The Meeting commenced at 4:10pm and concluded at 5:35pm.


Councillor Representatives:

Councillor Wilson – Elected Member (Chairman)

User Representative

John Long – Gymnastics and Trampolining Club (Vice-Chairman)

Michael Gregory

Also in Attendance

Sally Apps – Headteacher, Rossmore Community College (RCC)

Michael Barefoot – Utilities Manager, Rossmore Leisure Centre

Michelle Cooke – Director of Communications (RCC)

Sean Gabriel – General Manager, Rossmore Leisure Centre (SLM)

David Greenwood – Contracts Manager (SLM)

Anthony Rogers – Recreation Manager, Leisure Services (BoP)

Michelle Coplestone – Legal and Democratic Services (BoP)

Members of the public present: 0


Members were advised that the Meeting was not quorate and noted that any decisions would need to be affirmed at the next quorate Meeting of the Rossmore Community Use Management Committee (RCUMC).


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs Lavender and Reverend Gomm.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2007 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Page 1, under ‘Present’, delete ‘Dave Greenwood’ and insert ‘David Greenwood.

Page 5 (M.7) Rossmore Leisure Centre Manager’s Report

The Chairman referred to ‘Health and fitness’, bullet point 4, and advised that he had received a letter from Councillor Mrs Dion contesting SLM’s decision to investigate the possibility of redeveloping the Leisure Centre’s bar area into a Group Exercise Studio. It was noted that this would be discussed further in detail under item 5 (User Representative Items).

The Chairman referred to Page 7, ‘Planning Obligations for Recreation/Heathland Mitigation funds’ and requested that Anthony Rogers, Leisure Services, table a Report at the next Meeting of the Rossmore Community Use Management Committee (RCUMC) to introduce the Green Card Scheme and provide feedback.

AGREED that Anthony Rogers, Leisure Services, provide a report on the Green Card Scheme at the next Meeting of the CUMC.


A User Representative expressed concern that Leisure Centre Users were still showering in cold water. The General Manager of Rossmore Leisure Centre explained that a new contractor had been instructed to carry out repair work to the boilers and that one boiler needed to be replaced. It was noted that the new boiler should be in place by 1st February 2008 and that it was unfortunate that the three previous contractors had been unreliable. A Water Risk Assessment had also taken place which would lead to future improvements.

The Committee was informed that, once again, there were locks missing from the Lockers. The General Manager advised that once daytime security at the Centre had been upgraded, the lockers could be improved. In the meantime, maintenance would be instruct3ed to repair the broken lockers.

It was highlighted that the ‘hoist’ equipment within the Gymnasium was faulty. New equipment had been ordered and would be installed on 15 January. A spare hoist would be kept in stock to prevent future problems.

The Committee was informed that recent OLGA Gala nights had been a success. Over 300 children had participated in the Gala and there had been tremendous support from parents.

The Chairman referred to a letter submitted by Councillor Mrs Dion which highlighted the importance of the Centre’s bar area to the Rossmore/Alderney Swim and Gym Group (who used the room each week during term time). The letter expressed concern that the bar area may be lost to facilitate a new Group Exercise Studio. SLM’s Contract Manager explained that the bar was semi redundant and that the area was used by After School Clubs and Social services for events. SLM proposed to remove the bar and refurbish the area to cater for group exercises and activities.

It was highlighted that space within the Centre needed to be utilised and that the swim and gym groups could be re-housed in the new Children’s Building or various rooms within the school. The General Manager advised that the Play Zone could be cornered off to accommodate different groups and the school canteen could assist with providing drinks and healthy snacks.

Concern was expressed that it was not ideal for parents to take their children swimming and then walk them to a venue other than the current bar area. SLM’s Contract Manager explained that the bar area had no refreshment facilities and that refreshments and seating were placed in the bar area when required. There was no reason why this routine could not continue following a refurbishment.

The Committee was advised that there was no guarantee that the refurbishment would take place, however, the General Manager undertook to communicate with all groups using the bar area to keep them abreast of developments.

The Chairman supported the idea of having flexible room space within the Centre and recommended that the General Manager meet with Councillor Mrs Dion to discus the issue.

AGREED that the General Manager of Rossmore Leisure Centre and the Director of Communications, Rossmore Community College, arrange a meeting with Councillor Mrs Dion prior to 24 January 2008 to discuss the possible refurbishment of the Centre’s bar area and any implications.


It was noted that SLM and the School now had a much closer working relationship which would improve once security measures were enforced. The Headteacher of Rossmore Community College advised that further detailed discussions had taken place with regard to security around the Campus. It had been agreed that the School would have ownership of the changing rooms at the rear of the Centre and the existing internal doors would be replaced ;with steel doors to prevent vandalism.

Currently, pupils at the School had open access to the Leisure Centre as one internal door had been off its hinges for the past eight months. There was difficulty with the supervision of pupils due to a reduced number of staff at the school this year.

Upon installation of the steel security doors young people would meet at the rear of the skate park and be escorted through the Centre. A hard core path had been considered, leading from the Skate Park to the rear of the Centre, however, at a cost of £20,000 this was deemed too expensive.

The Committee discussed whether pupils could be escorted around the front of the Centre as this would warrant a shorter walking route, however, this raised a number of health and safety issues.

The Chairman recommended that the Recreations Manager discuss the potential cost of a pathway with Richard Hein, Transportation Services, to see if a contribution could be made from Planning Obligations funds. The School undertook to provide the Recreations Manager with the proposed path calculations.

The Chairman highlighted the importance of the Committee being involved at an early stage with Building Schools for the Future (BSF) and any plans for a new school on the Campus. The Recreations Manager confirmed that Leisure Services were represented on BSF.

AGREED that the Recreation Manager liaise with Transportation Services to investigate the cost of a footpath between the Skate Park and the rear of the Centre.


No items raised.


Sean Gabriel, Leisure Centre Manager, circulated copies of the Rossmore Leisure Centre Manager’s Report. Key points were summarised as follows:-

  • Consideration was being given to updating the OLGA brand logo to represent the Rhythmic element of Gymnastics floor work (ribbon and ball). It was noted that consultations would take place prior to any changes being made.
  • Over 300 people had attended the Leisure Centre’s Christmas Party.
  • The Centre hoped to receive confirmation over the forthcoming weeks regarding its bid to be a host Centre during the 2012 Olympics.
Health and Fitness
  • The Centre now had approximately 457 members.
  • Ann additional free weights bench had been installed in the Gymnasium and a larger free weights area had been achieved which had proved very popular.
Splash School

Approximately 480 pupils had enrolled in Splash School.

There had been a 78% retention rate from the Centre’s previous swimming initiative which the Centre hoped to increase to 90% for the next payment period.

The Splash Christmas Party had been a great success with over 320 children attending.

Michael Barefoot was introduced as the new Utilities Manager for Rossmore Leisure Centre. Michael advised that he was previously a Duty Manager at the Centre so he was familiar with the site.

The Committee was informed that Michael was looking to develop children’s activities that linked in with the School and Active Dorset to provide activities for children of all ages.

The General Manager advised that the Centre had taken numerous block bookings for the main sports hall following the closure of Poole Sports Centre. Details of the Clubs now using the Centre would be forwarded to the Recreation Manager to show who had been accommodated. It was difficult to accommodate every club as the hall had nearly reached full capacity with the exception of Friday and Saturday evenings.

The County Badminton Training Squad had started to re-use the Centre and the Centre was looking to accommodate Tai Quando and Volley ball.

The Chairman commented that a larger sports hall should be considered when Building Schools for the Future in order to accommodate increased usage brought about by the closure of Poole Sports Centre.

Everyone Active

  • A variety of events would take place across the borough’s three Leisure Centres to celebrate the launch of ‘Everyone Active’.
  • The VIP launch would take place on 16 January 2008 at Ashdown Leisure Centre.
  • The launch of Everyone Active to Borough of Poole employees would take place on 25 January 2008.
  • The weekend of 26 January 2008 would see Everyone Active launched to communities.

The Committee questioned how the launch of Everyone Active was being promoted? SLM’s Contract Manager advised that a total of £1Million was being spent across the country and promotions included a 60,000 leaflet drop and a billboard truck would be travelling around Poole to advertise the launch.

SLM’s Contract Manager advised that he would let the School have a supply of leaflets to distribute at Parents Evening and in addition to this, promotional letters would be sent to all Poole Schools.

In response to questions, the Leisure Centre Manager confirmed the following:-

  • If the Leisure Centre became a host centre for the 2012 Olympics it would be a fantastic opportunity for all involved. The Centre would be managed to lessen the impact on users and would not be used during key times.
  • A programme was in place to ensure that all equipment was safe and appropriate for use, however, if the Centre became a host centre it was thought that opportunities for funding may be presented.
  • It was presumed that the athletes would transport to and from the Centre by bus so that car parking would not be affected.
Attendance Figures
  • The General Manager of Rossmore Leisure Centre explained that some problems had been experienced with the implementation of the new MRM reporting system.
  • Previously, the Centre used the Leisure flex reporting system. However, this was difficult to follow. Now that the MRM system had been fully implemented the recording of attendance figures was more accurate.
  • It was difficult to measure spectators and the number of people using the Centre’s outdoor facilities, however, the number of people using the Gymnasium and swimming pool had increased.

The Chairman advised that it was necessary for accurate user figures to be made available to the Committee in order for comparisons to be made.

AGREED that:

(i)the Recreation Manager would forward details of the Centre’s usage to the Head of Leisure Services following the closure of Poole Sports Centre;

(ii)The General Manager of Rossmore Leisure Centre would provide an updated Performance Monitoring Report to the next meeting of the CUMC.


SLM’s Contract Manager advised that the Partnership was progressing well and good links were being established with the Borough of Poole.

The launch of Everyone Active would be a massive event with the Everyone Active Brand replacing 9 sub brands. Everyone Active would target the 80% of the population that do not exercise and would encourage people to aim for the Government’s recommendation of five 30 minute exercise sessions each week.

The Recreation Manager informed the Committee that refurbishment programmes had now been completed and the number of Leisure Centre users was increasing.

The Chairman commented that some aspects were covered in SLM’s contract and that funding would always be an issue. The Chairman advised it would be beneficial to involve various club users groups so they had an opportunity to deliver their specialisms as well as receive cohesive community support.

It was recommended that the community could raise funds via sponsorship and that there was a need to investigate how funding could be facilitated for these areas.

It was noted that within the Planning Obligations Fund there was a small percentage of funding allocated for new builds within the Borough. The Chairman queried whether this could be increased in order that new developments in Poole could support the infrastructure of the Borough’s Leisure Centres.

AGREED that the Recreation Manager discuss the Planning Obligations Fund with the Head of Leisure Services.


No items were raised.


Monday, 10March 2008 at 4.00pm in the Community Library, Rossmore Community College, Herbert Avenue, Parkstone, Poole.