Minutes of PPG Meeting Mon 24th March 2014 in The Dairy

Present: Patrick, Peter R, Cecilia, Frances, Peter Z, Pauline, Romy, Jane, Allen and Vicki P
Also present: Andrew, Sue, Kate and Michael Bunn
Apologies: Sonia, Vicky J, Elise and Alun Jones
  1. Patrick welcomed all to the meeting.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting (27th Jan) were approved and signed.
  3. Matters Arising
Pauline mentioned that she had been looking at the NHS Choices website and that the comments posted by patients recently were in a much more positive vein.
  1. Reports from Focus Groups
Group 1:
Peter said that there were 6 attendees out of the 9 who had confirmed. A copy of this report is attached.
Definition of ‘Urgent Care’ -some discussion ensued about the definition of ‘Urgent’ – although it was generally felt that having this was helpful as there had been no guidance before – perhaps the wording needs some more thought. Sue answered questions on the training given to receptionists on answering the telephone. The aim was to have telephones answered in the T room within 3 rings. No targets are set as this is not a target driven service.
Patrick – should the report go to the Partners as it is? Peter thought that it should and should go out to all attendees of the Focus Groups. It was finally agreed that the reports should be sent out to all Focus Group volunteers in the hope that it might encourage more to attend the meetings. Also should be sufficient to send to the Management Team and not to all the Partners.
Group 2:
Frances commented that there were 5 attendees out of the 9 who confirmed, but that they were a very lively group. A copy of this report is attached.
Definition of ‘Urgent Care’ –some discussion about whether the person answering the call requesting an ‘urgent’ appointment would make the decision as to whether it was ‘urgent’ or not – surely if the patient considers it to be ‘urgent’ then it is urgent. One patient’s definition of ‘urgent’ is not always the same as another’s and many factors can affect the decision making process.
Jane presented the second half of the Group 2 report.
Frances relayed some comments made at the end of the Group 2 meeting about reaching younger patients by using ‘twitter’ and similar methods of communication.
Sue commented that it was interesting that of the two topics, the TV Information system prompted the most discussion from the Focus Groups
Peter R thought that giving some ICP guidance on the topics was a very good idea.
Sue said that it was important to concentrate on explaining ‘triage’ to the patient population.
Kate said that she would re-work the wording of the ‘urgent care’ definition.
Patrick thanked Peter R, Jane & Frances for facilitating and presenting their reports.
  1. Access to Services
Sue confirmed that the new web site is up and running and that the on-line booking system is in use. Also that the repeat prescription service is now linked in to the clinical system. Patients are required to register in order to use the on-line booking system and Andrew reported that about 300 had registered so far. The service has been advertised in the surgeries (not Cox Lane or Stoneleigh as they are not included yet) and on the website. Some discussion about how the new site is working and how it guides the user. Peter stressed the need to gather more email addresses.
Hollymoor Lane update – Andrew reported that there is no further progress but that it is still a live issue and that he will draft the letter for Patrick to sign and send off asap.
  1. Action Plan for 2013/14 – Progress Report
Andrew went through the 3 priority areasthat had been agreed last year and progress was discussed. The group then discussed the proposed actions for 2014/15. A copy of the report is attached along with the survey results.
Communication –This is one of the priority areas in the Action Plan and Andrew asked the PPG for suggestions – perhaps using ‘twitter’ or other forms of social media as it is important to be able to target the younger patient population – some discussion about trying to involve local schools. Romy mentioned that she teaches at Nonsuch and could look at the possibility of forming a small focus group there.
Andrew asked for volunteers to join the 3 groups defined in his report.
Access – Peter R
Communication – Romy
Commissioning – Frances
Patrick thanked Andrew for presenting his report.
  1. AGM Patrick suggested that the date for the AGM and the next PPG meeting be the same – the date agreed was Mon 28thApril.It should be in 2 parts – the first part as an ‘Open’ meeting. The second part would be a closed meeting and would include the Appointment of Officers
  1. Date of next PPG Meeting – see above
  1. Any Other Business
Sue said that the ‘John Lewis Model’ mentioned at the previous meeting was about to be piloted at FMS (green counters as given out in Waitrose) – the patients would be asked ‘How likely are you to recommend this surgery’ and given a choice of three containers in which to place their counter:
  1. Not Likely
  2. Very Likely
  3. Likely
This was approved by the group.
Vicki P mentioned that she and Cecilia were working on the next edition of the Newsletter. Her suggested articles so far were to include – the new clinical system Emis/ the new website/ on- line booking and the controversial Care.Data programme.
She asked if any of the group had any further ideas to let her know.
Patrick thought that Vicki deserved some praise for her hard work and administrative support for the PPG – especially editing & producing the Patient Newsletter.
Patrick thanked all for attending. The meeting closed at 8.50pm / For Action
Vicki P
Sue E
Vicki P/