California Public Utilities Commission Daily Calendar Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Public Utilities Commission of the State of California
Timothy J. Sullivan, Executive Director
Headquarters / Southern California Office
505 Van Ness Avenue / 320 West 4th Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102 / Los Angeles, CA 90013
(415) 703-2782 / (213) 576-7000
Calendar Archive: prior to year 2000
Search calendars published since July 2000

Daily Calendar

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

·  Commission Meetings

·  Public Meetings and Workshops

·  Notice of Draft Resolutions (PU Code § 311(g))

·  New Filings

·  Petitions for Modification and Applications for Rehearing

·  Advice Letter Submissions

·  Miscellaneous Transportation Items

·  Miscellaneous Communications Matters

·  Table of Submission Dates for the Preceding Two Weeks

·  Changes to Hearing Calendar

·  Hearings

/ The Commission’s policy is to schedule hearings (meetings, workshops, etc.) in locations that are accessible to people with disabilities.
The CPUC encourages all Californians to participate in its meetings, hearings, workshops, and proceedings. We try to hold our public meetings only in places that are wheelchair accessible and which can accommodate specialized equipment and other services useful to people with disabilities. Please see the notice of the meeting you wish to attend for more specifics.
If you plan to attend and need specialized accommodations for a particular meeting that are not listed in the notice, request them from the Public Advisor’s Office at least three business days in advance of the meeting. Contact the Public Advisor’s Office by any one of the following:
toll-free: 1-866-849-8390
Voice: 415-703-2074 / FAX: 415-355-5404 (Attn.: Public Advisor)
TTY: 1-866-836-7825 (toll-free)


February 8, 2018 / 9:30 am / San Francisco, CA
March 1, 2018 / 9:30 am / Huntington Park, CA
March 22, 2018 / 9:30 am / San Francisco, CA


Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered.

February 5, 2018 / 10:00 am / San Francisco, Room 5305
February 26, 2018 / 10:00 am / San Francisco, Room 5305
March 19, 2018 / 10:00 am / San Francisco, Room 5305


Public En Banc Notice: Fire Safety and Utility Infrastructure

January 31, 2018
9am - 4pm.
/ California Public Utilities Commission -Auditorium
505 Van Ness Ave.(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street)
San Francisco, CA 94102
also available via webcast:

The purpose of this En Banc is to examine the fire threat in California and what steps can be taken to mitigate fire hazards to utility infrastructure. California’s forest and rangeland vegetation grows in a Mediterranean climate with cool, moist winters and hot, dry summers. The combination of vegetation, climate, and topography creates a high risk fire environment. Every year, there are more than 5,400 wildland fires that burn an average of more than 156,000 acres each year. In many cases, fires impact utility infrastructure regulated by the CPUC. Utilities, especially electric and telecommunication services are also critical for emergency response and the ability of first responders to communicate. However, in some instances utility infrastructure may also contribute to or be the cause of fire. As such, it is important for the CPUC to fully understand the intersect of fire safety and utility infrastructure. While a quorum of Commissioners and/or their staff may attend, no official action will be taken. If specialized accommodations are needed to attend, such as non-English language interpreters, please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office at or toll free at 866-849-8390 at least five business days in advance of the event. For more information, including an agenda, please visit

Commissioner Committee on Finance and Administration

February 7, 2018
9:30am / California Public Utilities Commission - Auditorium
505 Van Ness Avenue, (Corner of Van Ness Ave and McAllister St.)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Participant Call number: 866-650-3491
Participant Passcode: 7032368

At least one member of the Commission will not be present in San Francisco for the February 7, 2018 committee meetings. Therefore, pursuant to Government Code Section 11123(b)(1), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a member of the Commission will participate by teleconference in the committee meetings from the following publicly accessible location:

California Public Utilities Commission

300 Capitol Mall, Room 426

Sacramento, CA 95814

More information on the Committee meeting is available at
Commissioner Committee on Policy and Governance

February 7, 2018
10:30am (approximate start time)
/ California Public Utilities Commission - Auditorium
505 Van Ness Avenue, (Corner of Van Ness Ave and McAllister St.)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Participant Call number: 866-650-3491
Participant Passcode: 7032368

At least one member of the Commission will not be present in San Francisco for the February 7, 2018 committee meetings. Therefore, pursuant to Government Code Section 11123(b) (1), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a member of the Commission will participate by teleconference in the committee meetings from the following publicly accessible location:

California Public Utilities Commission

300 Capitol Mall, Room 426

Sacramento, CA 95814

More information on the Committee meeting is available at

Commissioner Committee on Emerging Trends

February 7, 2018
11:30am (approximate start time) / California Public Utilities Commission - Auditorium
505 Van Ness Avenue, (Corner of Van Ness Ave and McAllister St.)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Participant Call number: 866-650-3491
Participant Passcode: 7032368

At least one member of the Commission will not be present in San Francisco for the February 7, 2018 committee meetings. Therefore, pursuant to Government Code Section 11123(b)(1), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a member of the Commission will participate by teleconference in the committee meetings from the following publicly

Accessible location:

California Public Utilities Commission

300 Capitol Mall, Room 426

Sacramento, CA 95814

More information on the Committee meeting is available at

Small/Diverse Business Expo and Matchmaking Fair

April 25, 2018
7:30 am – 1:30 pm / The Grand Long Beach
4101 E. Willow Street
Long Beach, CA 90815

The CPUC is co-sponsoring this free and open to the public Small Business Expo and Matchmaking with the utilities to connect small and diverse businesses with public agencies and utilities in an effort to create business opportunities. More information:


“The below notices having been duly noticed in the Daily Calendar and along with the requisite ruling, scoping memo or other order issued in the specific proceedings satisfy the requirements of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure Rule 8.1(c) such that no ex parte communication shall be considered to occur should a decisionmaker or an advisor be present at the meeting or workshop.”

Public Meeting Notice: Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Administrative Committee Meeting

January 30, 2018
1 pm – 4 pm / California Public Utilities Commission – Room 3212
505 Van Ness Avenue, (Corner of Van Ness Ave and McAllister St.)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Call-in Number: (866) 918-9521;
Participant Code: 6211814 #


1. Introduction; 2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes; 3. Public Comments; 4. Fiscal Report; 5. Consumer Affairs Branch Report; 6. California LifeLine Third Party Administrator Report; 7. Legal Division Liaison Report; 8. Communications Division Liaison Report; 9. Approval 1819 Budget; 10. ULTS-AC Report; 11. ULTS-AC Vacancy Update; and 12. Future Meeting Date For questions about this meeting, please contact Anna Jew at (415)703-3087,

Public Workshop Notice: D. 17-12-004 Dairy Biomethane Pilot Project Draft Request for Proposal

January 31, 2018
1pm-3pm / California Department of Food and Agriculture – Room 101
2800 Gateway Oaks Dr
Sacramento, CA 95833
Webinar info:
Conference Phone Line: 1 (224) 501-3412
Participant Code: 584-652-581


California Public Utilities Commission, California Department of Food and Agriculture to discuss dairy biomethane pilot projects. Utilities to present and discuss draft request for offer document. Q&A with interested stakeholders.

For more information:

Public Workshop Notice: Request for Proposal Pre-bid Conference - Energy Efficiency Savings Measurement, Estimation, Program Oversight, and Evaluation of Small/Medium Commercial, HVAC, Lighting, and Residential Programs

February 2, 2018
10 am – 12 pm / California Public Utilities Commission - Auditorium
505 Van Ness Ave, (Corner of Van Ness Ave and McAllister St.)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Conference Phone Line: 1-866-628-9540
Participant Code: 1637171
To start or join the online meeting:
Go to:

the Commission staff will host a Pre-bid conference with regard to its Request for Proposal for ‘Energy Efficiency Savings Measurement, Estimation, Program Oversight, and Evaluation of Small/Medium Commercial, HVAC, Lighting, and Residential Programs.’ The purpose of the conference is to provide an overview of the administrative and programmatic requirements of the RFP and answer questions from attendees. For more information, contact

Notice of CPUC Commissioner Informational Webinar Regarding Impacts of Climate Change and Resulting Resiliency Challenges, the Role of Utilities in Response to these Challenges, the Potential Impact of These Events on Utilities’ Finances and Californians, and the Commission’s Response to These Events

February 7, 2018
2pm -3pm / California Public Utilities Commission - Auditorium
505 Van Ness Ave, (Corner of Van Ness and McAllister St.)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Webinar info:
Listen-only phone line:
Conference Phone line:800-857-1917
Participant Code: 92105
Questions: Questions must be submitted by Thursday, February 1, 2018, to Geoffrey Dryvynsde, CPUC Assistant General Counsel, at .

At least one member of the Commission will not be present in San Francisco for the February 7, 2018 webinar. Therefore, pursuant to Government Code Section 11123(b)(1), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a member of the Commission will participate by teleconference for the webinar from the following publicly accessible location:

California Public Utilities Commission

300 Capitol Mall, Room 426

Sacramento, CA 95814


CPUC Commissioners will (1) make opening remarks, (2) answer select questions submitted by the public, (3) make closing remarks, and (4) public comment will be received.

Participation Instructions

To submit questions for consideration please email Geoffrey Dryvynsde, CPUC Assistant General Counsel, at , with the subject line “Commissioner Webinar Question” by Thursday, February 1, 2018. Due to the potential volume of questions, question responses will not be provided before the Webinar on February 7, 2018. Question submitters should only submit a question and shall not include any personal statements or opinions in addition to a question. Prior to the Commissioners’ review of questions the Commission’s Legal Division will screen the questions to ensure that any ex parte statements regarding CPUC proceedings are not provided to the Commissioners. After Legal Division approves the questions for the webinar, questions will be posted on the Commission’s webpage without delay. Approved questions will be answered at the Commissioners’ discretion and as time permits. Submission of questions is not permitted after Thursday, February 1, 2018. Public comments will be allowed at the conclusion of the webinar. For questions about this Webinar please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor Office, 1-866-849-8390, .

Public Workshop Notice: A.16-09-001- Application of Southern California Edison Company for authority to increase its authorized revenues for electric service in 2018, among other things, and to reflect that increase in rates.

February 12, 2018
10am -2pm.
/ California Public Utilities Commission – Courtyard Training Room
505 Van Ness Ave., (Corner of Van Ness Ave and McAllister St.)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Conference Phone Line: 1-866-619-9725;
Participant Code: 4429664#


At this workshop, SCE will outline the impacts of the new federal income tax legislation (the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017) on its revenue requirement, and explain changes to its Results of Operations (RO). SCE will answer questions, facilitate discussion, and support the parties’ efforts in analyzing how the RO model captures the changes triggered by the new tax legislation. For information about this workshop, please contact Laura Martin of the CPUC’s Energy Division (415-703-2149; ).

Public Workshop Notice: Demand Response (DR) applications A.17-01-012 et al. Energy Division workshop on Managing the Current Reliability Cap

February 14, 2018
10am – 5pm / California Public Utilities Commission - Golden Gate Room
505 Van Ness Ave, (Corner of Van Ness Ave and McAllister St.)
San Francisco CA 94102
Conference Phone Line: 866-832-3002
Participant Code: 7708062


The Energy Division of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will host a workshop in Demand Response (DR) A.17-01-012 et al. February 14, 2018. In this workshop, the parties to the proceeding shall present prioritization proposals to manage the megawatts under the current 2% reliability cap. Based on this workshop, Decision 17-12-003 at page 40 directs the utilities to file either the consensus proposal or the workshop report by March 30, 2018. The comment from stakeholders on the filing are due by April 14, 2018. We will also post the agenda and other workshop materials including proposals to be discussed at the workshop closer to the date of the workshop at this link: Although a quorum of Commissioners and/or their staff may be in attendance, or on the telephone, no official CPUC action will be taken at this event. For questions, please contact Garima Vashishtha at .

Public Workshop Notice:A.17-01-012 et al - Demand Response (DR) applications - Energy Division workshop on Demand Response pilots in conjunction with Disadvantaged Communities.

February 15, 2018
10am. – 5pm / California Public Utilities Commission - Auditorium
505 Van Ness Ave, (Corner of Van Ness Ave and McAllister St.)
San Francisco CA 94102
Conference Phone Line: 866-631-3379
Participant Code: 1967518


The Energy Division of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will host a workshop in Demand Response (DR) A.17-01-012 et al. February 15, 2018. Energy Division will facilitate comments on high-level guidelines and goals for a $2.5 million Demand Response pilot targeting low income residents and disadvantaged communities, as well as stakeholder ideas for pilot strategies. We expect the release of the draft guidelines and goals on or around January 31, 2018 to the service list for A.17-01-012. We will also post the agenda (with webinar information) and the goals & guidelines document on the Demand Response workshop page closer to the date of the workshop at this link: