Year 3 Curriculum Overview2017-18

Year 3 / Autumn 1
Stone Age to Iron Age / Autumn 2
Stone Age to Iron Age / Spring 1
Local Explorers / Spring 2
Human Body / Summer 1
Ancient Egypt / Summer 2
History / Stone Age to Iron Age and hill forts / Stone Age to Iron Age and hill forts / Local study
Overton/ Winchester / - / Ancient Egypt / -
Geography / Settlements / Settlements / Local study
Overton/ Winchester
-Human geography – changes over time: Laverstoke Paper Mill. / - / River Nile
- Desert study / -
Science / Rocks, fossils and soils
(linked to finding out about the past and history topic) – which is the best rock to build a house from? / Rocks, fossils and soils
(linked to finding out about the past and history topic) – which is the best rock to build a house from? / - / The Human Body / Forces and Magnets / Plants and Light
DT and Nutrition / Cooking: Rock Cakes – rubbing in / Cooking: Salad – chopping veg / fruit / Cooking / Cooking / Cooking / Cooking
Art and Design / Observational Drawings – Cave paintings / Bronze Age
Jewellery (clay) / Architectural art / Easter through Art
Printing / Tutankhamun mask / Observational Drawings – Plants and light (different light sources/ light intensities)
Physical Education / Dance: Street Dance
Games: Football / Games: Rugby
Gym: Symmetry / Gym: Dance
Games: Hockey / Gym: Balance
Games: Tennis / Dance: Egyptian
Games: Rounders / Athletics and swimming
PSHE / New beginnings/ Feeling good / Getting on and falling out / Say no to bullying / Going for goals / Good to be me / Relationships / Changes
RE / Divali / Mary Mother of God / Good Evil / Rituals / Ceremony: Death ceremony / Light and Dark
Music / (Listen to me) / (Listen to me) / (Listen to me) / Easter Singing
(Listen to me) / (Listen to me) / (Listen to me)
Computing / Let’s communicate / Let’s be safe / Digital artist / Racing Cars / Video Magic / Let’s communicate

Year 3Educational Visits 2017-18

Year 3 / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Stonehenge / Winchester / OPEN BOX / RHS Wisley

Year 3 Reading Key Objectives

1 / Read aloud and understand words based on knowledge of root words, prefixes & suffixes
2 / Use dictionaries to check the meanings of words
3 / Retrieve and record information from non-fiction texts
4 / Identify how different texts are structured and presented
5 / Recognise different forms of poetry
6 / check a text makes sense by re-reading
7 / Summarise the main ideas from their reading
8 / Draw inferences about feeling, thoughts and motives
9 / Predict what might happen next from details stated
10 / Listen to and discuss a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays and non-fiction
11 / Perform plays and poetry aloud
12 / Retell some fairy tales or traditional tales orally

Year 3 Writing Key Objectives

Apply phonic knowledge to spell common words from Y3/4 list
use a dictionary to check a spelling
Understand the difference between plural and possessive '-s'
Use the possessive apostrophe accurately with singular nouns
Use inverted commas to show direct speech
Use a range of conjunctions to extend sentences with more than one clause
Use conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to express time, cause and place
Use extended noun phrases, including with prepositions
Organise paragraphs around a theme
Develop detail of characters, settings and plot in narratives
Use simple organisational devices in non-fiction
Proofread own work for sense
Understand how writing can be different from speech
Be able to think aloud, explore and collect ideas, draft and re-read to check meaning is clear
Write for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum in a variety of genres

Year 3 Maths Key Objectives

Count in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100
Compare and order numbers up to 1000
Add and subtract numbers mentally, including round numbers to HTU
Add and subtract using standard column method
Estimate answers to calculations and use the inverse to check answers
Know 3×, 4× and 8× tables
Count up and down in tenths
Understand that tenths are objectives or quantities divided into ten equal parts
Compare and order simple fractions
Recognise and show equivalent fractions
Find and write fractions of a set of objects
Add and subtract fractions with common denominators (less than one)
Measure, compare and calculate measures using standard units
Measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes
Add and subtract money, including giving change
Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals
Estimate and read time to the nearest minute
Identify horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines
Identify whether angles are greater or less than a right angle
Interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables

Year 3 Science Key Objectives

1 / Set up simple fair tests
2 / Collect and present data from scientific experiments
3 / Use results from experiments to draw simple conclusions or suggest improvements
4 / Describe the main requirements for plant growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow)
5 / Explain the main stages of plant reproduction (pollination, fertilisation, seed dispersal)
6 / Explain some functions of skeletons and muscles in animals
7 / Identify the three main rock types and describe their properties
8 / Notice that light is reflected from surfaces
9 / Find patterns in the way that the sizes of shadows change.
10 / Group materials according to their magnetic properties

Year 3Spelling

Statutory requirements / Rules and guidance (nonstatutory) / Example words (nonstatutory)
The /ɪ/ sound spelt y elsewhere than at the end of words / These words should be learnt as needed. / myth, gym, Egypt, pyramid, mystery
The /ʌ/ sound spelt ou / These words should be learnt as needed. / young, touch, double, trouble, country
Words with endings sounding like /ʒə/ or /tʃə/ / The ending sounding like /ʒə/ is always spelt –sure.
The ending sounding like /tʃə/ is often spelt –ture, but check that the word is not a root word ending in (t)ch with an er ending – e.g. teacher, catcher, richer, stretcher. / measure, treasure, pleasure, enclosure
creature, furniture, picture, nature, adventure
Words with the /k/ sound speltch (Greek in origin) / scheme, chorus, chemist, echo, character
Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt –gue and the /k/ sound spelt –que (French in origin) / league, tongue, antique, unique
Words with the /s/ sound spelt sc (Latin in origin) / In the Latin words from which these words come, the Romans probably pronounced the c and the k as two sounds rather than one – /s/ /k/. / science, scene, discipline, fascinate, crescent
Words with the /eɪ/ sound spelt ei, eigh, or ey / vein, weigh, eight, neighbour, they, obey

Year 3 Grammar & Punctuation

Sentence Structure

1 / Expressing time, place and cause using conjunctions [for example, when, before, after, while, so, because], adverbs [for example, then, next, soon, therefore], or prepositions [for example, before, after, during, in, because of]

Text Structure

1 / Introduction to paragraphs as a way to group related material
2 / Headings and sub-headings to aid presentation
3 / Use of the present perfect form of verbs instead of the simple past [for example, He has gone out to play contrasted with He went out to play]


1 / Introduction to inverted commas to punctuate direct speech

Terminology for Pupils

1 / preposition conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech, consonant, consonant letter vowel, vowel letter, inverted commas (or ‘speech marks’)