List of publications of Luca Ferrari (updated 9-11-2015)

Journal articles

1. Luca Ferrari, An umbral calculus over infinite coefficient fields of positive characteristic, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 41 (2001) 1099-1108.

2. Luca Ferrari, Polynomial rings in which delta operators are derivations, European Journal of Combinatorics, 22 (2001) 1059-1064.

3. Luca Ferrari, Giorgio Nicoletti, A combinatorial representation for a special class of complete distributive lattices, Annals of Combinatorics, 5 (2001) 285-304.

4. Luca Ferrari, On derivations of lattices, Pure Mathematics and Applications, 12 (2001) 365-382.

5. Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, A linear operator approach to succession rules, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 348 (2002) 231-246.

6. Luca Ferrari, Elisa Pergola, Renzo Pinzani, Simone Rinaldi, An algebraic characterization of the set of succession rules, Theoretical Computer Science, 281 (2002) 351-367.

7. Luca Ferrari, Elisa Pergola, Renzo Pinzani, Simone Rinaldi, Jumping succession rules and their generating functions, Discrete Mathematics, 271 (2003) 29-50.

8. Luca Ferrari, Elisabetta Grazzini, Elisa Pergola, Simone Rinaldi, Some bijective results about the area of Schröder paths, Theoretical Computer Science, 307 (2003) 327-335.

9. Emeric Deutsch, Luca Ferrari, Simone Rinaldi, Production matrices, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 34 (2005) 101-122.

10. Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Enumerating permutations avoiding three Babson-Steingrimsson patterns, Annals of Combinatorics, 9 (2005) 137-162.

11. Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Lattices of lattice paths, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 135 (2005) 77-92.

12. Luca Ferrari, Simone Rinaldi, Enumeration of generalized hook partitions, Integers, 5 (2005) #A29 (7 pp.).

13. Elena Barcucci, Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Maddalena Poneti, A distributive lattice structure connecting Dyck paths, noncrossing partitions and 312-avoiding permutations, Order, 22 (2005) 311-328.

14. Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Catalan-like numbers and succession rules, Pure Mathematics and Applications, 16 (2005) 229-250.

15. Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Some order-theoretic properties of the Motzkin and Schröder families, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 39 (2007) 259-272.

16. Antonio Bernini, Mathilde Bouvel, Luca Ferrari, Some statistics on permutations avoiding generalized patterns, Pure Mathematics and Applications, 18 (2007) 223-237.

17. Emeric Deutsch, Luca Ferrari, Simone Rinaldi, Riordan arrays and production matrices, Annals of Combinatorics, 13 (2009) 65-85.

18. Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Enumeration of some classes of words avoiding two generalized patterns of length three, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 14 (2009) 129-147.

  1. Luca Ferrari, Some combinatorics related to central binomial coefficients: Grand-Dyck paths, coloured noncrossing partitions and pattern avoiding permutations, Graphs and Combinatorics, 26 (2010) 51-70.
  1. Silvia Bacchelli, Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Renzo Sprugnoli, Mixed succession rules: the commutative case, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 117 (2010) 568-582.

21. Filippo Disanto, Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Simone Rinaldi, Catalan pairs: a relational-theoretic approach to Catalan numbers, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 45 (2010) 505-517.

  1. Luca Ferrari, Pierre Leroux, ECO species, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 61A (2010) Article B61Al, 23 pp.
  1. Luca Ferrari, Elisa Pergola, Renzo Pinzani, Simone Rinaldi, Some applications arising from the interactions between the theory of Catalan-like numbers and the ECO method, Ars Combinatoria, 99 (2011) 109-128.
  1. Luca Ferrari, Emanuele Munarini, Lattices of paths: representation theory and valuations, Journal of Combinatorics, 2 (2011) 265-292.

Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Einar Steingrimsson, The Möbius function of the consecutive pattern poset, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18(1) (2011) #P146 (12 pp.).

Luca Ferrari, Unimodality and Dyck paths, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 87 (2013) 65-79.

Mathilde Bouvel, Luca Ferrari, On the enumeration of d-minimal permutations, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 15(2) (2013) 33-48.

Axel Bacher, Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Benjamin Gunby, Renzo Pinzani, Julian West, The Dyck pattern poset, Discrete Mathematics, 321 (2014) 12-23.

Luca Ferrari, Emaunele Munarini, Enumeration of edges in some lattices of paths, Journal of Integer Sequences, 17 (2014) Article 14.1.5 (22 pp.).

Luca Ferrari, Greedy algorithms and poset matroids, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 29 (2014) 21-26.

Luca Ferrari, Emanuele Munarini, Enumeration of chains and saturated chains in Dyck lattices, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 62 (2015) 118-140.

Filippo Disanto, Luca Ferrari, Simone Rinaldi, A partial order structure on interval orders, Utilitas Mathematica, to appear.

Articles in edited books

Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Simone Rinaldi, Enumerative results on integer partitions using the ECO method, Mathematics and computer science, III (Wien, 2004),Trends Math.,Birkhäuser, Basel, pp. 25-36.

Filippo Disanto, Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Simone Rinaldi, Catalan lattices on series parallel interval orders, in: Folkert Müller-Hoissen, Jean Pallo and Jim Stasheff (Eds.), Associahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures (Tamari Festschrift), Progress in Mathematics, 299, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2012, pp. 323-338.

Technical reports

  1. Luca Ferrari, Anelli di polinomi in cui gli operatori delta sono derivazioni, Quaderno del Dipartimento di Matematica dell’Università degli Studi di Parma, n. 164, November 1997.

Conference proceedings

1. Luca Ferrari, Elisabetta Grazzini, Elisa Pergola, Simone Rinaldi, Bijective results on the area of Schröder paths, “GASCom 2001”, Certosa di Pontignano (SI), November 18-20, 2001.

2. Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Lattices of lattice paths, “Lattice path combinatorics and discrete distributions”, Athens (Greece), June 5-7, 2002.

3. Emeric Deutsch, Luca Ferrari, Simone Rinaldi, Production matrices, “FPSAC 2003”, Vadstena (Sweden), June 23-27, 2003, pp. 246-257.

4. Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Catalan-like numbers and succession rules, “Paths, Permutations and Trees”, Tianjin (China), February 25-27, 2004.

5. Elena Barcucci, Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Maddalena Poneti, A distributive lattice structure on noncrossing partitions, “FPSAC 2005”, Taormina (CT), June 20-25, 2005.

6. Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Some order-theoretic properties of the Motzkin and Schröder families, “Permutation Patterns 2006”, Reykjavik (Iceland), June, 12-16, 2006.

7. Antonio Bernini, Mathilde Bouvel, Luca Ferrari, Some statistics on permutations avoiding generalized patterns, “GASCom 2006”, Dijon (France), September, 11-15, 2006.

8. Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Enumeration of some classes of words avoiding two generalized patterns of length 3, “Permutation Patterns 2007”, St. Andrews (Scotland), June, 11-15, 2007.

9. Luca Ferrari, Emanuele Munarini, The Euler characteristic of some lattices of paths, “Lattice path combinatorics and discrete distribution”, Johnson City, TN (USA), July, 12-14, 2007.

10. Silvia Bacchelli, Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Mixed succesion rules: the commutative case, “Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications”, Patras (Greece), July, 7-11, 2008.

11. Luca Ferrari, Some combinatorics related to central binomial coefficients: Grand-Dyck paths, coloured noncrossing partitions and pattern avoiding permutations, “CanaDAM 2009”, Montreal (Canada), May, 25-28, 2009.

12. Filippo Disanto, Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Simone Rinaldi, Combinatorial properties of Catalan pairs, “EuroComb 2009”, Bordeaux (France), September, 7-11, 2009, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 34 (2009) 429-433.

13. Mathilde Bouvel, Luca Ferrari, On the enumeration of d-minimal permutations, “Permutation Patterns 2011”, S. Luis Obispo, CA (USA), June, 20-24, 2011.

14. Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Einar Steingrimsson, The Möbius function of the consecutive pattern poset, “Permutation Patterns 2012”, Glasgow, Scotland (UK), June, 11-15, 2012.

  1. Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Renzo Pinzani, Julian West, Pattern-avoiding Dyck paths, “FPSAC 2013”, Paris (France), June 24-28, 2013, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings, AS (2013) 713-724.
  1. Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, On the Möbius function of the quasi-consecutive pattern poset, “GASCom 2014”, Bertinoro (FC), June 23-25, 2014 & “International Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics”, Grenoble (France), June 30 – July 4, 2014 & “Permutation Patterns 2014”, Johnson City, TN (USA), July 7-11, 2014.
  1. Axel Bacher, Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Benjamin Gunby, Renzo Pinzani, Einar Steingrimsson, Julian West, The Dyck pattern poset: an update, “Permutation Patterns 2015”, London, England (UK), June 15-19, 2015.
  1. Luca Ferrari, Schröder partitions and Schröder tableaux, “IWOCA 2015”, Verona, October 5-7, 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, to appear.

Edited special volumes

Mike D. Atkinson, Luca Ferrari (Eds.), Pure Mathematics and Applications – Algebra and Theoretical Computer Science, 21(2) (2010) (Permutation Patterns 2009, Firenze, Italy).

Jeffrey Liese, Luca Ferrari (Eds.), Pure Mathematics and Applications – Algebra and Theoretical Computer Science, 23(3) (2012) (Permutation Patterns 2011, S. Luis Obispo, CA, USA).


1. Luca Ferrari, Calcolo con gli operatori, master degree thesis, University of Parma, 1997.

2. Luca Ferrari, On the foundations of the ECO method, PhD thesis, University of Firenze, 2003.


Antonio Bernini, Luca Ferrari, Vincular pattern posets and the Möbius function of the quasi-consecutive pattern poset, submitted.

Luca Ferrari, Dyck algebras, interval temporal logics and posets of intervals, submitted.

Gianbattista Scarpi, Vittorio Di Federico, Giacomo Bizzarri, Luca Ferrari, Silvia Bacchelli, Considerazioni sul moto laminare vario all’interno di uno strato piano orizzontale nei fluidi non newtoniani.