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General Membership Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 – 7:30 a.m.
Moorestown Community House
Attendance (36):
Randy Abidin,; Ben Axztalos, Liberty Mutual Insurance; Ryan Bansky, Ryan Bansky Expert Tree Service; Justin Borstad, Laurel Lanes; Mary Beth Caracci, South Jersey Driving School; Candace Coleman, MoorArts; Adrienne Cooper, MT Publishing; Mark Craven, PFCU; Lisa Hammell, Noonmark Antiques; Jason Ignaczewski, ION America; Rob Kazmierski, Robert Kazmierski Orthodontics; Brad Kenney, Moorestown Community House; Amy Leis, Financial Advisor; Jerry Logue, Jerry’s Cruise and Leisure Travel; Andrew Mackerer, Mackerer Law Offices LLC; Donald McAllister, McAllister...The Service Company; Charles McCullough, Charles A. McCullough CPA LLC; Joe Molinaro, Trading Support Group; Mark Morgan, Moorestown Theater Company; Holly Myers, Abundant Health and Joy; Mark Natale, TechStarters; Karen Otto, Otto’s Landscaping and Lighting; Steven Pazienza, CarePatrol; Kai Pfister, Black Cipher Security; Donald Powell, Powell Energy and Solar; Bob Price, Good Impressions; Brandon Pugh, ACT; Matthew Reischer, Aidido; Sarah Rouse, State Farm Insurance; Joel Scholtz, Cruise Planners; Tom Sheckels, Sheckels Creations Photography; Wolf Skacel, enviroCOP; Barbara Skacel, enviroCOP; David Suleski, Tech Starters; Justin Syp, Horizon Connect; Anthony Tran, Tech Starters.
Call to Order: President Don Powell called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.
Membership Report:
Don Powell reported 284 paid renewals have been received to date, and 67 former members have not yet renewed.
Minutes: A motion was made by Randy Abidin and seconded by Joe Molinaro to approve the minutes from the March 18, 2015 General Membership Meeting. The motion carried and the minutes were approved as presented.
Meeting Sponsor: Tech Starters representatives Mark Natale, David Suleski, Jeremy Link, and Anthony Tran gave a presentation entitled “Get Social or Die” about social media marketing and the services provided by Tech Starters.
Guest Speaker: Kai Pfiester from Black Cipher Security was the guest speaker. Mr. Pfiester gave a presentation entitled “Why Cyber Security Matters for Your Business.”
Membership Update: Don Powell reported that the MBA currently has 284 paid renewals, and 67 former members who have not yet renewed.
Directory Update: Bob Price, whose company is printing this year’s directory, reported that the publication is in production and will be circulated within approximately 10 days.
· Don Powell reviewed dates for upcoming MBA meetings and events. Specifically announced:
o The first MBA Merchant Reception will be held on Tuesday, April 21 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Moorestown Community House. Event co-chair Amy Leis reported that the reception had been publicized via handout fliers. She encouraged everyone to attend and bring productive ideas about how the MBA can better serve town businesses. A suggestion was made for further encouragement of non-MBA members to attend.
o The next MBA board meeting will be Weds., May 6 at the First Baptist Church from 11:30-1:00, and is open to all MBA members.
o Social Committee Chair Mary Beth Caracci announced the next MBA Happy Hour will be Thursday, May 7 at 5:30 at Laurel Lanes/Brewster’s Pub/Tony Luke’s on Rt. 73.
o Moorestown Day will take place Saturday, June 6; members were reminded to submit applications for booths if they haven’t done so already. Don Powell announced that for future events, beginning with Autumn in Moorestown 2015, participants will be able to access an online registration system designed by MBA member Randy Abidin.
Old Business:
· Holly Myers reminded attendees that Mayor Victoria Napolitano has proposed 2015 as “A Year of Kindness” for Moorestown, and Ms. Myers is researching ways for the MBA to participate in this initiative. She encouraged members to participate in a brainstorming conference call on Sunday, April 19 at 8 p.m.
· There was a short discussion regarding the move of the recent MBA Easter Egg Hunt to a different venue, with some negative reactions to the change of venue noted.
Next Meeting: The next MBA General Membership Meeting is a lunch event scheduled for May 20, 2015, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Moorestown Community House.
Adjournment: President Don Powell adjourned the meeting at 9:10 a.m.
Submitted by: Candace Coleman, Secretary