1.  NAME

The name of the organisation is “The Magalies Meander”. For the purpose of this document the abbreviated name of the organization is TMM



2.1.1  TMM is a voluntary organization and shall continue to be a distinct and separate legal entity, with the power to acquire, to hold and to alienate property of every description whatsoever, and with the capacity to acquire rights and obligations and having perpetual succession.

2.1.2  All actions or suits, proceedings at law, or any arbitration shall be brought by or against TMM and the committee may authorise any person or persons to act on behalf of TMM and to sign all such documents and to take all such steps as may be necessary in connection with any such proceedings.


2.2.1  TMM is not formed and does not exist for the purpose of carrying on any business that has for its objective the acquisition of gain by TMM or its individual members

2.2.2  The income and assets of TMM shall be applied solely for investment and for the promotion of the objectives for which it is established.

2.2.3  No part of the income or assets of TMM shall be paid, directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, donation or otherwise to any person other than in payment of legitimate expense.

2.2.4  TMM shall not be entitled to carry on any trading or other profit making activities or participate in any business, profession or occupation carried on by any of its members or to provide to any of its members financial assistance or any premise or continuous services or facilities for the purpose of carrying on any business, profession or occupation.

2.2.5  TMM area shall be defined as the area covered by the current Magalies Meander map as issued annually.


“To mobilize collective attractions and resources of all tourism stakeholders within the Magalies Meander into synergistic tourism offerings and coordinated marketing strategies so as to achieve mutually beneficial goals.”


In striving to achieve its mission, the objectives of TMM are:

4.1  To promote and maintain amongst members of TMM the highest standards of effectiveness and integrity.

4.2  To establish, promote and represent the views of the organization

4.3  To make known to the appropriate authorities the problems and needs of TMM

4.4  To identify marketing opportunities for TMM and to assist members to pursue such opportunities.

4.5  To encourage the improvement of tourist facilities and upgrade the standards of service in TMM area, and to such end to liaise with, advise and impact upon organizations responsible therefore.

4.6  To create opportunities for members to network amongst themselves and within the area.

4.7  To render pro-actively specialist advice to organizations serving objectives conducive to those of TMM, and to extend the sphere of TMM’s influence.

4.8  To collect, evaluate, collate and disseminate facts, figures, data and information regarding TMM.

4.9  To monitor and influence all legislative issues, initiatives and matters concerning the area, as well as organizations and statutory bodies within the area.

4.10  To ensure that appropriate insurance cover is held by its members as may be required.

4.11  To facilitate the establishment and development of emerging entrepreneurs within the area in order to qualify for TMM membership. To promote opportunities for general communications within the area.

4.12  To establish, maintain and promote the credibility of TMM.


TMM shall:

5.1  Ensure that an Annual General Meeting is held annually during the month of April

5.2  Ensure that its members pay annual membership fees to TMM

5.3  Actively pursue its mission and objectives in the best interest of its members

5.4  Seek to be represented at all appropriate levels concerning the TMM

5.5  Ensure that its financial accounting is dealt with in a professional manner

5.6  Be accountable to its members, and

5.7  Perform all such other function as are assigned to it in terms of this constitution and by any general meeting not inconsistent with this constitution.



A member shall, unless specifically otherwise herein provided have a direct financial interest in, and subscribe to the objectives of TMM


Membership shall be applied for and if approved as a member it shall be placed in one of the following levels of membership:

6.2.1  Full member

6.2.2  Probationary Member – A party who has applied, and been accepted, for full membership, but is not yet able to obtain al the benefits of membership, and has therefore not yet been debited with the entrance fee.

6.2.3  Community service member – A member who is primarily concerned with providing a service to the community at large and who may be granted membership at a reduced rate or at no contribution at the discretion of the committee.


6.3.1  Membership of TMM in any of the classes of membership does not and shall not give any member of any class a right to any of the monies, property or assets of TMM, but only confers upon such members the privilege of membership subject to such charges and reasonable restrictions as the committee may from time to time impose and subject to the by-laws in force for the time being.

6.3.2  A member whose application for membership has been accepted shall be bound by the constitution, rules and by-laws of TMM, and of any branch or section thereof, which are then in force, or which subsequently may be altered or amended and in force at any future time. No person shall be absolved from the effect and application of the constitution, rules and by-laws by reason of the fact that he may not have received a copy thereof.

6.3.3  A member shall be allotted one (1) location insert on TMM brochure for each membership fee paid. Provided that the members subscriptions are kept current.


The liability of members of any class is limited to the amount of unpaid subscriptions or any other monies owing to them by TMM


Each member will be placed in one or more of the following categories of membership:

Accommodation -Hotels

-Conference Venues

-Country Houses

-Guest Lodges

-Guest Houses

-Game Lodges and Conservation


-Self Catering



Arts and crafts

Central reservations



Mind, body and soul




Tour operators

Wedding Venues

Any other category of organizations or businesses, which shall be approved by the committee.


The following qualifications apply to the admission to and holding of membership of TMM:

7.1  Any person who has attained the age of 18 years and any juristic person shall be eligible for membership of TMM provided that such person has a direct interest in TMM

7.2  The committee of TMM shall not be required to give reasons for the rejection of any application for membership.

7.3  All Accomodation and Hospitality Members need to be graded by at least one of the four recognized Grading / Quality Assurance programs available in SA


8.1  An application for membership of TMM shall be made on the prescribed form and shall be lodged, together with all required annexures, to the membership committee of TMM

8.2  Upon receipt of an application for membership, the same shall be submitted to the executive committee for evaluation and considerations.

8.3  The prescribed application form, duly completed, must be accompanied by:

8.3.1  Brochures and pamphlets introducing the services of the applicant to the public;

8.3.2  Payment of subscription and entrance fee where required;

8.4  By making application for membership, the member automatically agrees to:

8.4.1  The provisions of TMM code of conduct and constitution and will be regarded as having irrevocably agreed to adhere to the provisions thereof; and

8.4.2  Inspection from time to time by TMM representatives of the member’s premises, services and other facilities.


Members may resign their membership of TMM by giving written notice of their intention to do so to the executive committee of TMM.

Membership fees paid for the unexpired period of the membership year will not be refunded, while all outstanding fees remain payable.


Membership of TMM may be classed as an asset of the member and as such may be transferred upon change of ownership, provided that the committee may require the new owner to submit a new application form, which shall be evaluated on its merits and may be rejected by the committee.


11.1  Membership fees shall be as determined from time to time by TMM as it’s Annual General Meeting or at a General Meeting called for that purpose. The executive committee shall annually make proposals to the Annual General Meeting or at any time to such General Meeting as to the membership fees to be determined as aforesaid.

11.2  Membership fees shall be paid annually, no later than the last day of March. TMM shall charge interest at the maximum rate allowed under the usury act as updated from time to time on all overdue accounts.

11.3  A member shall not be entitled to a refund or credit of membership fees where the member has been expelled, its membership suspended or the member has otherwise been disciplined.

11.4  Entrance fees for full membership shall be such sums as the committee may from time to time determine and such fees shall be paid with the lodging of the application for membership and if not so paid, the application shall be invalid.


12.1  As soon as possible after the approval of an application for membership, the secretariat shall notify the member that its application was successful and shall issue the member with a Membership Certificate

12.2  The secretariat shall at all times keep a register, recording the names of members, organized in accordance with the appropriate levels and categories of membership.


The financial year of TMM shall commence on the first day of March of every year and shall terminate on the last day of February the following year.


14.1  Any member who has not paid his subscription within three (3) months of the due shall not be allowed to continue as a member while his subscription is unpaid, and any such person shall forthwith cease to be a member of TMM, without notice, and his name shall be erased from the register of members

14.2  If a member should –

14.2.1  Fail to continue holding any of the qualifications for membership; or

14.2.2  Be found guilty by TMM of conduct which prejudices or could prejudice TMM, or its interests,

The executive committee at its sole discretion may discipline such member by expulsion from TMM, suspension of its membership for such period and subject to such conditions as the executive committee may deem fit and/or otherwise discipline such member.

14.3  At least seven (7)-calendar days written notice of the executive committee meeting at which the expulsion or suspension of a member will be considered, shall be given to the member. Such notice must contain the date, time and venue of the meeting. The member concerned may attend the meeting for the duration of the investigation by the meeting of the circumstances surrounding the matter, in person and/or through a representative, in order to adduce, submit and/or examine evidence and to present argument.


15.1  Members shall meet in a Annual General Meeting to be held during the month of April, of which prior notice of not less than twenty one (21) clear days will be given to the members in writing.

15.2  The agenda of an Annual General Meeting and the financial statements that are to be considered at the meeting must be distributed to members at least twenty one (21) clear days before each Annual General Meeting.

15.3  The business to be transacted at each Annual General Meeting is:

15.3.1  To consider the Chairperson’s report;

15.3.2  To consider the Treasurer’s report;

15.3.3  To consider the Auditor’s report;

15.3.4  To consider the reports of various portfolios;

15.3.5  To appoint auditors for the ensuing year;

15.3.6  To elect an executive committee;

15.3.7  To consider amendments to the constitution;

15.3.8  To determine membership fees for the ensuing year; and

15.3.9  To conduct any other business which may be validly transacted at the meeting.


16.1  The affairs of TMM are managed by an executive committee, composed of ten (10) members which shall include the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, secretary, treasurer and six (6) additional members.

16.2  Nominations of candidates eligible for election as members of the Executive Committee shall be made in writing, duly signed by a member and seconded by another member, both in good standing, and submitted to the secretary by the seventh (7th) calendar day prior to the Annual General Meeting.

16.3  The members of the Executive Committee will elect the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Executive Committee from their own ranks at the first meeting of the Executive Committee following the Annual General Meeting.

16.4  The term of office of all members elected to the Executive Committee, including the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer will be the period of approximately twelve (12) months from the Annual General Meeting at which they were elected to office, to the first Annual General Meeting thereafter, however they (or anyone of them) may be re-elected at the latter Annual General Meeting, provided that the Chairman may not be re-elected to the office of Chairperson in terms of item 16.3 above at more than two (2) Annual General Meetings in succession, in order that he does not hold the office of Chairperson for more than three years in succession.

16.5  Should a vacancy occur among the ten (10) members on the Executive Committee, the Chairman may, with the approval of the Executive Committee, co-opt a Member to fill such vacancy.