April 11th, 2016
In Attendance: / Sherice Mansfield, Connie Schmidt, Angela Morgan, Alex Hoerner, Laurie Beavers, Heather Ryan, Michael Piper, Shannon BjornsonMeeting was called to order at ___7:00___p.m. by Laurie Beavers
Minutes from last meeting were reviewed and approved.
Piper Report: / Nothing to report. No new needs. Piper will consult with staff and confirm a faculty reader for Senior Scholarships.
Treasurer’s Report: / There is approximately $61,000 in the account; approximately $15,000 is Booster funds.
Agenda Items: / Review Auction Follow-up Meeting – Set-up, organization went well. Food and kitchen crew were excellent. Baskets were great. Certificate table with Tami worked great! About 25% of teams/clubs participated. Discussed ways to encourage or require basket participation. Would like to have more event marketing at all sports nights. Plan to change wine toss to pull a cork, simplify the printed program (maybe change to a Thank You program), have specific cutoff for print material, improve 50/50 board, and add down time/entertainment for about 15 minutes after last close before check out. Would like to have triplet forms next year.
Senior Scholarship – Amount for Senior Scholarships confirmed at $2500.00. Suggested awarding two at $500.00 and six at $250.00 based on the number applying, etc. Specific awards will be confirmed by the award committee. Laurie and Angela agreed to join Elma on the Scholarship reading/award board. Piper will recommend a staff member.
FBLA request – FBLA donated an auction basket. Connie motioned to approve approximately 50% of the request, awarding FBLA $400.00 towards their conference, along with $30 from the auction. Alex seconded the motion. Heather will contact the FBLA advisor. Connie will issue a check.
Concession Stand Report: / No report
Fundraising Report: / Auction - Reviewed Auction Follow-up Meeting as noted above.
Clothes for a Cause – Tabled until next year. Considered partnering with Spring Fling or Homecoming. Will be a One-Day donation day at the softball parking lot. Need lots of volunteers to run this event, as it will be all day/evening. Further discussion needs to follow as to whether students can be awarded for participation.
New Business: / · Senior Scholarships are quickly approaching,
Upcoming Events: / Next Booster meeting, Monday June 6th
LHS Boosters Live To Give!
LHS Boosters Live To Give!