Domain/Standard Code: 4.NF.5 Author Name: Allynne Mower and Nicole Anderson Page 1

Title of Task: What’s My Grade?

Adapted from: Smith, Margaret Schwan, Victoria Bill, and Elizabeth K. Hughes. “Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol: Successfully Implementing High-Level Tasks.”

Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 14 (October 2008): 132-138.

What are your mathematical goals for the lesson? (i.e., what do you want
students to know and understand about mathematics as a result of this lesson?) / Students will understand why a common denominator must be used in order to add fractions. Students will understand that when fractions are added they must refer to the same whole.
·  What are your expectations for students as they work on and complete this task?
·  What resources or tools will students have to use in their work that will give them entry into, and help them reason through, the task?
·  How will the students work—
independently, in small groups, or in pairs—to explore this task?
·  How will students record and report their work? / Students will use graphic representation and reasoning to determine if their solution is appropriate for the problem.
Students will use paper/pencil to record their steps and solutions.
Students will have access to: base ten blocks, graph paper, math journal, crayons
Students will explore the task independently or in partners.
Students will share them with the class on the document camera. Students will justify their answer to the class and teacher.
How will you introduce students to the activity so as to provide access to all
students while maintaining the cognitive demands of the task? / LAUNCH
Talk about how hard it is to do well in school. Relate to students through classes you have taken. Talk about stress and anxiety of doing well and being successful in school.

Domain/Standard Code: 4.NF.5 Author Name: Allynne Mower and Nicole Anderson Page 1

Title of Task: What’s My Grade?

As students work independently or in small groups, what questions will you ask to—
· help a group get started or make progress on the task?
· focus students’ thinking on the
key mathematical ideas in the task?
· assess students’ understanding of
key mathematical ideas, problem- solving strategies, or the representations?
· advance students’ understanding
of the mathematical ideas? / Where are you going to start?
How did you decide that?
What else should you include?
Is there another way to show that?
Do you see anyway to make a picture of this problem?
What does it mean to have 8/10 or 73/100?
Does it matter that the denominators are different?
How are the 2 fractions similar?
How will you ensure that students remain engaged in the task?
· What assistance will you give or what questions will you ask a
student (or group) who becomes
quickly frustrated and requests more direction and guidance is
solving the task?
· What will you do if a student (or group) finishes the task almost
immediately? How will you
extend the task so as to provide additional challenge? / What do you need to know?
How can you get the information?
Have students explain in writing.
Give the students scores from 2 or 3 quizzes and a couple of tests to figure a new grade.

Domain/Standard Code: 4.NF.5 Author Name: Allynne Mower and Nicole Anderson Page 1

Title of Task: What’s My Grade?

How will you orchestrate the class discussion so that you accomplish your mathematical goals?
· Which solution paths do you want to have shared during the
class discussion? In what order will the solutions be presented? Why?
· What specific questions will you ask so that students will—
1. make sense of the
mathematical ideas that you want them to learn?
2. expand on, debate, and question the solutions being shared?
3. make connections among the different strategies that are presented?
4. look for patterns?
5. begin to form generalizations?
What will you see or hear that lets you know that all students in the class
understand the mathematical ideas that
you intended for them to learn? / Have the students use the document camera to share their ideas. Each student/partnership can defend their answer.
What are the common findings? Are there any other ways to solve this problem that were not shared? Did anyone come up with another way to solve the problem, after watching the other groups go?
Debrief the task with the class talking about the mathematical concepts that were taught. Make sure the objective for the lesson was reached.

v  Have a class discussion about grades. Question students about the importance of getting good grades and the consequences that may happen if they don’t get good grades. Talk about the importance of making improvements each time they take a quiz or a test in school. Students are responsible to keep track of their own scores and grades to track their progress made during a school year. Students can access their grades online with their parents to help them be successful!

v  Task:

“I am going back to school and taking classes just like you. In my class I got 8/10 on a quiz and 73/100 on a test. Figure out what my grade will be.”


v  Show it 2 different ways. Use a picture to represent it. Explain how you solved it written or with a partner.

Domain/Standard Code: 4.NF.5 Author Name: Allynne Mower and Nicole Anderson Page 1

Title of Task: What’s My Grade?