FallMeeting, October, 2008: Long Beach, CA

Steve Baldwin, Chair

Bill Ryan, Vice Chair

David Bromley, Vice Chair

Shail Ghaey, API Staff

Welcome and Introduction / Attendees
Appointment of Scribe / Chair
Review and Approval of the Agenda / Attendees
Review and Approval of minutes of 2007 Fall Meeting / Attendees
Anti-trust Presentation / Michael See
Chapter 14.1: Collection and Handling of Natural Gas Samples for Custody Transfer / No Meeting
Chapter 14.2: Compressibility Factor of Natural Gas & other Related HC Gases / Jeff Savidge
Chapter 14.3: Part 1and Part 4: Status Report / Paul LaNasa
Chapter 14.3.3: Concentric, Square-edged Orifice Meters – NG applications / Don Sextro
Chapter 14.4: Converting Mass of NGL and Vapor to Equivalent Liquid Volumes. / Fred van Orsdol
Chapter 14.5: Calculation of Gross Heating Value, Specific Gravity, and Compressibility of Natural Gas Mixtures from Compositional Analysis / Jeff Savidge
Chapter 14.6: Continuous Density Measurement / Fred van Orsdol & Peter Kosewicz
Chapter 14.7: Mass Measurement of Natural Gas Liquids / Fred van Orsdol
Chapter 14.8: Liquefied Petroleum Gas Measurement / Fred van Orsdol
Chapter 14.9: Measurement of Natural Gas by Coriolis Meter / Angela Floyd
Chapter 14.10: Measurement of Flow to Flare / James Young
Chapter 14.XX: Thermal Cracked Gas / Jeff Savidge
Chapter 21.1: Electronic Gas Measurement / Bill Ryan
Alternate Metering & New Technology: WG Report – Measurement Uncertainty / No Meeting
Chapter 5.9: Vortex Meter WG Report / Wade Matter
Chapter 22.1: Testing Protocol – Introduction
Chapter 22.2: Testing Protocol – Differential Pressure Devices
Chapter 22.3 Flare Gas Meter Testing Protocol
Chapter 22.4: Testing Protocol – Pressure, DP, & Temperature Transducers
Chapter 22.5: Testing Protocol for Electronic Flow Computers for Gas / Zaki Husain
Zaki Husain
No Meeting
Casey Hodges
Casey Hodges
API Certification/Witnessing Program / Sally Goodson
AHG on AGA-ISO Comparison / Bob DeBoom
Wet Gas Meter: Update of ASME MFC-19G Standard / Bob DeBoom
CPMA Report / Bob Webb
Ken Starling Presentation / Ken Starling
Other Organization Update
  • AGA
/ Ali Quraishi
  • BLM
/ Richard Estabrook
  • MMS
/ Byron Johnson
  • ASME MFC Standards Committee
/ Bob DeBoom
  • GPA
/ Fred Van Orsdol
  • ISO TC 30: Flowmeters
/ Bob DeBoom
  • ISO TC 193: Natural Gas
/ Shail Ghaey
  • ASTM D02
/ Fred Van Orsdol
  • ASTM D03
/ David Fish
  • OIML
/ ------
/ Jane Williams
  • PRCI
/ David Bromley
  • Other Organization or Standards Work
/ Attendees
Other Business / Attendees
New Business / Attendees
Next Meetings

NOTE:On-site photocopying is expensive. Those members who choose to bring documents to the meeting for review should arrange for copying at their own expense, unless an exception is granted by staff.

07 Fall COGFM_Agenda.docPage 1 of 2Steve Baldwin