2018 Kitsap Harbor Festival Booth Application Instructions and Information

On the Louis Mentor Boardwalk

2ndStreet & Washington Avenue, Bremerton, WA98337

10th Annual FestivalSaturday, May 26th10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, May 27th10 a.m. to 5 p. m.

Welcome to the 2018 Kitsap Harbor Festival Application process! Please read entire application carefully.

Your booth shall not exceed the area paid for. This includes all storage space, support devices, weights, etc. used to stabilize your booth.

We are on a concrete boardwalk. All booths are 10’ deep and most are 10’ wide—a couple 10 X12 ($30 extra for craft, $55 for food, $90 for Commercial) but there is NO “wiggle room” as the booths are sandwiched between benches (which cannot be used for merchandise) or planters. There is NO storage area around your booth space. If you need more than the allotted space, please purchase an additional space.

If you want more room and if space is available at the time of your request, we can assign two spaces—just double the price.

Craft / Food / Commercial
Price for 10 X 10 booth space / 130.00 / $325.00 / $450.00

There are a limited number of corner booths. They are $30 extra.

There will be a $40.00 charge for each 2400-watt increment of electricity required (2400 watts of electricity=$40, 4800 watts=$80 etc.). NO CHARGE for power under 2400 watts.

The festival area is on a concrete boardwalk! There is power scattered throughout the boardwalk and that will determine where you are placed. There is NO POWER on the waterside going south toward the Bremerton/Seattle ferry.

There is paid parking under the hotel and conference center. Vehicles must be less than 6’ 8” in height. There are numerous other paid lots conveniently located in a one to three block area of the festival. For more information regarding parking, please see pagetwo.

Make sure you have done everything on the enclosed checklist. We will only process those applications that have submitted everything on the checklist page 5. Please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope and you will be notified of your booth acceptance.Send in the dollar amount for the booth requested. If we need to refund, or ask for more money, we will notify you. To do this, it is very important that we know how to reach you quickly. Be sure to give us e-mail and cell numbers if you have them.

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Do not returnthispageSee reverseside

Very Important: You MUST return (or fill out and fax) the electrical sheet indicating electrical requirements. If you don't we cannot assign you a booth space. Even if you do not require electricity, we must have the electrical form for review indicating whetheror not you need electricity. If you do not return electrical sheet with your application, it may mean you will miss out on the booth space requested as your application will have to be returned to the bottom of the requests awaiting yourreply.Be sure to put the “amps” of each electrical need.

Mail to KHF, 1425 Marlow Avenue, Bremerton, WA 98310, Phone (360) 633-5948 or

For more information on the festival the web site is: kitsapharborfestival.com.

2018 Kitsap Harbor Festival Guidelines

Reservations are secured by payment. Booths will not be held without payment. Checks will be accepted until May 4, 2017. After May 7th, only money orders, cash in the festival office, or cashier's check will be accepted. If you need to come to our office, call ahead to makearrangements so someone will be there to help you.

Refunds: All refunds will be subject to a $40.00 handling charge--no exceptions. THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS AFTER May 4th, 2017.

If accepted, you must have: (1) Ground cover or floor protection for all food vendors. (2) Health permits, even for restaurants, unless one has a catering license. Include hazard analysis of menu items with application to Kitsap Public Health Department, 345 6th St., Ste. 300, Bremerton, WA 98337, Phone (360) 337-5235 (3) Current Food Handlers Card; at least one person with a Food Handler's Card must be present at all times during the preparation and service of food at the booth. Health Department requires a minimum of ten (10) days to validate permits. On-line food class and temporary food vendors go to KHF vendors are accepted based on the following criteria:

1.Previous and favorable participation in Kitsap HarborFestival.

2.We limit duplication of foods and crafts, so acceptance is on a first-paid basis. Applications are dated when they arrive in the Festival Office, and only those with secured payment will be considered foracceptance.

3.All items will be reviewed for quality and safety. We reserve the right to deny some or all of the products which are duplicates or do not represent the festival's or community's family-orientedimage.

Please plan to set-up on Friday if at all possible

Set-up will begin on Friday, May 25that 10AM until 4 PM and Saturday, May 26that 7AM. TO 9 AM. ALL VEHICLES MUST BE OFF BOARDWALK BY 9 A.M. BOTH SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Hours of the festival are Saturday 10 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., and Sunday 10:00

A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Security will be provided Friday, and Saturday over night.

Mail completed application along with stamped, self-addressed envelope (to be used to confirm or deny acceptance), to Kitsap Harbor Festival, 1425 Marlow Avenue, Bremerton, WA 98310. Include the appropriate check or money order payable to Kitsap Harbor Festival.

Please carefully read the safety rules for both the Fire Department and the Kitsap Public Health Department. Booths will be checked before the festival opens and periodically throughout the festival. ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.

Retain this page for reference--Do Not Return

2018 Kitsap Harbor Festival will be May 26 & 27 Saturday & Sunday of Memorial Weekend.

Back of Page 1

2018 Booth Application

Kitsap Harbor Festival

May 26th& May 27th

Saturday, Sunday of Memorial Weekend

Important: Please read attached pages on electrical and fire codes. Signify your compliance with these requirements by initialinghere:

Name: BusinessName: MailingAddress: City: State: Zip:

Phone:Day() Fax()

Night() Cell()


Food & Skin Product Vendors must have insurance. List Insurance renewal date—Month andDay.

**Describe Craft items (include photo of booth if new vendor), or Food Menu in detail. (Use back or attach additional sheet). Youmay not sell anything not listed.

Please list items you are selling even if you are a returning vendor!

SITE CHOICE: Based on your electrical needs we will assign booth space accordingly. Will you have Propane? YES NO (Usage will determine site.)

Number of Booths Requested / Your Booth Size / Price / Office use only

PAYMENT: Please indicate amount enclosed: Check, Money Order or make arrangements ahead of time to pay cash in the Festival Office .

No Refunds, for any reason, after May 4, 2017 only cash or money order accepted after May 79h.

Insurance Info: Each vendor will obtain his or her own liability insurance in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 single limit liability for the two days of the Kitsap Harbor `Festival. A Certificate of Insurance furnished by your agent or company will nameKitsap Harbor Festival, City of Bremerton and Port of Bremerton as Additional Insured. Under some circumstances, a waiver maybe obtained from the KHF Committee. Please sign the waiver on the back of this page. This request will not be granted for booths serving food, drink or skin products. Your application will not be processed until the proof of insurance or waiver has been provided or granted. Kitsap Harbor Festival, Port of Bremerton or City of Bremerton will not be responsible for loss or damage to any property. Accordingly, each vendor shall take all necessary precautions to protect valuables.

Hold Harmless Release: The undersigned hereby assumes all risk of accident and expressly agrees that in consideration of participating for, Kitsap Harbor Festival, Port of Bremerton and City of Bremerton I, intending to be legally bound, do hereby for myself, executors and administrators waive, release and forever discharge any and all rights and claims for loss, damages or injury to my person or property arising out of my performance or failure of performance from Kitsap Harbor Festival, City of Bremerton and theownersofanyeventsites,anyotherparticipants,theiragents,representativessuccessorsandassigned.

PrintName:Date: Signature:

Kitsap Harbor Festival, 1425 Marlow Avenue, Bremerton, WA 98310 / Phone (360) 633-5948, Web site:

Complete and return both sides ofthispageOVER Page2

Please notify your insurance carrier that Kitsap Harbor Festival, Port of Bremerton andCity of Bremerton must be added as certificate holders on your insurance policy.

Please bring extra electrical cord of 100’ rated for your needed capacity and also waterhoses for food booths.

If you have a craft booth and electrical is approved by our committee and you needelectrical FOR ANYTHING (cash registers etc.) please bring a heavy duty 100 ft. extension cord withyou.

** Please describe your booth and all items you will be selling in full detail on this page even if you are a returning vendor! Food booths must give a detailed description of all the food on their menu. You may not sell anything you have not listed on this page. (Attach additional sheet if needed).

For those NOT selling (or giving away) FOOD or SKIN Products:

I am not selling (or giving away) food or skin products, therefore I request a waiver of insurance.

Name of person in chargeofboothDate

Back of page 2

2018 Kitsap Harbor Festival Check List

For your booth to be assigned by the selection committee, you must include in this application the following:

  1. Contact Name, Address and Phonenumbers.
  1. Food Booths (complete list of menu items.) Be sure to initial for Electrical, Fire & HealthCodes.
3.Craft Booths/commercial/political (please enclose photos of booth and items to be sold.) If you are a returning vendor & doing the same as last year, you may omit photo, but must submit a list of ALL items you are requesting to sell. Please sign the back of page 2 if you are requesting a waiver ofinsurance.
  1. Site Choice (first completed apps with payment, will be first assigned, 2011 vendors priority if rec’d byreq. date.)
  1. Payment, plus corner and electrical surcharge, ifapplicable.
  1. Electrical needs (list all electrical appliances & include amps and/or watts) or indicate not needed. Sign &return Fire Safety Checklist—keep copy for yourrecords.
  1. There is convenient parking under the Hampton Inn in the “red level” and other pay lots within walkingdistance.
  1. Insurance form listing Kitsap Harbor Festival, Port of Bremerton and City of Bremerton as alsoinsured.
9.Make a copy of the Fire Safety Checklist and return. Retain the KHF Festival CheckList.
  1. Keep the Kitsap Harbor Festival Application Instructions and Information for yourrecords.

In order to accommodate you, we must have a quick way to communicate with you. Please make sure we have e- mail, address, cell phone, business and home phone numbers, so that we can reach you if we have a question. It gets pretty hectic in our office and the sooner we can confirm with you the better for all concerned. Thank you!!

You have received:

1.First page Application Instructions and Information--front & back--do notreturn.

2.Back of page one--Festival Guidelines for your records do notreturn.

3.Second page Application Form—fill out both sides, sign waiver, if applicable andRETURN

4.Electrical Needs Form (RETURN indicating whether you need electricity or not--for what purpose &list amps &watts.

5.Check List--Fire Codes—Make Copy, Sign & Return Fire Safety Checklist & make sure you read, comply and initial the top of the application page before returning. Fire Marshall will be checking during set-up on Saturday morning! You must supply impervious protection under all cookingareas.

Contact us at Festival Office, 1425 Marlow Avenue, Bremerton, WA 98310 Phone (360) 633-5948, eb site:

PLEASE SEND: Application, electrical, complete list of items/food plus photo if a new vendor or previous vendorwith new/different products & Fire Safety checklist.

(Read top of application page and initial that you will comply with both fire codes & electrical codes.)

Page4Fill out reverse (Fire Info), Make Copy & Return withApp.