Page 1 Day Centre Closure Dates

Page 2 & 3 Activities - Outings

Page 3 & 4 Members’ & staffing matters


The Haven Day Centre will be closed for Christmas and the New Year:

Wednesday 20 December 2017 to Tuesday 2 January 2018

We will Re-open on Wednesday 3 January 2018

PLEASE ALSO NOTE: A revised bookmark showing closure dates for the remainder of 2017 was sent out at the end of July.


Telephone 0117 9851188

Registered Charity No 1059468


Boat Trips

On Friday 4 August, we again went on a boat trip with the Willow Trust and, as usual, everyone had a wonderful time. Clifford was so pleased that he was allowed to steer the boat. David steered the boat as well and was very proud that he did so.

Another boat trip took place on Tuesday 15 August when 8 more of our members went sailing with Captain Nicky. It was a really warm, sunny day and for a whole hour we were the only passengers on the boat. The boat took a different route this time and Tina and Paul loved spending the day together.

Trip to Bristol Zoo

In June, a small group of members and 3 staff visited Bristol Zoo. We went straight to the zoo from home and arrived there at 11 o’clock. We saw lions, flamingos and snakes and visited the Twilight Zone before lunch. We then ate our packed lunches. The birds that were flying around kept trying to eat Roger’s lunch. We went into the Lemur enclosure and were able to see their babies up close. We saw lots of dinosaurs which were part of the zoo’s Dinomania . We left at 2 o’clock after spending our money in the shop and got back to the centre in time to catch the buses back home.

Train Rides

On 10 August, a group of 5 members and 3 staff went on a steam train ride on the Bitton Railway. It was a lovely sunny day – not too hot - and our guide for the day was a happy, friendly chap called Harry. He talked to our members and shook hands with them all. He made it a brilliant day. Two other people joined us in the carriage who were very friendly and joined us in the singing. We had an hour’s ride when we ate our packed lunches. When we arrived back in the station we went into the shop and bought gifts then came back to the centre.

Summer Barbecues

We’ve had 2 barbecues this summer for members, staff and volunteers. The first one was on 17 August and some members swapped their days so they could attend. It was a lovely sunny day – just right for a barbecue. Simon David made a very good job of the cooking and everything went to plan. Denise said how great were the testimonies and the music and Angela said the whole day was “lovely”. Rita has been volunteering with us for over 20 years and we were so pleased she was able to join us. She was presented with some thank you gifts.

Len and Lynne led the singing and Stephen and Susan had a great time singing with the band. Alex D commented how good Len was. Steve said “I liked the man doing the music. Can we do another (BBQ) after the holidays?”

Our manager, Simon David, has now been with us for 5 years. Charlotte said a few words and handed Simon a small gift to mark the occasion.

The second barbecue was held on 30 August following the Bank Holiday break. It was a miserable, rainy day and we had to eat indoors. But that didn’t make any difference. We did jigsaw puzzles and played board games while we waited for the food to be cooked and had a great time anyway. Carol (a volunteer) said “I had a wonderful time. Thank you so much for inviting me. I really enjoyed the food and the singing and doing a jigsaw with Jo and Brian.”

Thank you so much to Phil and Alice Lawrence for providing the music.

Food Banks

We are very grateful for all the donations of food which we received for the Food Bank. Everyone has been so generous with their gifts. We collected over 100 items. These were taken to Victoria Park Baptist Church. These items of food were gratefully received and will be given to deserving families in the area.

Shoebox and Poppy Appeals

Please see the attached letter from Denise which explains what is happening this year as it is different from previous years.

Children in Need

We will be fund-raising for Children in Need during November. Details to follow in due course.

Quality Assurance Feedback Questionnaire 2017

Please find, attached to this newsletter, a Quality questionnaire. This is to be completed by Care Home Managers and Carers and NOT Haven members. Please can you return this survey to us by Friday, 6 October 2017.



Follow up note on catering.

Simon wrote to all those who have cooked meals, or to their carer, before the centre was closed for the summer break. As a result members now bring their own packed lunch whenever they come to the centre. This has been working well and has freed up members of staff for other duties.

A note from Christine

I first came to the Day Centre about 1988. At first, we were at Barton Hill, then we moved to Wick Road.

I was encouraged by Jenny Edwards, who gave me lifts in her car and then she asked Richard Chapman if he would take me, so he did.

I helped Richard in the kitchen for some time. Then I worked with his wife Mavis in our Charity Shop for about ten years. Suddenly, one evening, I heard that Mavis had died. It was devastating news.

After my being a member for about eighteen years, our manager at the time, Peter Hamar, moved us to a new place in Ruthven Road. In fact, it was once a nursery and one that I volunteered at back in the 1970’s.

When it was ready, we moved in. We can sit outside in the garden and play table tennis (a table which was given to us in memory of one of the members).

The staff are hardworking and very caring; we can talk to them when we like. I got to know another member at Barton Hill called Jo. She has been my best friend ever since.

I like Haven Day Centre the best! By Christine J


Points of Contact at Haven Day Centre

There have been some changes in the office at Haven Day Centre. As of last month the office will be manned by different co-ordinators most times of the week.

Juliet Wynne is the Care co-ordinator

Lisa Perkins is the Volunteers and Students co-ordinator

Alex Porwal is the Contracts co-ordinator

Telephone enquiries can be addressed directly to them. Simon David will be moving offices and will pick up his messages once a day unless your call is very urgent.

"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And cold and heat, And summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease." Genesis 8:22

If you would like to receive our newsletters in a larger font size, or have any questions about the content of the newsletter or our activities, please contact the manager, Simon David.

Alex, Juliet, Simon H, Lisa, Jackie, Denise, Charlotte, Margaret, Philbert, and Simon… and Alex & Angela