NSF Documents - Unformatted Document

"RE: Request for advice"

File Reference: / AWL/015
File Title: / Allergies - Next Steps
Filed by: / /POLICY/DOH/GB on 24/11/2009 at 11:01
Created by: / "@osha.nhs.uk> on 18/03/2008 at 16:26
18/03/2008 16:26 / To / /POLICY/DOH/GB@DOH
Subject / RE: Request for advice

I've just spoken with, Director of National SpecialisedCommissioning Group and it would seem that he might be your best nextstep. I would suggest you set up a meeting with him to discuss. Docall for further information.

Best wishes

Acting Director


The Office of the SHAs, Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QT

Direct Line: Mobile:


-----Original Message-----

From: @dh.gsi.gov.uk [mailto:@dh.gsi.gov.uk]

Sent: Monday 10 March 200813:56


Subject: Request for advice


As you may be aware, a House of Lords Science and Health Select

Committeeinto allergy recently recommended that: 'DH should establish a lead SHA,prefereably not in the South East of England, which would work withPrimaryCare Trusts to develop the first allergy centre'.

In response, the Government acknowledged that the establishment of a

LeadSHA merited 'careful consideration, in that it might provide a mechanismfor increasing co-ordination and co-operation. We shall explore thefeasibility of this approach with interested parties, including SHAs andspecialised commissioning groups.'

I have been appointed to take forward this work and would be grateful

Forany views you might have regarding this work. Also, has the OSHA issuedanyguidance regarding the process for establishing lead SHAs? If not, doyouhave any advice that you could offer. Are there any links that we couldmake through you to explore the feasibility of this approach with SHAs?

I would be grateful for the opportunity to speak to you in more detail

regarding this work, either in person or over the phone.

Thank you for the conversation earlier. The email below explains the

request. I have flagged this up to and, who are the twoworking with Bruce Keogh on the Clinical Executive Group, but in themeantime your expertise and input would be welcome.

NSF Documents - Unformatted Document

"Establishment of a lead SHA for allergy services - deadline 30 June"

File Reference: / AWL/015
File Title: / Allergies - Next Steps
Filed by: / /POLICY/DOH/GB on 24/11/2009 at 11:02
Created by: / /POLICY/DOH/GB on 07/05/2008 at 12:10
Bruce Keogh/OIS/DOH
07/05/2008 12:10 / To / , , , , , , , , ,
Subject / Establishment of a lead SHA for allergy services - deadline 30 June

Dear Chief Executive,

Please find attached a letter seeking calls of declarations of interest in the establishment of a lead SHA for allergy services.

I should be grateful if you could respond by the close of 30th June.

Private Office of Professor Sir Bruce Keogh

NHS Medical Director

Richmond House

79 Whitehall

London SW1A 2NS

Telephone: Letter:

7 May 2008
By e-mail.
(Hard copy to follow.)
Dear Chief Executive

Re: Establishment of a lead SHA to champion allergy services – call for declarations of interest

I am writing to all SHA Chief Executives to invite declarations of interest in being identified as the lead SHA for allergy and for setting up a pilot allergy centre.

In September last year the Report of the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into Allergies included the recommendation that we should establish a lead Strategic Health Authority, preferably not in the South of England, which would work with its Primary Care Trusts to develop the first allergy centre.

A full cost analysis should be integral to this to assess the efficacy of diagnosing and managing allergy using the “hub and spokes” model. The lessons learnt from the pilot allergy centre should then be used to inform the development of further allergy centres in other regions.

In the Government Response we said that we would consider this recommendation carefully as a mechanism for increasing co-ordination and co-operation. Since then officials have worked to explore the feasibility of this approach with interested parties.

We think the first step is for a nominated SHA and its PCTs to evaluate, in the light of local needs and priorities, whether the model suggested by the House of Lords report would be likely to be more beneficial to people suffering from allergies than other possible models for enhancing local services. We propose that a SHA be identified to champion allergy services and develop models of care that can help commissioners in all SHA regions to design services suited to the needs of their allergy patients.

I am writing to you to invite expressions of interest in taking on this role. The Department of Health is able to provide funding in the region of £60,000 in 2008/ 09 to support the Lead SHA in its work.

I would be grateful if you could contact, the Allergy Services Review Project Lead, within my Directorate by the 30th June 2008 to confirm if you would be interested in your SHA taking on this important role (contact details at the end of this letter. All declarations of interest will be evaluated to identify the best candidate, so please state why you would be suited to taking forward this work.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Professor Sir Bruce Keogh

NHS Medical Directo

Please respond to:
Allergy Services Review Project Lead
Wellington House
133-155 Waterloo Road
LondonSE1 8UG
email: @dh.gsi.gov.uk

NSF Documents - Unformatted Document

"FW: SHA Lead for Allergy Services"

File Reference: / AWL/015
File Title: / Allergies - Next Steps
Filed by: / /POLICY/DOH/GB on 24/11/2009 at 11:02
Created by: / " @nwsct.nhs.uk> on 16/06/2008 at 13:53
"" < @nwsct.nhs.uk>
16/06/2008 13:57 / To / < @dh.gsi.gov.uk>
Subject / FW: SHA Lead for Allergy Services
History: / This message has been replied to.


This is where I am up to. Not been an easy ride to get it to this point!


Senior Specialised Commissioning Manager

(Team Leader - Team 2)

North WestSpecialised Commissioning Team

Quayside, WilderspoolPark

Greenalls Avenue





Sent:16 June 200813:53



Subject: SHA Lead for Allergy Services


I am responding to your e-mail of 16 May 2008 in regard to the above issue.

You may recall that I had contacted you in regard to the letter by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh asking for a lead SHA to develop allergy services. You responded that the SHA was not in a position to resource this work but would support the North West Specialised Commissioning Team (NWSCT) as lead agency for the work, subject to PCT agreement.

The issue was discussed at the North West Specialised Commissioning Group on 16th May 2008, where PCTs agreed to the NWSCT acting as lead agency for this work on behalf of the SHA and North West PCTs. The North West PCT Chief Executives also considered this matter on 23rd May 2008. The NW PCT Chief Executives supported the application for the North Westto be the lead SHA for allergy services, although they stressed that such support did not represent a pre-commitment to providers to support the full implementation of the model of care being developed. The North West PCT Chief Executives highlighted that decisions to invest or not would be subject to prioritisation through the NWSCG. The North West PCT Chief Executives asked Manchester PCT, through their Director of Commissioning, , to work alongside the NWSCT in regard to the work on allergy services.

I hope that this is sufficient information for you to support your decision making within the SHA.


Senior Specialised Commissioning Manager

(Team Leader - Team 2)

North WestSpecialised Commissioning Team

Quayside, WilderspoolPark

Greenalls Avenue




NSF Documents - Unformatted Document

"Re: FW: SHA Lead for Allergy Services"

File Reference: / AWL/015
File Title: / Allergies - Next Steps
Filed by: / /POLICY/DOH/GB on 10/03/2010 at 08:10
Created by: / /POLICY/DOH/GB on 16/06/2008 at 15:05
Recipients: / "" (SendTo, CopyTo & BlindCopyTo if applicable)
16/06/2008 15:05 / To / "" <@nwsct.nhs.uk>
Subject / Re: FW: SHA Lead for Allergy ServicesA0474870040BBCA68025746A0046F6B5


Thanks for letting me know where you are. The deadline is the 30th June and so far you are the only person who has let me know that they are thinking of sending something in (although of course other people might be beavering away in the background). I don't think that we will be particularly strict about the deadline, so if you need a bit more time then let me know.

Kind regards

Department of Health

Wellington House

133 - 155 Waterloo Road

London SE1 8UG

Tel: 020 7


Sent:16 June 200813:53


Subject: SHA Lead for Allergy Services


I am responding to your e-mail of 16 May 2008 in regard to the above issue.

You may recall that I had contacted you in regard to the letter by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh asking for a lead SHA to develop allergy services. You responded that the SHA was not in a position to resource this work but would support the North West Specialised Commissioning Team (NWSCT) as lead agency for the work, subject to PCT agreement.

The issue was discussed at the North West Specialised Commissioning Group on 16th May 2008, where PCTs agreed to the NWSCT acting as lead agency for this work on behalf of the SHA and North West PCTs. The North West PCT Chief Executives also considered this matter on 23rd May 2008. The NW PCT Chief Executives supported the application for the North West to be the lead SHA for allergy services, although they stressed that such support did not represent a pre-commitment to providers to support the full implementation of the model of care being developed. The North West PCT Chief Executives highlighted that decisions to invest or not would be subject to prioritisation through the NWSCG. The North West PCT Chief Executives asked Manchester PCT, through their Director of Commissioning, Debbie Nixon, to work alongside the NWSCT in regard to the work on allergy services.

I hope that this is sufficient information for you to support your decision making within the SHA.


Senior Specialised Commissioning Manager

(Team Leader - Team 2)

North West Specialised Commissioning Team

Quayside, WilderspoolPark

Greenalls Avenue

Stockton Heath




Fax: Blackberry:

NSF Documents - Unformatted Document

"FW: SHA Lead for Allergy Services"

File Reference: / AWL/015
File Title: / Allergies - Next Steps
Filed by: / /POLICY/DOH/GB on 24/11/2009 at 11:02
Created by: / " @nwsct.nhs.uk> on 18/06/2008 at 16:48
"" < @nwsct.nhs.uk>
18/06/2008 16:51 / To / < @dh.gsi.gov.uk>
Subject / FW: SHA Lead for Allergy Services

FYI - let me know if you do not receive the 'real' one.

Senior Specialised Commissioning Manager

(Team Leader - Team 2)

North West Specialised Commissioning Team

Quayside, WilderspoolPark

Greenalls Avenue

Stockton Heath



-----Original Message-----

From: Sent: 18 June 2008 12:40



Subject: RE: SHA Lead for Allergy Services


Further to the attached e-mail, I have drafted a response to Professor

Sir Bruce Keogh as requested. This response is attached, as is the

original letter from Professor Sir Bruce. I have added a list of people

to whom I suggest that the letter should be copied at the end.

I hope this is OK.


Senior Specialised Commissioning Manager

(Team Leader - Team 2)

North West Specialised Commissioning Team

Quayside, WilderspoolPark

Greenalls Avenue

Stockton Heath



-----Original Message-----


Sent: 16 June 200821:14



Subject: Re: SHA Lead for Allergy Services


Thank you for the update. It looks as if the NW needs to volunteer to be the lead!

Would you kindly draft the letter and pass to for to sign pls?


- MFarrardraft18June08.doc - 080507 - Establishment of lead SHA for Allergy Services.doc

Date to be addded

Allergy Lead

Department of Health

Wellington House

133-135 Waterloo Road




Re:Establishment of a lead SHA to champion allergy services – call for

declarations of interest

I am writing in response to the letter from Professor Sir Bruce Keogh of 7th May 2008 inviting declarations of interest from Strategic Health Authorities to take a lead upon and set up a pilot allergy centre.

This invitation has been discussed with Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) through the North West Specialised Commissioning Group (NWSCG) on 16th May 2008 and the North West PCT Chief Executives meeting on 23rd May 2008. At these meetings PCTs agreed that NHS North West should declare an interest in leading this initiative. In supporting NHS North West in declaring an interest in leading this work, North West PCTs highlighted that the outcomes of the work in terms of service models and suggested provision would still be subject to the established mechanisms for the prioritisation of investment.

Given the positive outcome of these discussions, I wish to declare our interest in leading this work. Subject the acceptance of our expression of interest by the Department of Health, NHS North West and North West PCTs have agreed that the North West Specialised Commissioning Team (NWSCT)would actas the lead agency for this work on our behalf. The NWSCT would work alongside Manchester PCT, as lead PCT for this initiative, to ensure that the whole patient pathway was considered and all PCTs in the region we engaged in this work.

It is our view that we are best suited to taking forward this work as we already have strong working relationships between commissioners, clinicians and patients in regard to allergy services. Clinicians and commissioners from the North West have also been closely involved in the development of a number of reports from both Houses of Parliament and the Department of Health in recent years, which gives us an advantage in understanding the political significance of the proposed work and having in place the relationships with key players at a national level. The demography of the North West, with a large population that features large conurbations but also significant areas of rurality, areas of considerable deprivation but also of relative affluence and significant ethnic and cultural diversity, provides an ideal area to develop models of care that can help commissioners in all SHA regions to design services suited to the needs of their allergy patients. The NHS in the North West is also well advanced in respect of understanding the need for allergy services based upon demographic and epidemiological information and identifying how those needs are best met in terms of service models, specifications and standards. We feel that this work would allow us to explore and test further issues of access, equality, patient experience and patient outcomes. Finally, as indicated above, we have already given consideration to how we would wish to implement this initiative in terms of identifying a lead agency and PCT.

I hope that this is sufficient information to enable the Department of Health to make a decision in regard to the appointment of a lead SHA for this work. I look forward to hearing from you.

Your etc

Mike Farrar

cc.Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS Medical Director

Dr Ruth Hussey, NHS North West

David Peat, Chief Executive, East Lancashire PCT and Chair, North West PCT Chief Executives

Dr Leigh Griffin, Chief Executive, Sefton PCT and Chair, North West Specialised Commissioning Group

NSF Documents - Unformatted Document

"Establishment of a lead SHA to champion allergy services - declaration of interest"

File Reference: / AWL/015
File Title: / Allergies - Next Steps
Filed by: / /POLICY/DOH/GB on 24/11/2009 at 11:02
Created by: / " @northwest.nhs.uk> on 26/06/2008 at 18:09
"Farrar Mike" <>
Sent by: " @northwest.nhs.uk>
26/06/2008 18:13 / To / < @dh.gsi.gov.uk>
cc / <>, " @nwsct.nhs.uk>, @manchester.nhs.uk>
Subject / Establishment of a lead SHA to champion allergy services - declaration of interest
History: / This message has been replied to.

Enclosed please find a letter from Mike Farrar.


26 June 2008

Allergy Lead

Department of Health

Wellington House

133-135 Waterloo Road




Re: Establishment of a lead SHA to champion allergy services – call for

declarations of interest

I am writing in response to the letter from Professor Sir Bruce Keogh of 7th May 2008 inviting

declarations of interest from Strategic Health Authorities to take a lead upon and set up a pilot

allergy centre.

This invitation has been discussed with Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) through the North West

Specialised Commissioning Group (NWSCG) on 16th May 2008 and the North West PCT

Chief Executives meeting on 23rd May 2008. At these meetings PCTs agreed that NHS North

West should declare an interest in leading this initiative. In supporting NHS North West in

declaring an interest in leading this work, North West PCTs highlighted that the outcomes of

the work in terms of service models and suggested provision would still be subject to the

established mechanisms for the prioritisation of investment.

Given the positive outcome of these discussions, I wish to declare our interest in leading this

work. Subject the acceptance of our expression of interest by the Department of Health, NHS

North West and North West PCTs have agreed that the North West Specialised

Commissioning Team (NWSCT) would act as the lead agency for this work on our behalf.

The NWSCT would work alongside Manchester PCT, as lead PCT for this initiative, to ensure

that the whole patient pathway was considered and all PCTs in the region we engaged in this


It is our view that we are best suited to taking forward this work as we already have strong

working relationships between commissioners, clinicians and patients in regard to allergy