We know many of you want to swim on your own some days. If you want a set to help you, here are several I have used over the years. Please modify to your needs and let one of us know if you need a specific thing to work on or a set designed for you as an individual. None of this is mandatory and is just here to help those who want extra practices. I hope it helps… Also, they are divided up based on stroke or IM.

Butterfly workouts2400 Yards
  • 400 easy
  • 16 X 25 sprint dolphin kick with fins on your back
  • 8 X 50 Fly (3 right arm, 3 left, 3 both)
  • 4 X 100 Free fly by 25s
  • 2X 200 free
  • 400 easy
/ Butterfly workouts 3000
  • 500 easy
  • 5 X 100 Free with dolphin kick (with fins optional)
  • 10 X 50 fly with 10 seconds rest.
  • 10 X 100 Fly sprint down easy back/back
  • 500 Easy
/ Butterfly workouts 2300
  • 400 easy
  • 10 X 50 Dolphin kick with board/fins…10 sec rest
  • 8 X 25 Fly sprint with 10 seconds rest
  • 8 X 100 fly…(25 fly 75 free/50 fly 50 free/75 fly 25 free/100 fly/…repeat)
  • 400 easy
/ Butterfly workouts2300
  • 400 easy
  • 10 X 25 sprint kick with board (fly/free)
  • 10 X 25 breast stroke pull with dolphin kick
  • 10 x 25 fly pull with free kick
  • 10 x 25 fly sprint (3 left/3 right/3both)
  • 10 x 25 underwater ½ pool sprint to end with fins
  • 10 x 25 dolphin kick on your back
  • 400 easy

Backstroke workouts 3200 yards
  • 200 free easy
  • 200 free kick with board
  • 200 back easy
  • 16 x 25 sprint alternating free/back by 25
  • 10 X 100 back with 10 seconds rest between
  • 4 X 200 IM (Drill)
  • 400 easy
/ Backstroke workouts 4K yards
  • 400 easy
  • 16 X 25 sprint free (breath 3, 5, 7, 9…by 25’s)
  • 8 X 50 Back stroke sprint
  • 4 X 100 IM
  • 4 X 200 back (50 back, 50 free, 50 back, 50 breast)
  • 4 X 100 IM
  • 8 X 50 back stroke
  • 16 X 25 Sprint back
  • 400 easy
/ Backstroke workouts 2700
  • 25 easy free kick
  • 50 easy back swim
  • 75 easy free kick
  • 100 easy back swim
  • 150 easy free kick
  • 175 back swim easy
  • 200 free kick easy
  • 500 free for time
  • 200 Free sprint
  • 175 back sprint kick
  • 150 Free sprint
  • 125 back sprint kick
  • 100 sprint free
  • 75 back sprint kick
  • 50 sprint free
  • 25 back sprint kick
  • 400 easy
/ Backstroke/choice stroke workouts 4200
  • 400 easy
  • 200 IM kick
  • 400 Free
  • 200 IM kick
  • 400 Back
  • 200 IM kick
  • 400 Breast
  • 16 X 25 sprint (stroke)
  • 8 X 50 back
  • 4 X 100 IM
  • 2 X 200 free sprint
  • 1 X 400 easy

Breaststroke workouts 3150-4k
400 easy
10 x 25 sprint free (no breathers)
10 X 50 breast with triple glide..
10 minutes of breast stroke turns
10 x 50 breast kick with free arms
10 x 50 breast pull with dolphin kick
10 x 50 breast kick with boards
10 x 50 breast stroke swim with 10 seconds rest
400 easy / Breaststroke workouts 2050
  • 400 easy
  • Breast stroke drills:
  • 5 x 25 right hand holding left leg
  • 5 X 25 Left hand holding right leg
  • 5 x 25 free kick with breast pull
  • 5 x 25 breast kick with fly pull
  • 5 x 25 fly kick with breast pull
  • 5 x 25 breast kick with arms behind back
  • 5 x 25 breast kick on back
  • 5 x breast 2 kick one pull
  • 5 x 25 repeat of triple glide
  • 5 x 25 full breast
  • 400 easy
/ Breaststroke workouts 2800
  • 1000 easy free
  • 16 x 25 breast sprint
  • 8 X 75 IM (F,B,BR)
  • 4 X 100 Breast kick
  • 400 easy
/ Breaststroke workouts 3100
  • 400 easy
  • 20 x 25 sprint free kick with breast pull
  • Take off fines: 20 x 25 breast kick on your back
  • 20 x 25 breast stroke with 10 seconds rest
  • 4 X 200 IM
  • 400 easy

Free work-outs 3200 yards
  • 400 easy
  • 16 x 25 sprint free
  • 8 X 50 Sprint free kick
  • 4 X 100 IM
  • 8 X 50 sprint free
  • 16 x 50 Sprint free kick with board
  • 400 easy
/ Free work-outs 2000
  • 400 easy
  • 4 X 100 kick/swim free
  • 8 x 50 Texas Turns (50 frees that start in the middle of the pool with 2 turns)
  • 16 x 25 (4 breath every 3, 4 every 5, 4 every 7, 4 no breathing)
  • 400 easy
/ Free work-outs 3200
  • 400 easy
  • 10 x 50 sprint kick/easy by 25s
  • 9 x 100 IM (25 of each/50 free 25 back 25 breast/75 free 25 fly…repeat 3 times)
  • 5 x 200 free (30 seconds rest)
  • 400 easy
/ Free work-outs 4500
  • 500 easy
  • 5 X 100 kick/swim by 50s
  • 6 x 500 (30-1:00 second rest between) Group 2: 400s with rest of 1:00-1:30, (group 3 300s with 2 minutes rest between).
  • 500 fins and paddles
  • 500 fins
  • 500 no fins/no paddles
  • Repeat all 2 times and modify for groups
  • 500 easy

Iron Man Practice
  • 400 Warm-Up
  • 20 minute swim with 10 pushups on one end and 10 crunches on the other
  • Wall pound kicks
  • Wall crunches
  • Wall dips.
  • 400 cool down.
/ IM Practice 4350 yards
  • 400 easy
  • 4 X 100 IM kick with board
  • 4 X 200 Reverse IM Drill
  • 16 X 25 sprint Free
  • 8 X 25 Sprint back
  • 4 X 25 Sprint Breast
  • 2 X 25 Sprint Fly
  • 8 X 100 IM Swim with 20 seconds rest
  • 4 X 200 IM (25 free, 75 back, 75 breast, 25 fly)
  • 400 easy
/ IM Practice 3350
  • 25 fly kick
  • 50 back kick
  • 75 breast kick
  • 100 free kick
  • 125 fly drill (3/3/3)
  • 150 back drill (catch-up or 2 arm)
  • 175 Breast drill (br. Pull/fly kick
  • 200 Free drill (catch-up drill)
  • 225 Fly kick
  • 250 Back kick
  • 275 Breast kick
  • 300 Free kick
  • 10 X 100 IM with 10 seconds rest
  • 400 free
/ IM Practice 4400
  • 400 easy
  • 16 x 25 sprit free
  • 16 X 25 choice stroke (no free)
  • 16 x 25 Free sprint kick
  • 16 x 25 choice stroke (no free)
  • 16 X 25 Sprint Free
  • 8 x 200 IM with 20 seconds rest.
  • 400 easy