Technology Committee for the College of Education

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, December 3, 2015COE-Deans Conference Room


Committee Members Present: Miechelle McKelvey-CDIS; Convener; Shelley Haberlan-Director of Technology-COE; Brian Wojcik-TE; Pat Hoehner-Ed AD; Bryce Abbey-KSS; Megan Adkins-KSS; and Sarah Bartling-Staff

Committee Members Absent: Phu Hoang Vu-TE; Doug Tillman-CSP;

  1. Approval of meeting minutes from November 3, 2015.
  2. Amendments to minutes and approval
  3. Change Bryce’s name on Approval of Minutes and on Action Items
  4. Agenda any additions and approval
  5. Bryce Moves to Accept
  6. Pat Seconds.
  7. Motion Carried.
  1. Update on SPSS
  2. Collaborations with UNL Procurement
  3. Shelley H reports that procurement team may look at changing date of renewal to over the summer.
  4. Investigate alternatives to SPSS.Statistica, developed by StatSoft ]
  5. Miechelle reported that maintaining SPSS licenses is becoming cost prohibitive and that the procurement team is looking to potentially explore alternatives.
  1. Budget up date
  2. Classroom updates
  3. University system-wide is going to standardization in university classrooms. Deb S. will no longer be providing funds from the UNK level. Tech fees budget (generated from student tech fees and go for hardware/software purchases that directly benefit students) will no longer be allowed to be carried over across fiscal years. Budget is capped at 50K for COE. Projectors for COE have already been purchased but the mounting systems have not yet been purchased. This also does not include the cost for facilities as well as maintenance for existing classrooms (e.g., projector bulbs).
  4. Suggestion for Chancellor – possibly create a central fund from which requests from colleges can be prioritized.
  1. Committee Aims
  2. Process Updates
  3. Online evaluation
  4. Waiting on approval of a guidance document.
  5. Technology problems Shelley Update TeamViewer
  6. Shelley H has purchased TeamViewer. This will be installed on all COE machines to allow COE Tech Staff to remotely access and assist end-users.
  7. Installation – send out a SignUpGenius that is based by building to allow faculty to sign up for a time to have software installed on computers.
  8. Need to contact Kathy Z regarding IRB data security. Miechelle will do this.
  1. Innovation
  2. Budget constraints
  3. Labs and classrooms are funded by Tech Fees only. This is the only source of revenue for technology.
  4. Supplemental funds may be provided from grants and program priority funds.
  5. Options
  6. Need to check on POE funds (this would be department specific)
  7. What are our funding priorities for the foundation?
  8. Could there be a line item in the Dean’s budget?
  1. Faculty Development/Resource
  2. What are the topics
  3. Basic technology troubleshooting tips for office computer and for classroom technologies
  4. Dropbox has guidance documents – one is specific for PCs, one is general troubleshooting, two are specific to Macs
  5. Committee members need to review these documents.
  6. See handouts Mac and PC give feedback
  7. See above notes.
  8. Create a centralized landing page on the COE website to house technology troubleshooting supports and technology processes.
  9. Shelley H will serve as the web page coordinator. Webpage will house a link to ITS Helpdesk, COE-specific technology guidance information, information on how to reserve a lab, and a section devoted to the activities of the COE Technology Committee. Brian W. will assist in the development.
  10. Training topics
  11. Did not discuss these during the meeting.
  12. Development of Webinars (ECHO 360)
  13. Did not discuss these during meeting.
  14. When?
  15. Modules?
  16. Incentives?
  1. Define Tech Committee for faculty
  2. Both will be housed on the COE Technology Page and link will be distributed to the faculty/staff
  3. Distribution of Survey
  4. Distribution of Aims

Action Items

  1. Email Kathy Z – check on implications of TeamViewer with IRB data security Miechelle.
  2. Review resource documents in Dropbox – (all members).
  3. Start COE Technology Support Page – can house link to ITS Helpdesk and resources available. At the same time, work to advocate for better centralized resources. Shelley H will serve as webmaster of the COE Technology Support Page and Brian W will help. There will be a section for the COE Tech Committee.
  4. Reiterate to departments that any SPSS work done on an academic license (in labs) may not be published as it puts the university at risk. Data analyzed on SPSS used in publications must be done under a research license.

Respectfully Submitted, Brian Wojcik.