Math - Kindergarten
Second Grading Period – Topic 6 (11days)CURRICULUM OVERVIEW
Enduring Understanding (Big Idea) / RationaleNumbers
As children learn about the world around them they will begin to make comparisons and relationships with numbers. Students will learn that expressions and measures can be compared and related to other numbers, expressions and measures in different ways. Students will use problem solving, reasoning, communicating, connecting and representing to do mathematics. / Children grow to understand many math concepts by applying their skills of counting, comparing sets, and recognizing one more to order numbers. Based on their understanding of equal sets, young children begin to compare sets to determine whether a set has more or fewer than a given set.
Essential Questions / Guiding Questions
- How can you use counters to show how many?
- How do you know which number is greater than another?
- How can you use 5 as a benchmark to compare numbers?
- How can you tell if a number is less than 10?
- How can you find a number that is 1 more or 1 fewer than another number?
- How can you find a number that is 2 more or 2 less than another number?
- How can I show “how many”?
- How do you use counters to solve a problem?
- How do I know what comes next?
- How can I put the numbers 1-10 in order?
Math TEKS / Guidelines Specificity - Intended Outcome
Concepts / K.1 Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student uses numbers to name quantities.
The student is expected to:
(A) use one-to-one correspondence and language such as more than, same number as, or two less than to describe relative
sizes of sets of concrete objects;
(B) use sets of concrete objects to represent quantities given in verbal or written form (through 20); and
(C) use numbers to describe how many objects are in a set (through 20) using verbal and symbolic descriptions.
K.2 Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student describes order of events or objects.
The student is expected to:
(A)use language such as before or after to describe relative position in a sequence of events or objects;
K.13 Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student applies Kindergarten mathematics to solve problems connected to everyday experiences and activities in and outside of school / ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
I can:
- K.1.A. tell which number is more and which number is less.
- K.1.B. use sets of objects and match one-to-one
- K.1.C. tell how many objects are in a set when I count them
- K.2.A. sequence the objects or events
- K.13.A use my math skills everyday
- K.13.B solve problems with guidance
- K.13.C. use different strategies to solveproblems
- K.13.D. use a variety of tools to solve problems
- K.14. A communicate my mathematical ideas
The student is expected to:
(A) identify mathematics in everyday situations;
(B) solve problems with guidance that incorporates the processes of understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness;
(C) select or develop an appropriate problem-solving strategy including drawing a picture, looking for a pattern, systematic guessing and checking, or acting it out in order to solve a problem; and
(D) use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems. / ELPS Specificity-Intended Outcome:
Students will be provided opportunities to:
c2C Identify words and phrases heard during math discussions
c3E discuss ways to problem solve and roles within the cooperative group
c4C recognize math vocabulary in English
c5B write math vocabulary in journal or while at the math center
K.14 Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student communicates about Kindergarten mathematics using informal language.
The student is expected to:
(A) communicate mathematical ideas using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology;
ELPS Language Objectives:
c2C Learn new language heard in classroom interactions and instruction
c3E share in cooperative groups
c4C Develop sight vocabulary and language structures
c5B Write new basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary
Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment)
- Given a set of objects, students will be able to compare sets of objects by using one-to-one correspondence to determine which number is more and which number is less, 80% of the time correctly.
- Using counting, students will be able to tell a number that is 1 more or 1 less than another number, 80% of the time correctly.
- Using counting, students will be able to tell a number that is 2 more or 2 less than another number, 80% of the time correctly.
- Given tools such as real objects and manipulatives , students will solve problems with guidance 80% of the time correctly.
Math - Kindergarten
Second Grading Period – Topic 6 (11 days)CURRICULUM GUIDE
Essential Prerequisites SkillsPrekindergarten:
- V.A.1 Child knows that objects, or parts of an object, can be counted
- V.A.3 Child counts 1-10 items, with one count per item.
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will … / So students can…
Begin each day with Daily Classroom Routines Resource 5b
Classroom Routines offer practice and review of key concepts. These daily activities are done in 10 minutes daily.
Week 1: Comparing Numbers
√Review Math Background For Teachers, pp 105E-105F of Topic Six Teachers Edition.
Use the Teaching Tip to review and reinforce concepts.
- Make copies of the Center Activities 6-1 through 6-9 (Plastic Pocket folder) on colored card stock and laminate.
- Introduce the vocabulary words greater and less.
- Read the Interactive Math Story Jake’s Garden and follow the Before, During and After
Day 1:
Step 1: Whole group instruction: Lesson 6-1
Problem of the Day- Make a transparency of pg. 28 of the Teacher Resource Master (Plastic Pocket folder) to teach the lesson. Lesson is taught as whole group instruction. Use the followingquestions to guide discussion:
- What are the children doing?
- What do you notice about their clothes?
- What are you asked to do?
- ¿Que están hacienda los niños?
- ¿Que notan acerca de su ropa?
- ¿Qué se les piden que hagan?
- Provide each student with pg. 107 of their consumable.
- Gather materials-counters and crayons
- Provide each student with pg. 108 of their consumable.
- Observe students to assess children’s understanding.
- Additional Activity can be used for small group or center activity
Step 4: Differentiated Instruction -
- Send students to centers. Using the informal assessment gathered from observing the students during the Interactive and Visual Learning lessons, call students of similar needs for small group instruction. Use the Intervention, On-Level or Advanced activities on page 108C to provide differentiated instruction to you students.
- Leveled Homework pg. 108c
Step 1: Whole group instruction: Lesson 6-2
Problem of the Day- Make a transparency of pg. 34 of the Teacher Resource Master to teach the lesson. Lesson is taught as whole group instruction. Use the followingquestions to guide discussion:
- What objects do you see?
- What are you asked to compare?
- What else do you need to find out?
- ¿Que objetos ven?
- ¿Que se les piden que comparen?
- ¿Qué mas deben de averiguar?
- Provide each student with pg. 109 of their consumable.
- Gather materials- (per child) counters, number cards 1-10(teaching tool 4), Five Frame
Step 3: Visual Learning: Lesson 6-2 pg. 6 of Topic Six Teacher’s Edition.
- Provide each student with pg. 110 of their consumable.
- Observe students to assess children’s understanding.
- Additional Activity can be used for small group or center activity.
Step 4: Differentiated Instruction -
- Send students to centers. Using the informal assessment gathered from observing the students during the Interactive and Visual Learning lessons, call students of similar needs for small group instruction. Use the Intervention, On-Level or Advanced activities on page 110C to provide differentiated instruction to you students.
- Leveled Homework
Step 1: Whole group instruction: Lesson 6-3
Problem of the Day- Make a transparency of pg. 40 of the Teacher Resource Master to teach the lesson. Lesson is taught as whole group instruction. Use the followingquestions to guide discussion:
- What do you see?
- What are you asked to compare?
- What else do you need to find out?
- ¿Qué ven?
- ¿Que se les piden que comparen?
- ¿Qué mas deben de hallen?
- Provide each student with pg. 111 of their consumable.
- Gather materials- Counters (Teaching Tool 54), Ten Frame (teaching Tool 10).
- Provide each student with pg. 8 of their consumable.
- Observe students to assess children’s understanding.
- Additional Activity can be used for small group or center activity.
Step 4: Differentiated Instruction -
- Send students to centers. Using the informal assessment gathered from observing the students during the Interactive and Visual Learning lessons, call students of similar needs for small group instruction. Use the Intervention, On-Level or Advanced activities on page 112C to provide differentiated instruction to you students.
- Leveled Homework
Step 1: Whole group instruction: Lesson 6-4
Problem of the Day- Make a transparency of pg. 46 of the Teacher Resource Master to teach the lesson. Lesson is taught as whole group instruction. Use the followingquestions to guide discussion:
- Who do you see?
- What are they carrying?
- What are you asked to do first?
- What are you asked to find out?
- ¿Qué ven?
- ¿Qué llevan?
- ¿Que se les pide que hagan primero?
- ¿Qué se les pide que averigüen?
- Provide each student with pg. 113 of their consumable.
- Gather materials- Counters or Teaching Tool 54, Ten Frame (Teaching Tool 10).
- Provide each student with pg. 114 of their consumable.
- Observe students to assess children’s understanding.
- Additional Activity can be used for small group or center activity.
Step 4: Differentiated Instruction -
- Send students to centers. Using the informal assessment gathered from observing the students during the Interactive and Visual Learning lessons, call students of similar needs for small group instruction. Use the Intervention, On-Level or Advanced activities on page 114C to provide differentiated instruction to you students.
- Leveled Homework
Step 1: Whole group instruction: Lesson 6-5
Problem of the Day- Make a transparency of pg. 52 of the Teacher Resource Master to teach the lesson. Lesson is taught as whole group instruction. Use the followingquestions to guide discussion:
- Who do you see on the plates?
- What do you know about the number of pretzels?
- What are you asked to find out?
- ¿Qué ven en los platos?
- ¿Qué saben acerca del número de pretzels?
- ¿Qué se les pide que averigüen?
- Provide each student with pg. 115 of their consumable.
- Gather materials- Counters or Teaching Tool 54, Number Cards 0-10 Teaching Tool 4),
Step 3: Visual Learning: Lesson 6-5 pg. 116 of Topic Six Teacher’s Edition.
- Provide each student with pg. 116 of their consumable.
- Observe students to assess children’s understanding.
- Additional Activity can be used for small group or center activity.
Small Group Instruction:
Step 4: Differentiated Instruction -
- Send students to centers. Using the informal assessment gathered from observing the students during the Interactive and Visual Learning lessons, call students of similar needs for small group instruction. Use the Intervention, On-Level or Advanced activities on page 116C to provide differentiated instruction to you students.
- Leveled Homework
Step 1: Whole group instruction: Lesson 6-6
Problem of the Day- Make a transparency of pg. 58 of the Teacher Resource Master to teach the lesson. Lesson is taught as whole group instruction. Use the followingquestions to guide discussion:
- What objects do you see?
- How many cube trains are there
- Are they all the same length?
- What are you asked to do?
- What are you asked to find out?
- ¿Qué objetos ven?
- ¿Cuántos trenes de cubos hay?
- ¿Tienen todos la misma longitud?
- ¿Qué se les pide que hagan?
- ¿Qué se les pide que hallan?
- Provide each student with pg. 117 of their consumable.
- Gather materials- Counters or Teaching Tool 54, Ten-Frame (Teaching Tool 10).
- Provide each student with pg. 118 of their consumable.
- Observe students to assess children’s understanding.
- Additional Activity can be used for small group or center activity.
Step 4: Differentiated Instruction -
- Send students to centers. Using the informal assessment gathered from observing the students during the Interactive and Visual Learning lessons, call students of similar needs for small group instruction. Use the Intervention, On-Level or Advanced activities on page 118C to provide differentiated instruction to you students.
- Leveled Homework
Step 1: Whole group instruction: Lesson 6-7
Problem of the Day- Make a transparency of pg. 64 of the Teacher Resource Master to teach the lesson. Lesson is taught as whole group instruction. Use the followingquestions to guide discussion:
- Look at the top row. What do you see?
- What are you asked to do?
- What are we going to draw in the box?
- What are we write on the line?
- Miren la fila de arriba. ¿Qué ven?
- ¿Qué se les pide que hagan?
- ¿Qué dibujáramos en la caja?
- ¿Qué escribiremos en la línea?
- Provide each student with pg. 119 of their consumable.
- Gather materials- Counters or Teaching Tool 54, Ten-Frame (Teaching Tool 10).
- Provide each student with pg. 119 of their consumable.
- Observe students to assess children’s understanding.
- Additional Activity can be used for small group or center activity.
Small Group Instruction:
Step 4: Differentiated Instruction -
- Send students to centers. Using the informal assessment gathered from observing the students during the Interactive and Visual Learning lessons, call students of similar needs for small group instruction. Use the Intervention, On-Level or Advanced activities on page 120C to provide differentiated instruction to you students.
- Leveled Homework
Step 1: Whole group instruction: Lesson 6-8
Problem of the Day- Make a transparency of pg. 70 of the Teacher Resource Master to teach the lesson. Lesson is taught as whole group instruction. Use the followingquestions to guide discussion:
- What do you see swimming in the aquarium?
- What different kinds of fish are there?
- Are the fish all the same size?
- What are we asked to tell about the black fish?
- What are you asked to compare?
- What else are you asked to find?
- ¿Qué ven nadando en el acuario?
- ¿Qué clases diferentes de peces hay?
- ¿Todos los peces son del mismo tamaño?
- ¿Qué se les pide que digan de los peces negros?
- ¿Qué se les pide que comparen?
- ¿Qué más se les pide que hallen?
- Provide each student with pg. 121 of their consumable.
- Gather materials- Number Cards 0-10 (Teaching Tool 4), Glue, Blunt-tipped scissors.
- Provide each student with pg. 122 of their consumable.
- Observe students to assess children’s understanding.
- Additional Activity can be used for small group or center activity.
Small Group Instruction:
Step 4: Differentiated Instruction -
- Send students to centers. Using the informal assessment gathered from observing the students during the Interactive and Visual Learning lessons, call students of similar needs for small group instruction. Use the Intervention, On-Level or Advanced activities on page 122C to provide differentiated instruction to you students.
Step 1: Whole group instruction: Lesson 6-9
Problem of the Day- Make a transparency of pg. 76 of the Teacher Resource Master to teach the lesson. Lesson is taught as whole group instruction. Use the followingquestions to guide discussion:
- What numbers do you see?
- What animals do you see?
- Are the fish all the same size?
- What are you asked to find?
- What do you know about the numbers?
- ¿Qué números ven?
- ¿Qué animales ven?
- ¿Qué más se les pide que hallen?
- ¿Qué saben acerca de los números?
- Provide each student with pg. 123 of their consumable.
- Gather materials- Counters or Teaching Tool 54.
- Provide each student with pg. 124 of their consumable.
- Observe students to assess children’s understanding.
- Additional Activity can be used for small group or center activity.
Small Group Instruction:
Step 4: Differentiated Instruction -
- Send students to centers. Using the informal assessment gathered from observing the students during the Interactive and Visual Learning lessons, call students of similar needs for small group instruction. Use the Intervention, On-Level or Advanced activities on page 124C to provide differentiated instruction to you students.
- Use these days as re-teaching opportunities for those students who were challenged by the content of this topic. Have the students work in centers and provide small group instruction for those students who need extra time or intervention. Use the differentiated activities from Topic 6 Comparing Numbers, lessons 6.1-6.9, as well as activities from Meeting Individual Needs on page 105G-H to provide small group instruction.