1501 Morningside Avenue

Sioux City, Iowa 51106




A sabbatical leave may be provided in order to conduct a scholarly project, major course or curriculum revision, to gain new skills or areas of expertise, or to do creative work.

Tenured faculty are eligible to apply for a sabbatical leave after six or more years under a continuous full-time contract.

1.  Date of first full-time teaching at Morningside College ______.

2.  Describe deviations from full-time teaching during past six years; e.g., attending graduate school, reduced load, research leaves, etc. indicating length of time involved.

3.  Purpose of sabbatical request; i.e., describe the proposed project you plan for the leave period. (Attach a detailed plan.)

4.  Describe the benefits the project will provide to you and Morningside College; i.e., the relationship between the proposed sabbatical activities and your responsibilities at Morningside College.

5.  Period for which sabbatical leave is requested:

Semester ______of academic year ______(full pay)

Academic year ______(half pay)

6.  Request to be sent separately a letter from your department chairperson endorsing or opposing the requested leave. If this letter supports the request, it should specify how the department proposes to absorb the load during your absence.

7.  An application, with all attached documentation, must be submitted to the Dean of the College not later than November 1st in the academic year preceding the proposed leave. A faculty member’s last sabbatical should be taken at least four years before the year of planned retirement. Within three months of completing a sabbatical leave, the faculty member must submit a full report of activities and accomplishments to the Dean of the College and to the Faculty Development Committee.


Name Date


The Morningside College experience cultivates a passion for life-long learning and

a dedication to ethical leadership and civic responsibility.