MARCH 2016

  1. Community Plan: PowysCounty Council has offered the Group/TC some additional time with R4C. I did enquire if the Group have the funding direct but was told it was only available to R4C. Maggie Taylor-Saunders has confirmed that the Group intends to take up the offer and the TC will be involved in the process via Cllr. Tennant-Eyles the TC rep on the group.R4C emailed the following detail of what is on offer - 'PCC has asked us to offer youthree more days of supportto develop the work undertaken so far, to give you solid foundations for funding applications; in particular focussing on your localeconomy,tourismand also anymajor projects. It is critical that from now on the Town Council and the Steering Group work in partnership on behalf of the whole community: residents, businesses (owners and employees) and visitors whether for a day, holidaymakers or those with a holiday home or caravan in the area.'
  1. Tennis Courts: Nothing new to report. Responses from PCC and are being considered by our Solicitor.
  1. Cycle Routes: Sustrans have contacted the school to see when they may visit.
  1. Kayes Site: The letter from Harris Lamb Property Consultancy has been circulated and the firm is currently looking to arrange a meeting with the County Council in the fairly near future.
  1. Various Presteigne Items: I have asked for a site meeting with Brian Price at PCC to discuss the additional bollard request in Hereford Street, the need for dropped kerbs at the end of Slough Road and the planting of the roundabouts.
  1. Quotes, Contracts and Tendering Course: This was cancelled due to low numbers but has been re-arranged for 7th July when I hope to attend.
  1. Grant for Maintenance Plan etc, Meadow: I have completed the Greggs Foundation application for funding for the maintenance plan but I think this is an outside shot.. I am hoping to meet one of the Officers from the LEADER funding team soon to discuss a possible application to this fund although again it is an outside chance.
  1. Future of Presteigne Works Depot: I followed this up on 7th March and was told that the matter is still under consideration.
  1. Street Lighting Issues from December: This is with PCC but a number of staff have been off sick leading to a backlog in jobs. Should be done soon if not already.