Charleston Soccer League Minutes-Oct 27th, 2014 City Hall Basement
Call to Order:6:05-Austin Cheney
Present:Karen Gaines, Stephanie Woodley, Lori Bumpus, Dirk Bennett, Amy Caultry, Brian Jones, Austin Cheney, Denise Thain, Carol Hjort
Absent:Maureen Smith, Ron Potsch, Dave Dunlap
Minutes:Minutes were reviewed. A Cheney motioned to approve and L Bumpus seconded. All approved.
Financial Report
High school and club reports were reviewed. C Hjort motioned to approve both reports and A Caultryseconded. Both reports were approved. It was noted that three sponsorships were still outstanding. Bumpus will make final appeal to Bill Moore for payment.
Board Member Status
Dan Johnson resigned from the board. Rick Sandefur is interested and will try to come to the Nov meeting.
Pre Academy
The season concluded successfully with thanks going to the EIU men’s and women’s players and coaches. The curriculum was solidified and will be used for the next season. Many good responses were received from the participants. Next season pictures need to be scheduled for the players.
Rec League
The season concluded successfully with certificates and DQ tokens given to each player. Parents suggested a longer season and pictures to be taken. Arrangements are being made to place permanent goals at Jefferson and leaving current goals up until water prohibits outdoor play at the middle school and Carl Sandburg.
Club Report
All club teams have concluded their seasons with the exception of the HS girls Evansville Tournament. Team rosters were reviewed and the possibility of creating a U14 girls team was discussed. It was decided to see the turnout for spring season before making a final decision. Dirk is planning indoor training and is in the process of making appropriate arrangements. This will be included in the fee schedule particularly for the HS boys. Other teams may have to pay an additional fee. Coach Bennett made a plea to the board to put a website at the top of the priority list and the club to do whatever possible to secure the funding for this project.
S Woodley has many fundraising ideas and will meet with the executive board to present those opportunities. L Bumpus reminded everyone of the Chevy fundraiser which ends Nov 30th.
New Business
K Gaines discussed the possibility of securing an EIU intern from either the kinesiology or rec studies department. Further discussion was tabled until next month.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday Nov24th at 5:30 pm at City Hall.
Motion to dismiss made by D Thain and seconded by A Caultry. Motion approved