Lab 7d: Overriding the equals() method

Lab 7d: Overriding the equals() method

File contains a class that holds information about an athlete: name, team, and uniform number. File contains a skeletal program that uses the Player7d class to read in information about two baseball players and determine whether or not they are the same player.


  1. Fill in RunComparePlayer7d

Fill in the missing code in RunComparePlayer7d so that it reads in two players and prints "Same player" if they are the same, "Different players" if they are different. Use the equals() method, which Player7dinherits from the Object class, to determine whether two players are the same. Run the program with 2 different player inputs and then with 2 identical player inputs. Are the results what you expect?

  1. Override equals()

The problem above is that as defined in the Objectclass, equals()does memory address comparison. It says that two objects are the same if they live at the same memory location or aliases of one another. The two Player7d objects in this program are not aliases, so even if they contain exactly the same information they will be "not equal."

To make equals compare the actual information in the object, you can override it with a definition specific to the class. It might make sense to say that two players are "equal" (the same player) if they are on the same team and have the same uniform number.

  1. Use this strategy to define an equals()method for the Player7d class. Your method should take a Player7d object and return true if it is equal to the currentPlayer7d object, false otherwise.
  2. Test your RunComparePlayer7d program using your modified Player7d class. It should give the results you would expect.

Turn In

You will have to turn in:


// **********************************************************
// [Lab 7d]
// Student Name: <name>
// Defines a Player7d class that holds information about an athlete.
// **********************************************************
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Player7d
private String name;
private String team;
private intjerseyNumber;
// ------
// Prompts for and reads in the player's name, team, and
// jersey number.
// ------
public void readPlayer()
Scanner scan = new Scanner( );
System.out.print( "Name: " );
name = scan.nextLine();
System.out.print( "Team: " );
team = scan.nextLine();
System.out.print( "Jersey number: " );
jerseyNumber = scan.nextInt();
// ------
// TODO: 2a) Override equals()

// **************************************************************
// [Lab 7d]
// Student Name: <name>
// Reads in two Player7d objects and tells whether they represent
// the same player.
// **************************************************************
publicclass RunComparePlayers7d
publicstaticvoidmain( String[] args )
Player7d player1 = new Player7d();
Player7d player2 = new Player7d();
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
// ------
// TODO: 1) Fill in missing code
// Prompt for and read in information for player 1
// Prompt for and read in information for player 2
// Compare player1 to player 2 and print a message saying
// whether they are equal

Sample Output #1

Input Player 1:
Name: John Doe
Team: Reds
Jersey number: 15
Input Player 2:
Name: John Doe
Team: Reds
Jersey number: 15
Player 1 MATCHES Player 2

Sample Output #2

Input Player 1:
Name: Bill Nye
Team: Science Guys
Jersey number: 10
Input Player 2:
Name: Bill No way
Team: Science Guys
Jersey number: 15
Player 1 DOES NOT MATCH Player 2
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