Short Term Literacy plan – Year 3 – Citrine Class

Unit: Author Focus – Dick King Smith Duration: 1 weeks Week Beg: 18.6.11

Assessment focus: Talk for Writing. Extending vocabulary – explore suffixes, effect of synonyms. Story structure.
Word/Sentence Level Learning Intention / Main Learning Intention / Success Criteria/Targets / Example of Direct Teaching / Diff Activities
Focus group in bold. / Plenary
Monday 18th June / Register Activity
Boring Sentences
display sentence on w/b that needs improving.
Add words in:
The mouse ate the cheese.
Add on at the end:
The mouse ate the cheese because ...
The m.... mouse m..... at the ch..... cheese. / WALT: understand how diminutives are formed.
(Steph – this was originally Tuesday’s lesson but have changed as Monday a shorter lesson and need more time for author focus work) / Remember to:
·  Match the adult with their young
·  Think of another adult animal, find out the name of their young
·  Match the adult with the correct name for their young
·  Add the correct ending (suffix) to make the diminutive
·  Think of an animal or noun
·  Make up a name for their young using a suffix / Show new DKS book – Emily’s Legs. Read blurb. TPs to discuss what they think the book is about and what might happen.
Discuss style of storytelling in the book and the relationship between text, speech bubbles, pictures. How does the author capture our interest?
Pinpoint key sentences and note use of rhetorical questions to make us wonder what is going on. Note issue introduced and predict how it will become central to story.
We are introduced to the term spiderling. What does this mean? Discuss how the author has created his own term for a young spider.
Explain that a smaller version of something can be called a diminutive – Go through diminutive powerpoint which includes use of ‘-ling’ suffix to denote young eg. sapling, duckling,fledgling, gosling. Discuss their meanings. / SN: with Jan Children to complete sheet connecting names of animals and nouns used for their young (-ling and let used). They then add pictures and 2 examples of their own.
LA: As SN, independent
MA: with Emma. Children to complete diminutives sheet including suffixes (-ling, -let, ock, ette)
MA+: as MA independent
HA: sheet as MA, extend by children making up their own diminutives (can be silly!) / Show pictures of animal on IWB, children to discuss with partner what the diminutive is. Reveal. Was a suffix used to make the diminutive? What was it?
Tuesday, 19th June / Register Activity
Finishing sentences
The sad queen sat down....
choose a connective and complete the sentence:
after, as, because, since, whenever, until, but, before / WALT: to know facts about a favourite author
(Steph – have swapped lessons around – see note on Monday’s plan) / Remember to:
·  Use what we have discussed already and extra information sheets
·  Decide on 5/10 most interesting facts
·  Write one clear sentence about each fact.
Ma/HA / Show the children the class reader – The Sheep-Pig. Who is the author? Remind children of the pile of books we have collected by this author and briefly looked at last week.
Split children into two groups (more able and less able readers) . More able readers to go off and read info page about Dick King Smith, they will be expected to report back.
Less able: display information page about Dick King-Smith. Together, read info page on IWB. Discuss the 5 most important things learned about DKS.
Bring children back together. Less able to report back to others the 5 most important things they found out. More able to add other facts they found out. Create list on IWB. / SN: with Jan to support, children complete their own page about DKS – top five facts. May add illustrations when complete
LA: Independent. Using class ideas, children to complete page ‘5 interesting facts about DKS’(spider diagram style)
MA: Children to complete page ’10 interesting facts about DKS’ (spider diagram style) using what we have learnt in class and extra information sheets.
MA+: with Emma. Using ideas class discussed and with access to information sheets, children to create a page of info about DKS, organising key ideas under the provided sub-headings.
HA: Independent. As MA+
If writing focus group goes ahead, SN/LA with Jude, Jan to work with HA group. / Look at selection of DKS books – read blurbs. Which books are children interested in reading? Why?
Wednesday, 20th June / WALT: explore the effects of synonyms on meaning (with dialogue). / Remember to:
·  Look for punctuation clues (! Often means it is being said loudly!);
·  Read the sentence out loud;
·  Think about how the character may be feeling. / Read Ch2. Discuss dialogue in chapter. Who talks to whom? Recap on exchange between Emily’s mother & father (Muriel & Egbert). What does this tell us about their relationship? Look closely at description of Spiderlings’ Gym. What happens here? How do Emily’s brothers & sisters treat her? Do they feel sorry for Emily?
Display enlargement of p20-21, showing spiderlings’ comments to Emily. Ask different children to say each line aloud. Consider way they might have been said. Model how to record dialogue stating how comments were said, e.g. “Who’s a clever girl then?” taunted the first spiderling.
Discuss how the verb (synonym for said) effects the overall meaning of the sentence, and also how you deliver the line when reading out loud. / Children to choose synonym for said to complete sentences (with dialogue). Jan to support SN/LA.
HA: to use a thesaurus to select own synonyms. (Christina) / Read lines out loud, using appropriate expression for the synonym selected.
Thursday, 21st June / ·  WALT: plan the structure of a story (opening, problem, action and resolution), knowing that each section is a paragraph (more for HA). / Remember to:
·  Tell the story out loud first, as if you were Emily.
Use the planning sheet to plan events following this structure:
·  Opening;
·  Problem;
·  Action;
·  Resolution. / Read Chs3&4. Did they enjoy the conclusion of this story? Look at the book as a whole. Discuss the importance of structuring a story. On IWB, work together to create a skeletal ‘story map’ of the main parts of the story in sequence (note under headings: opening, problem, action, resolution). Consider how each part is linked to another & how author creates humour & tension in correct places, especially endings of chapters.
Reread opening of Ch4: In time to come, when Emily was herself a mother spider, her own spiderlings often asked her for a web-time story. And their favourite was “The Day the Hoover Ate Mum”. Children to imagine being Emily telling her ‘hoover adventure’ to spiderlings. Model planning structure of story, note main events, incl losing 2 extra legs & meeting future husband! Discuss, record ideas for words to be used to signify ‘time sequences’ in story, e.g. not long after, suddenly, later… / Talk for writing: in pairs, children to speak ‘in role’ as Emily, so they are able to think about the account being in first person. Rehearse the story orally, before making notes on the planning sheet.
SN: To work as a group to create a joint plan. (Jan)
LA: Plan in pairs.
MA: (Steph) Focus: stories will be written in first person, so encourage children to think about how Emily might explain her fears & feelings throughout the adventure.
MA+/HA: Independent.
Can’t do a Literacy lesson on Friday due to swimming am and Olympics groups pm.
Monday, 25h June / Register activity
Making sentences
write word on board – snake
The children have to write word containing this sentence on mini-whiteboard. Give my example:
The snake slithered along the top of the sand dune.
read back their sentence to themselves and check. Is it interesting? / WALT: plan a story and use the plan to tell a story orally / Remember to:
·  Finish your Plan using
·  Practise telling your story, remember you are telling it as if you are Emily
If you are completely finished you can design a cover for your favourite DKS book. / SHORT SESSION
(several children ill on Friday, so they will need to catch up so they can plan their story ready for Big Writing tomorrow)
Recap on story – re-read chapters 3 and 4. Make sure children understand that Emily told stories to her own children and the favourite one was ‘The Day the Hoover Ate Mum’
Remind children that they are going to pretend that they are Emily and telling the story to their children. When they tell the story it will be in the first person.
Select child to show their plan so far, recap that the plan should be opening, problem, action, resolution. / Group the children depending on how far they got last week:
Group 1: Jan: to support children who haven’t started their plan yet.
Group 2: Independent, finish their plans from last week. Once complete children to rehearse telling the story as Emily out loud.
Group 3: In pairs use their plan to practise telling their story to a partner.
Once rehearsed, children can select their favourite DKS book and draw a book cover for our display.
Tuesday, 26th June / Register activity
Making sentences
write two words on board and children have to write a sentence that includes both
Jelly Shark
Remember punctuation!!! / BIG WRITING
The Day the Hoover Ate Mum!
W / WALT: investigate the structure of an adventure story