Kindly follow the steps provided below to install internal CA certificate (Microsoft Certificate Services ) into tomcat server.

Enable SSL port in ADAudit Plus:

  1. Start ADAudit Plus (Click on “Start”  All Programs  ADAudit Plus  Start ADAudit Plus)

(If running as service then, click on “Start”  Run and type ¡§services.msc”. Check for “ManageEngine

ADAudit Plus” service and start).

2. Click on “Admin”tab  Connection and enable ¡§Enable SSL Port [https]”, provide the port number (default

port is 8444) and save the setting.

Note: Check the port is free before changing.

  1. Stop ADAudit Plus (Click on “Start”  All Programs  ADAudit Plus  Stop ADAudit Plus).

Certificate request process:

1. Browse to “<installation dir.\jre\bin” folder using command prompt to create tomcat specific “.keystore”

and “.csr”file.

Execute the below provided query to create “.keystore”file.

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keypass <your key password> -keyalg RSA -validity 1000 -keystore


Note: After executing the above query, you will be prompted to enter keystore password. Try giving the

password same as your key password (Use plain character as password).

Note: You can either provide the machine name hosting ADAudit Plus application or FQDN under “What

is your first and last name?”.

2. Execute the below provided query to create “.csr”(Certificate Signing Request) file.

keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore < keystore_name >.keystore -file <csr_name>.csr

Request for certificate from Microsoft Certificate Services (internal CA):

1. Connect to Microsoft Certificate Services and click on “Request a certificate” link.

2. Click on “advanced certificate request” Submit a certificate request by using a base-64-encoded CMC or

PKCS #10 file, or submit a renewal request by using a base-64-encoded PKCS #7 file.

3. Copy the content of the “.csr”file and paste it under “Saved Request”, select “Web Server”as “Certificate

Template”and click on “Submit”button.

Note: Open the “.csr”file using an editor, copy the content and paste it under “Saved Request”.

4. The certificate will be issued and click on “Download certificate chain”link to download “PKCS #7

Certificates”types .

Note: Copy and paste the certificate file under “<installation dir.\jre\bin”folde

5. Click on the “Home”link on the top right hand side corner and click on “Download a CA certificate, chain

certificate or CRL”link to download the CA root certificate.

Click on “Download CA certificate”link and save the root certificate.

Note: Copy and paste the certificate file under “<installation dir.\jre\bin”folder.

6. Browse to “<installation dir.\jre\bin”location using command prompt to import the internal CA certificate

into “.keystore”file.

Execute the below provided query to import the certificate into “.keystore”file.

Keytool –import –trustcacerts –alias tomcat –file certnew.p7b –keystore <keystore_name >.keystore

7. Add your internal CA's root certificate to the list of trusted CAs in the Java cacerts file.

Execute the below provided query to add the root certificate into trusted CA list of Java file.

keytool -import -alias <internal CA_name> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -file certnew.cer

Note: Open the “certnew.cer”to get the internal CA name and provide the password as “changeit”when it is


Associating the Certificate with ADAudit Plus :

1. Copy the “.keystore” file from “<installation dir.>\jre\bin” folder to “<installation dir.>\conf” folder.

2. Take a back up copy of “server.xml”file as “server.xml_bak”and edit the file.

3. Replace the value of "keystoreFile" to "./conf/<keystore_name>.keystore" at the last Connector tag

(End of the page).

4. Replace the password for "keystorePass" to "password as given while creating keystore"

5. Save the server.xml file and start ADAudit