6th Grade Math
Teacher: Mrs. Laura DeBacker
Room: 209
Phone: 706.654.2775
Welcome to middle school math! I am really looking forward to an awesome and fun year of mathematics, and I hear that I have an exceptionally talented group of mathematicians this year. In the following paragraphs you will find the expectations for 6th grade math as well as the topics of study for this year. You will need to keep this for future reference, or refer to my web site (see below) for an additional copy. (All important documents that I give to students will be posted on this website.)
Classroom Expectations
In order for our math class to run smoothly I simply ask that all students conduct themselves in a manner that will support a positive learning environment. In order to achieve this I closely follow the WJMS discipline plan that is presented in detail in your child’s agenda. Put simply, I expect students to be respectful, responsible, resourceful, and ready.
Materials Needed For Class Everyday
- Notebook Paper
- Math Notebook
- Connected Mathematics Additional Practice and Skills Workbook
- Homework when assigned
- Agenda
Because practice is so critical to one’s success in mathematics, your child will have some form of homework every evening with the exception of Friday evenings. The majority of your child’s math homework will come in the form of a weekly Math Maintenance sheet or their Math Workbook.
Homework assignments are posted on the board at the beginning of every class period. Students will be provided with ample time to record these assignments in their agenda; however, it is your child’s responsibility to record this information daily. Assignments will also be posted on the calendar on the team website ( Students should not rely exclusively on the internet to find out their homework assignments in math, because there will be times when servers will be down or when I will change an assignment that I posted in advance. This resource is mainly for students looking for makeup work when absent (only homework, not in-class work will be posted on the web) and for parents.
In the event of an absence, students should refer to my website. Students should also refer to the “Math While You Were Out” folder in the classroom. If a student is absent more than two consecutive days from class, I encourage parents to contact WJMS’s office or email me and request to pick up missed work.
WJMS Mathematics uses Connected Mathematics textbooks. Your student will use a different Connected Mathematics textbook for each unit; however the students will not be issued a textbook. We will only use a class set. A lost textbook costs approximately $10 to replace, so textbooks should not be taken out of the room without permission. The Connected Mathematics textbooks are essentially a book of problems, and do not include a great deal of instructions on how to complete problems. Because of this, it is essential for your child to keep thorough notes (a skill that we will work on at the beginning of the year).
Your student will be issued a Connected Mathematics Additional Practice and Skills Workbook at the beginning of the year. This workbook will be used in class for extra practice, and can be used at home any time your child needs some additional practice with any math skill. Each student should keep their workbook inside their notebook and bring it to class each day.
6th Grade Math Curriculum
The following is a list of the units of study for 6th grade mathematics.
- Prime Time
Students will apply factors and multiples to various problem-solving situations.
- Bits & Pieces I
Students will learn to use fractions, decimals, and percents interchangeably.
- Bits & Pieces II
Students will learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers.
- Bits & Pieces III
Student will learn to apply fractions, decimals, and percents in problem solving situations.
- Comparing & Scaling
Students will learn to work with ratios and proportions and apply this knowledge in various problem-solving situations.
- Equations
Students will learn to evaluate algebraic expressions as well as solve single step equations.
- How Likely Is It?
Students will learn the difference between theoretical and experimental probability. Students will also learn how to calculate the theoretical probability of specific events occurring.
- Data About Us
Students will learn how to analyze data, as well as organize data into many types of graphs and tables.
- Measurement
Students will learn to measure accurately to the nearest 16th of an inch. Students will also work with the metric system, and convert measurements within the metric and customary systems.
- Covering & Surrounding
Students will find the area and perimeter of many two-dimensional shapes.
- Filling & Wrapping
Students will learn to find the volume and surface area of many three-dimensional solids, and apply this ability to real world situations.
Students will learn to identify and use line and rotational symmetry.
-Scale Factor
Students will use ratio, proportions, and scale factor to demonstrate geometric relationships .
-Compare and Contrast 3-Dimensional Objects
Students will compare prisms, cylinders, pyramids, and cones
-Communication and Problem-Solving
Students will use mathematical knowledge and vocabulary to demonstrate mathematical problem solving. These skills will be assessed throughout.
Grades will be given for Unit Tests, Performance Tasks, Quizzes, and Class Work. WJMS uses the Standards Based Grading System, which means that your child will receive a grade for each standard listed on the report card. The grading scale is as follows:
Mark / NA =Not Applicable / DNM =
Does Not Meet / M- =
Meets Minimally or Inconsistently / M = Meets / E = Exceeds
/ Standard is not yet addressed in learning or student has not had opportunity to provide sufficient evidence of learning. / Student is not meeting the standard for the current term. / Student demonstrates understanding of the standard minimally or inconsistently. / Student demonstrates understanding of the standard by showing clear thought processes through the demands of the task independently. / Student applies the learning related to the standard independently and correctly; demonstrates evidence of higher level thinking.Criteria / Does not meet standard based on rubrics
Less than 70% accuracy on common assessments / Scores at MEETS level on rubrics
70% to 79% accuracy by standard on common assessment(s) / Scores at MEETS level on rubrics
80% to 100% accuracy by standard on common assessment(s) / Score at EXCEEDS level on rubrics
90% TO 100% accuracy by standard on common assessment(s)
Secrets To Passing 6th Grade Math
This is what you have been waiting for…
1)Take thorough Skills Notes in class. Because our math textbooks do not contain a great deal of instructions on how to perform basic skills, your child’s Skill Notes will serve as those instructions.
2)Complete all practice work. “Practice makes perfect” is very true in math. Just as in sports the better you perform during practice, the better you will perform during the game (or in our case unit tests, etc.)
3)Complete each unit’s study guide. At the beginning of each unit I give the students a complete study guide that will contain practice for every skill needed to perform well on that unit’s test. The students will need to complete this study guide on their own time. If your child can accurately perform every skill on the study guide, they can be certain that they will do well on that unit’s test.
4)MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL…..If you do not understand something ask me to clarify. None of my students have ever gotten in trouble for telling me that they do not understand something, but students have performed poorly on unit tests because they have failed to let me know that they need extra help.
Student name: ______
Parent/guardian name(s): ______
Parent e-mail address(es): ______
Parent phone number(s): ______
WJMS Expectations
- Show respect and considerations for others
- Arrive to class on time
- Be prepares for class
- Be attentive to the task at hand until dismissed by the teacher
- Demonstrate care and consideration for school property and the property of others
WJMS Discipline Procedures
- Verbal Warning
- Teacher/team conference
- Face the team
- School detention/verbal parent contact
- Parent conference
6. Office Referral
______(please check) I have read and discussed the Math syllabus and classroom expectations for this class with my parents/guardians and will do my very best to fulfill those expectations.
______Student Signature
______(please check) I have read and discussed the Math syllabus and classroom expectations for this class with my student and will work to support my student to fulfill those expectations.
______Parent/Guardian Signature
______Parent/Guardian Signature