Lesson Plans: Business Communication

Teacher ______Week of ______


Chapter 10Graphics and Visual Aids

Student Resources

  • Student Textbook
  • Study Guide
  • Business CommunicationWeb site:
  • Links
  • Vocabulary Flash Cards
  • Student Data Files, Ch. 10

Instructor’s Resources

  • Instructor’s Manual Ch. 10
  • Business CommunicationWeb site:
  • Instructor’s Resource CD
  • Lesson Plans
  • PowerPoint Slides, Ch. 10
  • Transparencies for Document Formats
  • Continuing Case, Ch. 10
  • Chapter Test in PDF Format
  • Student Data Files, Ch. 10
  • ExamView®CD Test, Ch.10

Opening Case

  • Presenting a Progress Report (p. 363)

Section 10.1Using Graphics and Visual Aids

Teaching Resources

  • Lesson Plans, Section 10.1
  • PowerPoint Slides, Chapter 10, Section 10.1
  • Instructor’s Manual Ch. 10


  • Explain the importance of using graphics and visual aids.
  • Describe how to place and identify graphics and visual aids in documents.
  • Identify appropriate visual aids for specific uses.


  • The Importance of Graphics and Visual Aids(p. 364)
  • Use of Visual Aids in Documents (p. 365)
  • Choosing the Correct Visual Aid (p. 369)

Special Features

  • Net Bookmark (p. 367)
  • Reading Skills, Reading Charts (p. 369)


  • Checkpoint 1 (p. 364)
  • Checkpoint 2 (p. 368)
  • Checkpoint 3 (p. 370)
  • Section 10.1 Applications (p. 371)

A.Choose Visual Aids

B.Research Visual Aids

Section 10.2DevelopingGraphics

Teaching Resources

  • Lesson Plans, Section10.2
  • PowerPoint Slides, Chapter 10, Section 10.2
  • Instructor’s Manual Ch. 10


  • Create effective tables.
  • Create effective charts.
  • Place visual aids in documents.


  • Creating Graphics Electronically (p.372)
  • Tables (p. 373)
  • Charts (p. 374)
  • Other Visual Aids (p. 381)

Special Features

  • Ethics, Charts That Mislead (p. 380)


  • Checkpoint 4 (p. 374)
  • Checkpoint 5 (p. 377)
  • Checkpoint 6 (p. 381)
  • Checkpoint 7 (p. 383)
  • Section 10.2 Applications (p. 384)

A.Use Photographs or Clip Art

B.Create an Organization Chart

Chapter 10Summary

  • 10.1 Using Graphics and Visual Aids(p. 385)
  • 10.2 Developing Graphics(p. 385)

End-of-Chapter Activities

  • Vocabulary (p. 386)
  • Critical Thinking Questions (p. 386)
  • Applications

A.Reportwith Map (p. 387)

B.Pie Chart and Column Chart (p. 387)

C.Memo with Table (p. 388)

D.Table and Charts (p. 389)

E.Flowchart Symbols (p. 389)

  • Editing Activity (p. 389)
  • Case Study (p. 390)

Profit Reporting

  • Career Case Study(p. 391)

Communication for Education and Training

Study Guide

  • Chapter 10,Graphics and Visual Aids