8th Annual International Conference on

Health Economics, Management and Policy

29-30 June 2009 & 1-2 July 2009, AthensGreece

Sponsored by

The Health Research Unit of the

Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER)

Conference Venue:St George Lycabettus Boutique Hotel, 2 Kleomenous Street, Lycabettus, Athens.

Organized by: ATINEP A.E. ()

Administration: Fani Balaska, Eirini Lentzou, Katerina Maraki, Sylia Sakka.

Organizing and Scientific Committee:

  1. Dr. JohnYfantopoulos, Head, Health Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, University of Athens, Greece
  2. Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER
  3. Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President of ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.
  4. Dr. Chris Sakellariou, Secretary, ATINER & Associate Professor, Nanyang University, Singapore.
  5. Dr. John Roufagalas,Head, Economics Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, Troy University, USA.
  6. Dr. Nilgun Sarp, Professor, Ankara University, Turkey.
  7. Dr. Andy Stergachis, Professor, University of Washington, USA
  8. Ms. Zoe Boutsioli, Ph.D. Student, University of Kent, U.K & Researcher, ATINER.
  9. Ms. Persefoni Kritikou, Ph.D. Student, University of Athens, Greece.
  10. Dr. Melina Dritsaki, Research Fellow, Brunel University, U.K.
  11. Dr. Jayoung Che, Research Professor, Institute for the Mediterranean Studies, PusanUniversity of Foreign Studies, Pusan, Republic of Korea (S. Korea).
  12. Dr. Daphne Halkias, Research Associate, Long Island University, USA.
  13. Dr. Stefanos Nastis, University of Wyoming, USA
  14. Dr. Maria Tsouroufli, Research Fellow, University of Cardiff, U.K.
  15. Dr. Khazamula Samson Milondzo, Senior Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa.
  16. Dr. Panagiota (Nota) Klentrou, Associate Professor, Brock University, Canada.
  17. Mr. Efstathios Polychronopoulos, Ph.D. Student, Old Dominion University, USA.
  18. Ms. Angeliki Polychronopoulou, Administrator, Greek Department of Health, Greece.
  19. Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, Instructor, Department of Tourism of the Technological Institute of Piraeus & Department of Commerce and Advertising of the Technological Institute of Lamia & Researcher, ATINER.
  20. Mr. Christos Frantzeskakis, Researcher, ATINER.

Conference Program

(The time for each session includes at least 10 minutes coffee break)

Monday, 29th of June 2009

08:30-09:00 Registration

09:00-09:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.
  • Dr. JohnYfantopoulos, Head, Health Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, University of Athens, Greece
  • Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.

09:30-11:30 Session I: Health Economics I

Chair: Pappas, N., Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.

  1. Angus, D., Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada & Hogg, W., Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada. The Cost of Integrating a Physical Activity Counselor in the Primary Health Care Team.
  2. Tseng, F.M., Ph.D. Student, The University of Nottingham, U.K. & Leon Gonzalez, R., Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan. Re-Examine the Absolute Income Hypothesis in Taiwan: Use Quasi-Experimental Methods.
  3. Azadi, M., Researcher, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran & Zare, H., Manager, SSRI, Iran. Cost and Quality Analysis of Prescribed Drugs in Medical Service Insurance Organization in Iran.
  4. Polychronopoulos, E., Ph.D. Student, Old Dominion University, USA & Polychronopoulou, A., Administrator, Greek Department of Health, Greece. A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Design for Diagnostic Strategies.

11:30-13:00 Session IΙ: Public Health I

Chair:Kefalaki, M., Researcher, ATINER.

  1. Pieroni, L., Associate Professor, University of Perugia, Italy, Lanari, D., Associate Professor, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy & Salmasi L., Associate Professor, University of Verona, Italy. Obesity and Εconomic Determinants: Evidence from Italy.
  2. Dritsaki, M., Researcher, Brunel University, UK & Morris, S., Reader, Brunel University, UK. The Impact of Self-Reported Mental Wellbeing on Obesity Using the British Household Panel Survey.
  3. *Rout, Himanshu Sekhar, Lecturer, Dr. SRK Government Arts College, YANAM, India. Gender and Household Health Expenditure in Orissa, India.


14:00-15:30 Session III: Health Care Management

Chair: Dritsaki, M., Researcher, Brunel University, UK

  1. *Waters, T., Associate Professor, Tennessee Health Science Center University, USA. Non Urgent Emergency Department Use: Are Things Ever Going to Change?
  2. Sorensen, C., Researcher, Leuphana University Luneburg, Germany & Weisenfeld, U., Professor, Leuphana University Luneburg, Germany. Patients’ and Physicians’ Perceptions of Medical Services in Germany: An Empirical Study.
  3. Talley, B., Associate Professor, Georgia Southern University, USA & Tabi, M., Associate Professor & Director of Program Outcomes, Georgia Southern University, USA. Internet Education of Health Care Personnel: Promises and Challenges.
  4. Magnezi, R., Lecturer, Ariel University Center, Israel. Control Systems model for Managing Medical Resources in Medical Organizations.
  5. Korn, L., Lecturer, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Israel. Nargila (Water-Pipe) Smoking among Israeli Adolescence: Health Management and Policies Changing.

15:30-17:00Session IV: Health Improvement and Health Status

Chair: *Waters, T., Associate Professor, Tennessee Health Science Center University, USA.

  1. Berchet, C., Ph. D. Student, UniversityDauphine, France. Social Capital Digration and Health Status: A French Data Analysis.
  2. Bussini, O., Professor, University of Perugia, Italy & Lanari, D., Fellow, Universityof LaSapienza, Italy. Does Nativity Affect Health Status? Health Disparities in Middle-Aged and Older Migrants in Europe.
  3. Zhao, J., Economist, Health Policy Research Division, Canada, Xue, L., Researcher, Citizenship and Immigration, Canada & Gilkinson, T., Researcher, Citizenship and Immigration, Canada. Health Status and Social Capital of Recent Immigrants in Canada.

17:00-18:30Session V: Health Policy I

Chair:Korn, L., Lecturer, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Israel.

  1. Caballer Tarazona, M., Researcher, University Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain, Vivas, D., Researcher, University Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain, Moya, I., Researcher, University Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain & Martinez, I., Researcher, University Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain. A Health Care Systems Comparation: The Case of Spain and Italy.
  2. Leleu, H., Medical Resident, Project Compaqh INSERM U750,
    France & Minvielle, E., Doctor, Compaqh, France. P4P in the French Context.
  3. Neri, S., Assistant Professor, University of Milan, Italy. The Evolution of Regional Health Services and the New Governance of the NHS in Italy.

21:00 – 22:30 Greek Night

Tuesday,30th of June 2009

08:00-10:00 Session VI: Health Economics II

Chair: *Dzator, J., Lecturer, University of Newcastle, UK.

  1. Warner, D., Professor, University of Texas, USA. Medical Tourists Retirees Abroad and Travelers Incentives and Barriers to Consuming Medical Care Abroad.
  2. Himani, Ph. D. Student, National University of Singapore, Singapore & Abeysinghe, T., Associate Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Hospitalization Expenditures and Financing by the Elderly in Singapore.
  3. Larsen, T., Chief Consultant, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark. Nevroeconomics and Health Economics.
  4. Kim, D.J., Ph.D. Student, ToulouseSchool of Economics, France. Price Cut Regulation in Pharmaceutical Industry and Policy Experiment.
  5. Leoni, P., Associate Professor, National University of Ireland at Maynooth, Ireland & Luchini, S., Researcher, CREQAM-CNRS, Ireland. Designing the Financial Tools to Promote Universal Access to AIDS Care.

10:00-11:30 Session VII: Health Insurance

Chair:Angus, D., Professor, University of Ottawa,

  1. Clavero, A., Professor, University of Malaga, Spain & Gonzalez, L., Lecturer, University of Malaga, Spain. The Health Care Utilisation and the Demand of Private Health Insurance: A Switching Regression Analysis.
  2. Karaca-Mandic, P., Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, USA, Abraham, J., Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, USA & Phelps, C., Professor, University of Rochester, USA. Health Insurance Loading Fees by Group Size. (Tuesday, June 30th, 2009)
  3. Ugurluoglu, E., Researcher, Ankara University, TurkeyYenimahalleli Yasar, G., Lecturer, Ankara University, Turkey. Can the General Health Insurance System in Turkey Achieve its Objective of Universal Coverage?
  4. *Dzator, J., Lecturer, University of Newcastle, Australia. Financing Health for Equity in a Challenged Economy: Policy Experimentation in Ghana’s Health Insurance Scheme.
  5. Zare, H., Manager, SSRI, Iran & Azadi, M., Researcher, ShahidBeheshtiUniversity, Iran. Equity in Utilization of Health and Social Services for Iranian Rural and Urban Households.

11:30-13:00 Session VIII: Health Policy II

Chair: Ugurluoglu, E., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey.

  1. Sohn, S., Assistant Professor, Erlangen Nuremberg University, Germany & Kaltenegger O., Research Assistant, Erlangen Nuremberg University, Germany. The Relationship between Personality and Health – A Meta-Analysis of the Available Evidence.
  2. Cunich, M., Lecturer & Researcher, The University of Sydney, Australia,
    Hayes, A., Researcher, The University of Sydney, Australia, Clarke, P.,
    Associate Professor, The University of Sydney, Australia, Salkeld, G.,
    Associate Professor and Head of the School, The University of Sydney,
    Australia & FitzGerald, E., Research Assistant, The University of Sydney,
    Australia. The Impact of the Introduction of National Breast and Cervical
    Cancer Screening Programs on Equity of Access to these Services in
  3. Milondzo, K.S., Senior Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa. School-Based in Service Training as Intervention Strategy for the Teacher Professional Development in the Eastern Free State of South Africa.
  4. Saarela, J., Adjunct Professor, Abo Akademi University, Finland & Finnas, F., Professor, Abo Akademy University, Finland. Ancestry and Mortality: An Illustration Based on Population Register Data.
  5. *de Hoop, T., PhD Candidate, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, van Kempen, L., Researcher, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands & Fort, R., Researcher, Grupo de Analisis para el Desarrollo, Peru. Do People Invest in Local Public Goods with Long-Term Benefits: Experimental Evidence From a ShantyTown in Peru?


14:00-15:30 Session IX: Health Care Market

Chair: Snelling, A., Associate Professor, American University, USA.

  1. Ross, S., Associate Professor, BridgewaterState College, USA. Developing an Effective Sales Force to Create an Organizational Competitive Advantage. (Tuesday, June 30th, 2009)
  2. Kapur, K., Senior Lecturer, University College Dublin and RAND, Ireland, Fairlie, R.W., Professor, University of California, USA & Gates, S., RAND, Senior Economist, USA. Is Employer-Based Health Insurance a Barrier to Entrepreneurship?
  3. Yenimahalleli Yasar, G., Lecturer, Ankara University, Turkey. Neoliberal Health Transformation Programme in Turkey: An Assessment and a Critique.
  4. Oflac, B., Ph.D. Student, IzmirUniversity of Economics, Turkey & Ada, E., A Network Approach for the Health Care Business as a Service Supply Chain.

15:30-17:00Session X: Public Health II

Chair: *Rout, Himanshu Sekhar, Lecturer, Dr. SRK Government Arts College, YANAM, India.

  1. *Snelling, A., Associate Professor, American University, USA. The Impact of Nutrient-Based Standards on the School Cafeteria Pre- and Post-Implementation of a Wellness Policy.
  2. Gage, H., Reader, University of Surrey, UK. Representation of Lifelong Health Implications of Breast Feeding in the Policy Documents of Five European Countries.
  3. Orten, T., Lecturer and Ph.D. Student, IzmirUniversity of Economics, Turkey. Understanding Nonsmokers for the Benefits of Smokers: Being, Becoming or Sustaining as o Nonsmoker.
  4. Moser, A., Ph.D. Student, University of Giessen, Germany, Chen, S., Assistant Professor, Purdue University, USA & Nayga, R., Professor, University of Arkansas, USA. Mothers Work, Time Spent with Children and How Children spend their Time.
  5. Kim, Y.S., Ph.D. Student, University of Maryland, USA. Anticipated and Unanticipated Rainfall and their Link to Fertility and Early Child Health.

17:00-18:30 Session ΧI: Hospitals

Chair: Gage, H., Reader, University of Surrey, UK.

  1. Ma, J., Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Public Health, China & Zhao, M., Postgraduate Student, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Public Health, China. Corporatization Reform for Public Hospitals in Suzhou: Lessons from China.
  2. Reyes, F., Lecturer, University of Santiago, Spain & Vivas, D., Lecturer, UPV. Valencia, Spain. Analysing Diffusion Patterns for Computerised Tomography (CT) Equipment in Public and PrivateHospitals in Galicia.
  3. Boutsioli, Z., Ph.D. Student, University of Kent, U.K. Forecasting Stochasting Demand for Inpatient Care: The Case of the Greek NHS.
  4. Georgakakis, D., Researcher, Hellenic Observatory of Corporate Governance (HOCG), Greece, Gkliatis, I., Ph.D. Student, Brunel University, U.K., Zoumbos, V., Researcher, Gnosis Management Consultants, Greece, Aggelidakis, K., Researcher, Gnosis Management Consultants, Greece, Agalioti, N., Researcher, Gnosis Management Consultants, Greece & Koufopoulos, D., Senior Lecturer, Brunel University, U.K. Governance, Boards and Performance in Greek Public Hospitals.

19:30–20:30 Dinner

Wednesday, 1st of July 2009

Tour around Athens: Departure at 07:50 Return at 13:00

Thursday, 2nd of July2009

CRUISE: Departure at 07:15 Return at 20:30