The RSPCA Good Business Awards


  1. In return for your completing this questionnaire, we will enter your organisation into the RSPCA Good Business Awards 2012 (the ‘Awards’).
  2. You warrant that the information you have provided on this questionnaire is accurate and not misleading and that
    you will notify us immediately (whether before the Awards ceremony or after you have been given an award) if you become aware that any information supplied is inaccurate or misleading in any way. In the event that you are given
    an award, you undertake to notify us of any change in your organisation’s policies or practices which relates, however incidentally, to that award, during the period from the presentation of the award to the Awards ceremony in the following year.
  3. We may cancel your participation in the Awards at any time if we become aware that:

(a) any information you have provided is inaccurate or misleading; or

(b) if you make any statement that unfairly discredits or denigrates the RSPCA or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates,
or any of their activities.

  1. In consideration of the RSPCA entering your organisation into the Awards, you grant the RSPCA the non-exclusive licence to use, copy and reproduce any data and other information supplied by you as part of entering the Awards for the purposes only of judging and publicising the Awards and using such data and information in connection with other on-going or future RSPCA campaigns. The RSPCA warrants and undertakes that any such data or information supplied by you will not be used in a manner which is falsely defamatory to your organisation.
  2. The RSPCA has selected a panel of experts to judge the Awards objectively. A decision of the judges is final.
  3. As part of the judging process, we may ask to visit your premises and view activities relevant to the award for which you have entered, at a reasonable time pre-arranged with you. If you refuse to allow us access or assistance to carry out a visit, we may cancel your participation in the Awards.
  4. If you win an award you will be licensed to use the RSPCA Good Business Awards logo (‘Logo’) provided by us on promotional and display materials only subject to our agreement on use and your compliance with the conditions
    set out below (‘Conditions’).


In consideration of us allowing you to make use of the Logo, you agree to abide by these Conditions (as amended by the RSPCA from time to time).

  1. You shall ensure that all personnel who will be involved in the use of the Logo read and comply with these Conditions whenever using the logo.
  2. You acknowledge that all rights (including goodwill) in the Logo are owned by the RSPCA, registered charity number 219099, and that you shall not obtain any title or rights in the Logo other than the use authorised by these Conditions.
  3. These Conditions entitle you to use only the Logo. They do not authorise you to use any other registered or unregistered trade marks belonging to the RSPCA.
  4. The Logo may only be used in the form provided by us, including, without limitation, in relation to colour, shape, proportions, dimensions and typeface, and as specified in these Conditions. The Logo may not be used in conjunction withor as part of any other logo, design, wording or mark. The year of the awards ceremony at which the award was won must form a conspicuous part of the Logo.
  5. Any statement used about or in conjunction with the Logo, the RSPCA name or the Awards must be approved by the RSPCA in advance. You may not make any statement or representation that the RSPCA recommends or endorses your products, services, business, company practices or policies without the RSPCA’s prior written approval.
  6. The Logo may only be used by and in relation to the specific legal entity which has been given the award. It may not
    be used by any other company or entity, including any parent, subsidiary or affiliate without written permission of
    the RSPCA.
  7. You may not sub-license use of the Logo, save in so far as is required for the production and printing of promotional and/or display materials.
  8. The Logo may only be used on promotional and/or display material which promotes products that comply with the policies for which you have received the award. Any such use of the Logo must be approved by the RSPCA in writing prior to you using the Logo. Approval for further uses or promotional activities proposed by you must be obtained in advance from the RSPCA by contacting the Awards team on: 0300 123 0488.
  9. You may only use the Logo on promotional and/or display materials in circulation within the UK. Any use outside of the UK is a breach of these Conditions. The only exception to this condition is use of the Logo on an internet site clearly intended for use by UK residents only.
  10. We reserve the right to withdraw, without notice, any award that you may win and your use of the Logo if:

(a) you change your animal welfare policies or practices relating to the award in a way that we believe is retrograde; or

(b) we become aware that any information you have submitted is or was inaccurate or misleading as to your animal welfare policies or practices or has become so prior to or after winning the Award; or

(c) you breach these Conditions in any way;

(d) you make any statement that unfairly discredits or denigrates the RSPCA or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, or any of their activities; and/or

(e) for any other reason at our absolute discretion.

  1. We reserve the right to amend these Conditions at any time.
  2. You will let us know immediately if you come across any activities involving the Logo which you suspect have not been authorised by the RSPCA.
  3. You will not use the Logo:

(a) in any way likely to damage the goodwill and reputation attaching to them;

(b) in such a way as to bring the RSPCA into disrepute;

(c) in any manner likely to dilute the value or strength of the Logo;

(d) on any products or packaging; and/or

(e) in relation to any products which were not subject to the Awards or do not meet the minimum standards prescribed by the Awards.

  1. All other rights are expressly reserved.
  2. Any notice, consent, approval of other communication required under these Conditions must be in writing.

Post printed forms to:
Jane Martin
RSPCA Good Business Awards 2012
Wilberforce Way
West Sussex
RH13 9RS / Email electronic forms to:

If you have any queries, please call:
0300 123 0488 or email:
Don’t forget to include any relevant case studies. Good luck!


RSPCA, Wilberforce Way, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 9RS

Tel: 0300 1234555

The RSPCA helps animals in England and Wales. Registered charity no. 219099.

The RSPCA only exists because of public donations.

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