Organic Chemistry Questions

1Types oforganic reactions.
2Nucleophilicityandelectrophile. Examples.
3Isomerismof aliphatic hydrocarbons.
4Geometric isomerism. Cis-trans. SymbolsZ andE.The rulesof priority.
5Optical isomerism.
6Aliphatic hydrocarbons,nomenclature, isomerism.
7Chemical propertiesof alkanes, oxidation, halogenation.
8Alkenes, general characteristics, nomenclature. How to obtain.

9 Alkenes electrophilic addition reaction . Markovnikov's rule .
10 Carbocations . Stability of carbocations . Rearrangement of carbocations .
11 The oxidation of alkenes . Ozonolysis of unsaturated compounds .
12 Alkynes . Nomenclature , preparation . Acidity of alkynes . The reactions of alkynes .
13 Aromatic hydrocarbons . The structure of benzene. The concept of aromaticity , Hückel rule .
14 Electrophilic substitution on the aromatic ring . SE. Effect of substituents on the reaction SE. Activating and deactivating substituents on the aromatic ring . Inductive effect and resonance effect .
15 Alkyl halides , nomenclature , general characteristics , physical properties . Receiving . Comparison of the chemical properties of allyl halides , benzyl , vinyl and aromatic .
16 Reactions of alkyl halides . Substitution reactions , SN1 and SN2 mechanisms . Factors influencing the course of the reaction by SN1 or SN2 mechanisms .
17 Alkyl halides elimination reactions . Regioselectivity of elimination reaction - Zaitsev rule . Reaction Mechanisms El and E2. The stereochemistry of the reaction of E.
18 Alcohols . Naming . Dehydration of alcohols , El and E2 mechanism . Conversion of alcohols of alkyl halides .
19 Primaryalcohols , secondary and third . Characteristic reactions .
20 Preparation pierszo alcohols , secondary and tertiary .

21Preparation ofalcoholsby additionof Grignard compoundstocarbonyl compounds.
22Phenols. Namingphenols.The chemical properties ofphenols.Factors influencing theacidity of thephenol.
23Phenols. Reactionscharakterystcznephenols.
24Nitrogen-containing organiccompounds.
25Amine.Namingamines, amineI,II, III,n.andthe fourthrow. ammonium salts.The basicpropertiesandnucleophilicamines.
26Reactionsof amines withalkyl halides. Acylationreactionsof amines.
27The reaction ofamineswith aldehydes and ketones. Enamine.
28The reactionof amineswith nitrous acid(III). The diazonium salts. Diazonium saltsReactions
29Methods ofpreparation ofamines.
30Aldehydesand ketones.Namingaldehydes andketones.Chemical properties.

31Aldehydesand ketones.Construction. The reactionsof addition tothe double bondC=O.
32Aldehydesand ketones.ReactionswithGrignardcompounds.
33Nitrogenousaldehydes and ketones: reaction withammonia, hydroxylamine, hydrazine, semicarbazide.
34Aldehydesand ketones.The acidicnature ofhydrogenin position. Enolizationcatalyzed byacids and bases. -Halogenation. Halogenationmetyloketonów.
35Aldol condensationofacidic and basic..
36Cannizzaro reaction(auto-oxidation andreduction of aldehydes).
37Preparation ofaldehydes andketones.
38Carboxylic acids. Naming andchemicalproperties of thecarboxylic acids.
39Preparation ofcarboxylic acids.
40Derivatives of carboxylic acids. Naming. The reactivity ofthe carboxylicacid derivatives.

41Chloridesandanhydrides. Naming. Reactivity. Hydrolysis.
42Esters. Naming. Preparation ofesters.The hydrolysisin acidic andbasic conditions,alcoholysis, ammonolysisreactionswithGrignardcompounds.
43Amides.Namingamidesand construction ofthe amide group. Hydrolysis ofamides.Reduction ofamides.
44Hydroxycarboxylic acids. Naminghydroxy acids. Reactionsof hydroxy acids.
45Amino Acids. Namingaminoacidandalkalineproperties. Preparation ofamino acids.The reactionsof amino acids(amino groupsand carboxyl groups).
46Peptides. Namingpeptides.Peptide bond.Synthesis ofpeptides.
47Saccharides. Construction. Division.
50Fatty acids.Fats. Soap.

51PetroleumChemistry- composition, processing, typesof products derived frompetroleum refineriesandpetrochemical plants.
52Discussindustrialammonia synthesisprocessand themethod of obtainingnitrogen fertilizers.
53Polymers- definition,polymerization methodsand methods forthe studyof physicochemicalproperties of thepolymers.
54Free radicals-structure,stability, reactivity, reaction mechanismsthat involvefree radicalsand methods for theirexamination.
55Giveand discussthreearbitrarilyselected examples ofmethods forstudying the mechanismsof organic reactions.
56The typesand characteristics of thecatalysts usedin the chemical industry.
57Types ofinstrumental methodsused in testingthe puritychemicals.