FBLA General Meeting

Tuesday, October 1st

  1. Call to Order
  2. Communication
  3. Website –
  4. Checking Fundraising and Point Balance
  5. Text Reminders
  6. Text the code “@c401a” to (309) 807-4157
  7. Twitter – Fblanchs
  8. Facebook – IronFBLA
  9. Volunteer Spot (used to sign up for all activities)

  10. Upcoming Conferences
  11. National Fall Leadership Conference (NFLC)
  12. Friday, Nov.15 – Sunday, Nov.17 in Cleveland, OH
  13. Deposit ($75) due and paperwork due today
  14. Remainder ($150) due by Friday, November 1st
  15. Upcoming Professional Development Activities
  16. Brown Bag Lunch – Look for October Signup
  17. Upcoming Social Activities
  18. Recap September Events
  19. Homecoming Tailgate (Fundraiser as well) on October 18th
  20. Photo Booth Workers Needed
  21. Props Needed
  22. Upcoming Community Service Activities
  23. Grove Fun Run – Saturday, October 19th(Need 20 volunteers)
  24. Leave a Comment with T-Shirt Size on VolunteerSpot
  25. Dancing with the Staff (Benefits March of Dimes)
  26. Paper signup for those interested in dancing
  27. Paper signups for those interested in being on committee
  28. Volunteers needed for run-through and event night
  29. Upcoming Fundraising Activities
  30. Market Day Pie Sales
  31. Only required fundraiser (8 pies per member to attend conferences)
  32. Rounding up to next dollar
  33. Orders and payment are due on November 5th
  34. Pickup required on Monday, November 18th from 4:00-5:00pm
  35. Twenty volunteers needed for preparing orders from 1:30-4:00pm
  36. Market Day (Every Month) – Pie Sales
  37. Orders Due –Wednesday, November 6th
  38. Pick Up –Monday, November 11th (changed due to Halloween)
  39. Business Achievement Awards
  40. Four levels – Future, Business, Leader and America
  41. All officer candidates for next year must complete the Future Level
  42. General Reminders
  43. T-shirts available by October 10th
  44. Iron Pride Café
  45. Planning Ahead – Central Area Conference at NCHS on December 7th
  46. Next Meeting – Tuesday, November 5th at 6:40am or 2:40pm (Room 228)

Fall Semester Important Dates

October 18th – FBLA Photo Booth at Homecoming Tailgate

October 19th – Grove Gator Run (Volunteer Event)

November 1st – Remainder of NFLC Payment Due

November 5th – Pie Sale Orders and Payment Due

November 15th – 17th–National Fall Leadership Conference

November 18th – Pie Sale Order Pickup

November 19th – Dancing with the Staff Run-Through

November 21st – Dancing with the Staff Event

December 5th – Dining Event at Moe’s

December 7th – Central Area Conference at NCHS

Preview of Future Award Activities

Select 10 activities. Interactive form must be submitted by local adviser by March 1. Awarded at the local level with a pin.


Complete 3 activities from this section. The first 2 are required.

Activity 1 Communications/Service Learning
Required. Donate five (5) hours of service to an educational or service organization.

Activity 2 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Required. Prepare a bulletin board or display promoting FBLA.

Activity 3 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Help your chapter adviser(s) with activities to celebrate American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week.

Activity 4 Communications/Service Learning
Participate on your chapter's community service project committee.

Activity 5 Service Learning/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Participate in a promotional or fund-raising project for the March of Dimes.

Activity 6 Communications/Service Learning
Become a pen pal with a senior citizen, a child in a hospital, a child in another country, or a soldier in the military.

Activity 7 Communications/Service Learning
Write a one-page report on a service organization in your community and present it to your chapter or a business class.

Activity 8 Service Learning
Other-As designated by local adviser.


Complete 3 activities from this section. The first 1 is required.

Activity 9 Technology/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Required. Complete the FBLA Knowledge Quiz with a score of 92 percent or higher.

Activity 10 Marketing
Complete the advertising slogans worksheet.

Activity 11 Accounting
Using a spreadsheet, create a one-month budget for yourself or for your local chapter.

Activity 12 Career Awareness and Exploration
List at least 5 goals (related to school, career, and personal) and include a description of how you plan to accomplish each one.

Activity 13 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Read a business article or story from Tomorrow's Business Leader, FBLA's national publication. Write a one-page letter in proper business format summarizing and reacting to this article. Address the letter to your local chapter adviser.

Activity 14 Career Awareness and Exploration
Write a one-page paper on a business career.

Activity 15 Career Awareness and Exploration
List five (5) personal strengths and one personal weakness. Write a 100-word summary on what you can do to overcome the weakness.

Activity 16 Technology/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Visit and register and take a free certification test.


Complete 4 activities from this section. The first 2 are required.

Activity 17 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Required. Bring a friend who is a nonmember to a local chapter FBLA meeting.

Activity 18 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Required. Attend at least three (3) local chapter meetings and prepare a one-page paper that includes the date of each meeting and a bulleted list of meeting highlights.

Activity 19 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Complete the programs worksheet .

Activity 20 Communications/Career Exploration
Invite a business leader to speak at a meeting. Write a letter inviting this businessperson to your meeting.

Activity 21 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Attend a local chapter activity/event. Prepare a 100-word summary describing this event or activity.

Activity 22 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs
Recite the FBLA Creed at a chapter meeting or event and explain your understanding of this creed as it relates to your future and to the business world in a memo to your local chapter adviser.

Activity 23 Communications/Technology
Text five (5) friends and invite them to the next FBLA meeting. (List the names on the interactive form.)

Activity 24 Communications
Prepare an invitation inviting students to attend the next FBLA meeting.