcel)
Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Teacher’s Resource Book (referred to below as Edexcel TB)
Animo 1, AS Students Book, Second Edition. OUP, 2008, ISBN 978 0 -19-915330-5 (referred to below as Animo)
Animo 1, AS Teacher’s Book, OUP, 2008, ISBN 978 0 -19-915331-2 (referred to below as Animo 1 TB)
Sigue! 1,- Students book ,Second Revised Edition, 2000, Hodder Murray, ISBN 978- 0719585227 (referred to below as Sigue 1)
Sigue! 1,- Teacher’s book ,Second Revised Edition, 2000, Hodder Murray, ISBN 978- 0719585234 (referred to below as Sigue 1 TB)
Practice Makes Perfect, Complete Spanish Grammar, McGraw Hill, 2004, ISBN: 978-0071422703 (referred to below as Grammar)
Practice Makes Perfect, Spanish Verb Games, Devney Richmond, ISBN: 0 8442 7334 1 (referred to below as Grammar 2)
Sigue! 2, Student’s book, John Murry, 2nd Edition 2001, ISBN 07195 8525 2
News articles with exercises produced by the Conejeria de Educacion at the Spanish Embassy in London (referred to below as Spanish Embassy)
TECLA, Resources of texts with questions at all levels for teachers of Spanish produced by the Spanish Embassy:
Ponte al dia, Hodder and Stoughton, 2003, ISBN 978 - 0340846698
Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Audio CD Set
Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Dynamic Learning Student Edition
Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Dynamic Learning Network Edition
Edexcel Spanish Grammar for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008
For listening practice this scheme of work has made reference to recordings from books above. However worksheets have been written by the author to supplement the questions in the textbooks and to provide students with a graded worksheet to better cater for mixed ability groups and to provide students with extension tasks. These worksheets have been referred to below as GW.
Edexcel Scheme of Work for GCE Spanish AS (Year 12) – based on two terms (28 weeks), with the remaining time to be used for examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, and the AS examinations.
Throughout Term 1 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:
• Using a bilingual dictionary
• Learning and recording vocabulary
• Organising work
• Writing a brief description
• Expressing opinions
• Reading for gist
• Pronunciation
• Taking notes in English and in the target language when listening
• Writing summaries in English and in the target language
• Speaking from notes
• Understanding and interpreting statistics
• Pronunciation of more difficult sounds
• Structuring a debate
• Adapting a text
• Translating into English
• Structuring an oral presentation
• Encourage self evaluation and correction
Throughout Term 2 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:
• Writing a newspaper report or email
• Structuring a written response
• Checking and correcting written work
• Strategies for extending vocabulary
• Revision of vocabulary
• General revision techniques
• Continued pronunciation and spelling practice
• Specific practice of unit 1 stimulus card responses
• Guiding their choice of General Topic Area according to their individual strengths and interests
Throughout Term 3 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:
• Examination practice
• Past papers
• Review their responses and others against examination mark schemes and assessment criteria
• Revision of tenses
• Recognition of more difficult structures
• Checking students have understood, learned and practised all the grammatical structures laid down in the AS grammar lists.
Exemplar activities given throughout are indicative only and may be used to supplement the tasks suggested within the textbook. Teachers should bear in mind the need to ensure that students not only gain knowledge and understanding but also that they develop the ability to evaluate and to express opinions in spoken and written form. Activities might include the following: Surveys; debates; reviews; reports; blogs; posters; brochures; grids; letters; emails; essay introductions; essay conclusions; full essays; and dialogues.
Week / Content coverage/key questions / Learning outcomes / Exemplar activities / Resources/ homework suggestions for A2
1 / Youth Culture and Concerns:
La familia (transition from GCSE) / –Students build on their prior knowledge of family vocabulary and descriptions
–Teachers assess individuals competence in basic grammatical concepts from GCSE
–Revise and practice agreements of adjectives to include apocopation
–Students learn different ways to talk about their families and compare with others / Reading: Edexcel p. 2 “La familia de Inaki”.
Listening: intro to language laboratory and “la familia de Eva”- Edexcel p. 3
Speaking: students interview each other about themselves and their families and draw comparisons
Grammar exercises using websites and exercises from Grammar, p. 211, Unit 18
Additional tasks/Homework:
-Reading: Edexcel p. 3 “Lucia habla de su familia”
-Writing: Paragraph on difference between your family and Lucia’s /
2 / Youth Culture and Concerns:
La familia - (transition from GCSE) /
- Students learn and use vocabulary relating to other relatives (e.g. relationships with grandparents)
- Students talk about where they live and offer opinions of their home town
- Students revise regular present tense
Listening: Animo 1 p. 8-9 “Recorriendo las Españas”, Spanish people talking about where they live.
Oral: Students carry out guided interviews of others relating to where they live and their opinions of their home town/village
Writing: Edexcel p. 15 Task B but “quieres vivir en la ciudad/campo”
Grammar: Unit 1, p. 1 Present Tense
Additional tasks/homework:
Listening: “otros paises hispanohablantes” Animo, p. 10
-see also tips Edexcel p. 37
- Apocopation:,Edexcel p. 10 /
Animo 1
Grammar3 / Youth Culture and Concerns
Family relationships /
- Students discuss their and others’ relationships with their parents and look at their parents’ concerns
- Students recap on present tense regular verbs and introduce/revise radical changing verbs
Listening: Edexcel p. 5 “Los domigos con el abuelo” and Edexcel p. 6 “un domingo en familia”
Oral: Class brainstorms all concerns that parents can have – build a mind map on board (los temores de los padres). Students discuss in pairs what most concerns their own parents (¿De qué se preocupan tus padres?)
Grammar, Unit 2 p.18 Stem-changing verbs / Edexcel
4 / Youth Culture and Concerns
Relationships /
- Students learn and use vocabulary and phrases to describe a first date
- Students revise radical changing verbs
- Students learn to use impersonal verbs correctly
-Blockbusters game designed around radical changing verbs
-Introduce impersonal verbs as “verbs like gustar” and “doler”, to include (A mi, A ti, etc)
-Exercises to practice, Grammar, p. 241-243
Oral: Interview each other about their first date, real or imaginary
Reading:”1.6 Temor a la primera cita” Sigue 1 p.8/9
Listening: GW based on “1.7 ojo con las citas amorosas” (Sigue 1, p.10)
Additional tasks/homework:
-Writing: “Mi primera cita” (to include descriptive language and vocabulary from texts read and listened to)
-Introduce/practice “soler” (Animo 1 ,p. 7) / Sigue 1
5 / Youth Culture and Concerns
Los valores de los jóvenes /
- Students will look at what values they have and compare with young Spanish students
- Students will practice impersonal verbs
- Students will be introduced to the preterit – regular verbs
Edexcel p. 22 “¿Cómo son los jóvenes de hoy en día?” .
A Comparison can be made at the end.
Listening: GW based on the audio ¿Crees que los jóvenes de hoy tienen valores? Edexcel p. 30
Oral: comparison of the Spanish values and the English – students discuss and create summaries of similarities and differences
Writing: Students can write their own versions of “los valores de los jovenes ingleses” (based on Edexcel, p. 22)
-Translate sentences in the present using impersonal verbs – Grammar, p. 241-243. Translation p. 243, ex: 19-26
Additional tasks/homework
-Edexcel “Los jóvenes y el hogar familiar” p. 31
-Edexcel p. 28. ¿Qué imagen tienen los jóvenes de sí mismos? Read and answer Ex A y B
-Grammar, Edexcel, p. 66 Impersonal verbs / Edexcel
6 / Youth Culture and Concerns
Drink /
- Students will be introduced to the idea of the “botellón”
- Students will be introduced to the format of Section A of the oral exam
- Students will revise the formation of the preterite – regular verbs and learn common irregular forms
- Students will learn comparatives and superlatives
-Past Edexcel AS Stimulus card (Summer 2009) - “el macro botellón” – either using a language assistant or in pairs students can be examiners/candidates
-Mini debate – small groups given roles (el turista, el dueño del bar, una persona mayor, un adolescente) to discuss the possible introduction of “La ley del botellón” in our town. Extension option: a more able student can be the mayor and direct the meeting
-Introduce the phenomena by asking students for words they know relating to the Botellón topic to start to build a mind map (e.g. los jóvenes, el alcohol, la calle, el supermercado, barato)
-Edexcel p. 25 “el botellón” or Edexcel p. 35 Ex 12
-Add new words to mind map (e.g. consimir/emborracharse etc.)
-GW based on recording ¿está a favor o en contra de prohibir el consumo de alcohol en la calle?” Edexcel, p. 36.
-Unit 18, p.220 Comparatives and Superlatives
-Unit 4, p. 35-44 The Preterite
Additional tasks/half term holiday homework:
-Look for examples of preterite in the article “un camello” p. 60 Edexcel
- p. 52 Edexcel – the preterite
-revise all grammar to date in preparation for test
-re-read texts read in class.
-Revise topic vocab and draw mind maps for each topic
-Writing: prepare a letter to a pen friend including details about you, your family, where you live and what you are like as a young person. Include all new vocab and grammar etc (If you have a partner school these can be sent as emails for their new friends to correct) / Edexcel
7 / Youth Culture and Concerns/Lifestyle, Health and Fitness:
La tecnología /
- Students will discuss what they consider to be new technology and compare with those of their parents
- They will revise and use comparatives to describe differences (eg: la generación actual usa más el Internet que antes)
- Students will revise/be introduced to the imperfect tense
Discuss as a class and in pairs what they consider to be the important new technologies today and of their parents. Compare and contrast and place in order of importance
Reading: Quick class survey on uses of Internet for them,
Animo 1 p. 36 “Sondeo sobre los jóvenes” ¿Qué piensas de la tecnología?
Listening: GW based on recording “la generación conectada” (Animo 1, p. 30-33)
-Revise comparatives and superlatives and introduce imperfect tense
-Use both to create sentences to compare technology today and before (e.g “mis padres valoraban mucho más sus electrodomésticos como el microondas y la tele en color. Hoy en día los jóvenes tienen más ordenadores y aparatos tecnológicos que antes como el portátil, el ipod y el móvil”)
-Grammar, Unit 5 p. 49 Imperfect Tense / Animo 1
8 / Youth Culture and Concerns:
Tecnología – los móviles /
- Students will learn vocabulary to describe their own mobile phones (features/contract/pay as you go)and discuss their advantages and disadvantages and their importance to them
- Students will revise preterit and imperfect and learn the differences between them and their uses.
-Students take out their mobiles and describe them and their features
-In groups develop a list of advantages. disadvantages to share with group
- AS stimulus card from Edexcel sample assessment material – “el lenguaje de los móviles” (in class or with language assistant)
-Debate - Can we live without a mobile phone?
Reading: Edexcel p. 26 “teléfonos con lenguaje propio”
‘Smshablantes’. Artículos de prensa por la consejería de educación
Listening; based on recording “Los teléfonos moviles” Edexcel, p. 27
Grammar: Unit 6, p. 59
Additional tasks/homework
Animo 1 p. 41 (2)
Writing: Guided past paper Legacy Unit 2 task 5, 2004 “los colgados de los móviles” or Sample assessment material – Unit 6SP02 Texto 8 (p. 54 eSpec)
- / Edexcel Past Paper – legacy specification, Unit 2 writing Task – June 2004 – “los colgados a los moviles”
9 / Youth Concerns/Lifestyle: Health and fitness:
La tecnología – la blogosfera/música /
- Students will start to look at technology in terms of lifestyle. Are they addicted to technology?
- Students will revise differences between imperfect and preterite and learn about the present and imperfect continuous
-Discuss how students listen to music? How do they buy/access music? Is it important to them? Why do we download illegally?
-Stimulus card, summer 2009, Youth Culture Stimulus 2 “los jóvenes y la música”
Reading: GW based on Animo 1 p. 43 “¿Eres ciberpirata?”
Listening: GW based on Animo, p. 43 Ex 4a and 4b. ¿Qué hemos ganado con todas esas tecnologías?
Additional tasks/homework:
Reading: Animo 1 p. 34/5 . ¿Quién eres en el mundo virtual?
-Using present continuous describe what students are doing in a picture of a school, home, town or other (verbs can be introduced as a matching game to start)
-Pairwork to practice e.g ¿Qué está haciendo el chico en la cantina? Está comiendo (Extension task – translation, Grammar, Unit 9 p. 103, 9-11)
Extension option: make up reasons
-Introduce imperfect continuous and ask students to write what they were doing last night
-Practice exercises, Grammar, Unit 9, p.100 / Animo 1
1o / Lifestyle: Health and fitness
El deporte /
- Students will build on their GCSE vocabulary and knowledge of sports and look at new Spanish sports (bull fighting, la pala vasca)
- Students will revise the present and imperfect continuous
- Students will revise from GCSE their use of the immediate future and learn the formation of the future tense
-Brainstorm all sports known
-Activity to introduce new sports e.g. matching pictures and names as quiz
-Watch video (diez Temas)/Youtube clip of either bull fighting or la pala vasca. Alternatively look at pictures from Internet of controversial sports
-Discuss and debate: ¿un deporte o una fiesta?
Reading: Edexcel p. 38 “un tenista mallorquín”
Listening: GW based on Sigue 1 “2.7 la tauromaquia”
Writing: write an imaginary interview of a famous Spanish sports personality e.g. Rafael Nadal. (see Edexcel p. 38) – if possible ask assistant to check and practice. Students can also record and watch each other’s. / BBC: Diez Temas or recent footage of a bull fight.
Sigue 1
11 / Lifestyle: Health and fitness:
El deporte para mantenerse en forma
Mente sana, cuerpo sano /
- Students will discuss the need for a healthy lifestyle and how to keep fit and healthy
- Students will look at the link between sport and keeping healthy
- Students will revise the future tense and learn the conditional (this can be used to express what they should do to keep fit)
-El deporte, ¿es esencial para una vida sana? ¿Qué deberías hacer para mantenerte en forma?
-Sample assessment material – Lifestyle simple stimulus 1 (p. 32 eSPEC) “el ejercicio fisico”
Reading: Animo 1 p. 74/5 Mente sana, cuerpo sano “El jugador de baloncesto”
Grammar: Unit 7, p. 67 The Future and the Conditional
Additional tasks/homework:
Prepare a mind map of link between sport and healthy living (useful for practicing oral exam - section B)
Reading: read through pages: Edexcel, p43-45 and note what foods Spanish people eat ready for quiz next week. / Animo 1- unit 6, p. 82
12 / Lifestyle: Health and fitness
Food and diet
La dieta mediterránea /
- Students will study the traditional diet of the Spanish and consider whether it is changing
- Students will revise the conditional and revise all tenses/concepts to date ready for a test translation next week
-Go over homework as quiz questions (to include some to practice the grammar topics eg: Los españoles ¿comen menos verduras que los ingleses?)
-Stimulus card 1 Summer 2009 “la comida lenta” (either in class or with language assistant)
Reading: “Comer para vivir o vivir para comer” Animo 1 p. 88 – la dieta mediterránea se pierde
Listening GW based on Edexcel p. 47 “Los españoles rechazan la dieta mediterránea”
Grammar: Unit 7, p. 74-79
Additional tasks/Homework:
Writing: Prepare an email to a friend in Spain telling him/her if you live a healthy life and why (those who have made contact can send this by messenger) and ask their friends to reply letting them khow healthy they think their diet is. If no pen friend link they can reply to each others. / Animo 1