Allegory & X-Men: What do the two have in common?

Allegory: a story behind the story

An allegory is a narrative that is really a ______.

One story takes place on the surface.

Under the surface, the story’s ______and ______represent ______, things like love or freedom, evil or goodness, hell or heaven.

An Allegory must operate on two levels

On the level of ______, an allegory must hold our attention. Its characters must seem ______and ______enough for us to care about them.

On the ______level the ideas in the story must be accessible to us. As you read, you should find that the allegorical level of the story gradually begins to strike you.

X-Men Comics

Created in the 1960’s by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, X-Men are outcast from society because they are different.

The comics were aimed at groups who ______

Based on the idea that everyone wants to be “______”

For example, people with disabilities…

The point: different is okay!

Mutations vs. Disabilities: realization & acceptance

When mutants first realize they have a mutation, ______for both the mutant and the family is difficult.

Archangel’s father takes him to special scientists to try to “fix” him, and Rogue runs away from home because she doesn’t understand why she hurts everyone she touches.

Mutations vs. Disabilities: realization & acceptance

When mutants first realize they have a mutation, ______for both the mutant and the family is difficult.

Families search for the best doctors in the country for surgeries to “fix” the disabled.

Heather Whitestone, who is ______, was crowned ______in 1995.

Mutations vs. Disabilities

Mutants and those with disabilities are sometimes______from society because they do not “fit in.”

  • A parent of a mutant child asks Dr. Xavier to “cure” or fix the child, but he responds, “mutation is not a disease.”
  • Mutations & Disabilities are not things that need to be “fixed” because there is nothing wrong with being a mutant or disabled

Mutations vs. Disabilities

Unlike some superheroes, Superman & Spiderman, who can ______and ______their abilities, X-Men and those with disabilities do not always have that luxury

Both struggle to understand themselves and how they fit into society, unlike the Super-guys who can easily assimilate into “normal” society

Stereotypes & Prejudice

Families and communities may have a hard time dealing with perceived mutations and disabilities

Thus, mutants attend a school that teaches them “to survive…peacefully in a world that fears them.”

The same could be said of people with disabilities, that they live in a world that does not ______them.

This is due to lack of ______and ______

Nightcrawler & Prejudice

Persecuted as a ______based solely on how he looks.

He actually has a deep ______that allows him to find rest and peace.

Stereotypes & Prejudice

Professor Xavier urges mutants & humanity to live together peacefully, with ______, no matter how different they may be.

The same is true for society and those with disabilities

Allegory in “The Masque of the Red Death”

As you read “The Masque of the Red Death,” look for allegory working on two levels.

To realize the allegory, ask yourself,

  • What is the main story about?
  • What abstract ideas are being represented?
  • What is the deeper story the author is trying to convey?