Executive Engineer (Planning)
East Delhi Municipal Corporation
419, UdyogSadan, Patparganj Industrial Area
Telephone No. 011-6666 7542
This Application, format and guidelines (AFG) contains brief Information about the ONE MP – ONE IDEA competition under MPLADS Guidelines, Qualification Requirements and the Selection process for the successful applicant/ applicants. The purpose of this AFG documents is to provide applicants with information to assist the formulation of their AFG.
The information contained in this AFG document or subsequently provided to interested applicants, in writing by or on behalf of East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) is provided to Applicant(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this AFG documents and any other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided. This AFG document does not purport to contain all their information each Applicant may require. This AFG document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for "EDMC”, their employees, advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each applicant who reads or uses this AFGdocument. Certain Applicants may have a better knowledge of the proposed competition than others. Each Applicant should conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the Accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this AFG document and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. EDMC, their employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy; reliability or completeness of the AFG document and information provided hereunder is only to the best of the knowledge of EDMC.
Intimation of discrepancies in the AFG, ifany, should be given to the office of the EDMC immediately by the Applicants. IfEDMC receives no written communication, it shall be deemed that the Applicants are satisfied that the AFG document is complete in all respects.
This AFG document is not an agreement and is not an offer or imitation by EDMC to any other applicant. The terms on which the competition is to be performed and the right of the successful applicant shall be as set out in separate parascontained herein.EDMC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications at any time without giving any reasons thereof, EDMC will not entertain any claim for expenses in relation to the preparation of AFG submissions and whatsoever.
One MP- One Idea: In order to foster a grass-root bottoms-up approach to innovation and development and to arrive at solutions for local problems, which are sustainable and scalable, there is a need for seeking out and campaigning for ideas that have the potential to solve challenges. Accordingly, based on the innovative ideas received from the local people regarding developmental projects, a ‘One MP – One Idea’ Competition is being held in EAST DELHI PARLIMANTERY CONSTITUENCYthis year to select the three best innovations for cash awards and certificate of appreciation for next five best innovations.
These awards will be given on the specific request of Hon’ble MPs to promote such a scheme in their constituency. The announcement calling for applications in prescribed format would be made by the Nodal District Authority through various media viz. print, radio, television etc.
The format for submission of application is given at Annexure-‘A’. All entries will follow the same screening process.
AFG documents will be available online w.e.f 30.01.2017 to 15.02.2017on website
Last date & time for submission of applicationin the office of Superintending Engineer (Planning), EDMC at 419, UdyogSadan, Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092on dt. 03.03.2017 upto 03:00 PM.
The AFGDocument can be downloaded from the official website of the EDMC(
The schedule of AFG is given below:
S.No. / Event description / Date1 / Date of issue of AFG document / X date
2 / Last date of issue of AFG document / X+15 days
3 / Proposal submission due date / X+30 days
4 / Opening of proposal at 3 PM on X+31 days / X+31 days
All correspondence with respect to this AFGclearly marked "Reference: ONE MP – ONE IDEA”.
Executive Engineer (Planning)
419, UdyogSadan, Patparganj Industrial Area,
Delhi-110092Tel: +91(11) 6666 7542
(a)The applicant must provide all the information requested for in the AFG Document. EDMC reserves the right to reject any application that does not contain all the information requested thereof.
(b)EDMC shall not entertain any post submission date communication from the applicant with respect to the AFG. However after the submission of the AFG Document and other supporting documents/data by the applicant, EDMC reserves the right to call for additional information/ clarifications from successful applicant. The applicant should furnish such requirements within such time as may be permitted by EDMC.
(c)The applicant as a token of acceptance of all conditions shall be required to sign with stamp on every page of the AFG Document including the: AFG Document addendum/query (if any), other enclosures provided herewith as an annexure and any other submissions by the applicant.
(a)This document constitutes no form of commitment on the part ofEDMC, whether in respect of the screening process or otherwise. Furthermore thisAFG document confers neither the right nor the expectation on any applicant to participate in the next stage.
(b)EDMC reserves the right to reject any or all of the application, at any time without giving any reason. Nothing contained herein shall confer right upon aapplicant or any obligation upon EDMC.
A Selection Committee will be set up with the mandate to screen all applications. The Selection Committee shall be headed by the Addl. Commissioner-I, EDMC of the Nodal District and will consist of eight members from (i) Engineering, (ii) Finance, (iii) Health and sanitation, (iv) Academia,(v) Industry (vi) Banking and Financial Institutions and (vii) two members from Social sector/NGOs to be nominated by Hon’ble MP. The Selection Committee will select the three best innovations for cash awards and next five best innovations for certificate of appreciation.
The Competition will invite innovative solutions in the areas of education and skills, health, water and sanitation, housing and infrastructure, agriculture, energy, environment, community and social service, etc. The innovative solutions can be submitted by any individual or by a group of individuals, industry, industry consortia,
Academia, NGO or other institution from the constituency.
(a)Completed proposals shall be accepted till03:00 PM only, on date of AFG submission in the office of Superintending Engineer (Planning) at 419, UdyogSadan, Patparganj, Industrial Area, Delhi-110092.
(b)EDMC, at its sole discretion, retains the right, but is not obligated to extend the AFG Submission Date by issuing an Addendum to those parties who have purchased the AFG from the office ofEDMC and by also placing the same in the official web site of EDMC.
(c)Applicant shall furnish the information strictly as perthe formats given in Annexuresof this document, without any ambiguity. EDMC shall not be held responsible if the failure of any applicant to provide the information in the prescribed formats results in lack of clarity in interpretation and consequent disqualification.
(d)In case of a Consortium, wherever required. The Proposal must contain such information individually for each member of the Consortium.
(e)The Proposal shall be initialed on each page by the Authorized Signatory. All the alterations, omissions, additions, or any other amendments made to the Proposal shall also be initialed by him.
(f)Applicant are required to submit one set of the Proposal in hard copy and one set in soft copy, including the Original AFG issued to them,
(g)Any applicant, which submits or participates in more than one proposal for the said project shall be disqualified and shall also cause the disqualification of all the consortia in which it is a member.
3.8.1The AFGreceived shall beopened at 3.00 PM on due date in the office of Superintending Engineer (Plg.), EDMC, 419, UdyogSadan, Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092 in the presence of members of screening committee. After initial screening of potential applications, the same will be further evaluated by the selection committee.
8. EDMC reserves the right to reject any proposal if:
(i)It is not signed, sealed and marked as stipulated.
(ii)The information and documents have not been submitted as requested and
in the formats specified in the AFG.
(iii)There are inconsistencies between the Proposal and the supporting
(i)There are conditions proposed with the Proposals.
(ii)It provides the information with material deviations, which may affect the
scope or performance of the Project.
Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and recommendation for the short-listed applicant shall not be disclosed to any person not officially concerned with the process. EDMC will treat all information submitted as part of all proposals in confidence and will insist that all who have access to such material treat it in confidence. EDMC will not divulge any such information unless it is ordered to do so by any Government authority that has the power under law to require its disclosure or due to statutory compliances.
No. EE(P)/EDMC/2016-17/D-243 Dated: 24.01.2017
Applications are invited from individual / team/organization in the prescribed format/ evaluation guidelines under One MP-One Idea scheme which can be downloaded from the website at 5:00 PM for foster a grass-root bottoms up approach to innovation and development and to arrive at solutions for local problems, which are sustainable and scalable, there is a need for seeking out and campaigning for idea that have the potential to solve challenges.
The last date for submission of proposal is 03.03.2017upto 03:00 PM in the office of Superintending Engineer (Plg.), EDMC, 419, UdyogSadan, Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092 . The proposal will be evaluated by a Selection Committee constituted as per MPLADS guidelines.
Detailed guidelines for the same are available in the book “Guidelines on Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme“and its website
ExecutiveEngineer (Plg.)
All concerned