Los Angeles Unified School District
Sylmar Charter High School
Mrs. A. Campos
Course Overview
The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is designed for students to demonstrate a level of proficiency of the Spanish language through reading comprehension, listening exercises, oral participation, and written communication. The class is conducted entirely in Spanish. The AP Spanish Language is comparable to an advanced level college course.
The objectives of the class are as follow:
1. To acquire the ability to comprehend formal and informal spoken Spanish.
2. The acquisition of vocabulary to allow easy and accurate reading of newspaper and magazines articles, as well as, modern literature in Spanish.
3. To acquire the ability to compose expository passages.
4 To acquire the ability to express ideas orally with accuracy and fluency.
Course Outline
The curriculum for AP Spanish Language is based on the following texts: Tesoro literario (Glencoe Spanish), Essential Repaso (National Textbook Company) and AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination (Prentice Hall).
Tesoro literario introduces students to the literature of Spain and Latin America. Through the advanced linguistic development of various levels of Tesoro literario, students are introduced to different genres such as fables, short stories, poetry, and novels. Due to the fact that most students who take AP Language usually take AP Literature the following year, students are introduced to various literary movements in Spanish and Latin American literature and history. In Tesoro literario students will be introduced to units which provide general information of the literary genre and literary terms.
Essential Repaso a Complete Review of Spanish Grammar, Communications, and Culture provides students with clear and well organized grammar explanations. Most lessons of Essentia Repaso have an oral exercise, which gives an alternative opportunity for communicative expressions.
AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Exam provides students with listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises divided in units which cover sections with similar examples found in the test. Through this practice exam, students will encounter short and long narratives, short and long dialogues, informal speaking, formal oral presentations, and informal and formal writing, which will help them in preparation for the exam.
Sample Classroom Activities
Listening Skills
1. An audio source is selected and played to students (e.g. “Environmental Changes”, Festivals and Traditions of Spain, etc.)
2. Type of activities while listening:
- Fill out graphic organizers or outlines.
- Check off items in a list (true/false, put in order).
- Fill in blanks (cloze exercises).
- Underline main ideas or key vocabulary words in sentences.
3. Post Listening Activities
After listening an audio source students:
- Work in pairs to share what they believe is the theme (students are required to provide specific details from the listening source to support their answers).
- Summarize the message.
- Complete a timeline graphic organizer.
- Discuss or debate the issues.
- Hypothesize possible causes or consequences based on the listening text.
- Write a letter to the editor or other group, or news article based on the text.
- Students record a two-minute presentation.
Listening Activities
1. Dictation
- Students take notes while an audio source is played twice.
In groups of three, students reconstruct the original audio source as best as possible by comparing notes.
2. Text Reconstruction
- Students listen to an audio selection without taking notes. Afterwards, students write a list of 3-5 concepts they recall from the audio source. In small groups, students re-tell what they heard.
Sources for authentic listening activities:
CNN en español
Radio Naciones Unidas
Authentik en español (Paid Subscription)
Think Spanish (Paid subscription)
AP Spanish Language Preparation for the Language Examination (Prentice Hall).
Reading Skills
Since students are being prepared to take the AP Spanish Language Exam and the majority will continue with AP Spanish Literature, through Tesoro literario and other supplemental readings such as Think Spanish, Americas, Authentik en español and National Geographic in Spanish, students will be asked to:
- Identify the main points and important details about the reading.
- Students will be asked to make cultural, political or social inferences and make predictions of written material.
- Students will learn and expand vocabulary through word families explorations based on root words.
- In order to stress reading comprehension students will be asked to re-read several passages and summarize them in their own words.
- Students will also be asked to research authors and important aspects of particular genres studied.
- Students will compare and contrast literary movements and techniques used by the authors.
Writing Skills
In Tesoro literario students will enhance their writing skills through the Activities Workbook.
- Students will read several short reading selections which will be followed with vocabulary, grammar, and composition activities.
- In addition to Tesoro literario, students will write daily journals entries with topics pertinent to the materials read in class.
- Students will also have to read and summarize newspaper and magazine articles. In addition, they will express their opinions and predict outcomes.
Formal and Informal Writing
Informal Writing
Students will practice informal writing through letters, e-mail messages, and journals entries which will help in communicate, interpret linguistic cues to associate social relationship, and recognize the language in its given context.
Formal Writing
Formal writing will be integrated with reading and listening skills. Students will write a series of five well organized analytical, persuasive, and expository essays per semester, which will express an understanding of the readings in text, newspaper, articles discussed in class, or other information viewed related to the Spanish speaking world.
Speaking Skills
Informal Speaking
- Students will respond to conversational prompts, such as interviews, voice mail, asking directions, advice, story telling, and giving speeches.
- Students participate daily in class discussions of literary and cultural topics, current events, and personal experiences.
- Students will improve vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation, and intonation through directed or free class discussions.
- In order to understand the spoken language, students will listen to narratives and dialogues to make inferences, predictions, and linguistic cues.
- Students will be given topics to discuss in groups of 4-6.
- Students will participate in Socratic Seminar. Students will sit in a circle after reading a selection. Then, they will discuss literature, current events, or any abstract topic.
AP Spanish Unit Course Planner
First Semester
Introductions, Classroom Rules, Expectations, Syllabus, and Diagnostic Evaluation.
Tesoro literario / Essential Repaso (Spanish Grammar, Communication, and Culture)Unit 1 La fábula
El apólogo o fábula, Francisco Martinez de la Rosa
La lechera, Félix María Samaniego
La gallina de los huevos de oro, Samaniego
Los dos conejos, Tomás de Iriarte
Los ricos improvisados, José Rosa Moreno
La polilla desobediente, Ana Iris Chávez / Articles and Adjectives
Demonstratives and Possessives
Personal Pronouns: subject object, prepositions
Relative Pronouns
Unit 2 El cuento en España
De lo que aconteció a un mancebo que se casó con una mujer muy fuerte y brava , Don Juan Manuel
El afrancesado, Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
Las medias rojas, Emilia Pardo Bazán
Navidad para Carnavalito, Ana María Matute
El salvamento, Ana María Matute / Present Tense, ser and estar
Preterite Tense and Imperfect
Future and Conditional
Passive Constructions
Unit 3 El cuento en Hispanoamérica
La muerte de emperatriz de la China , Rubén Darío
El Hijo, Horacio Quiroga
El remate, Beatriz Guido
El brujo postergado, Jorge Luis Borges
Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos, Jorge Luis Borges
El cuento “cassette”, Enrique Anderson Imbert
La luz es como el agua, Gabriel García Márquez
De barro estamos hechos, Isabel Allende / The Subjunctive in Noun Clauses
The Imperfect Subjunctive & Perfect Subjunctive Sentences
Unit 4 La carta o epístola
Un encuentro con Moctezuma, Hernán Cortés
Cartas desde mi celda, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Pepita Jiménez , Juan Valera
La tesis de Nancy, Ramón J. Sender
Carta a un caballero que tomaba interés en la causa
republicana en la América del Sur, Simón Bolivar
Quien supiera escribir, Ramon de Campoamor / Elements of the Sentence: Adverbs, Interrogative Words & Question Formation
Unit 5 La novela
La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes, Anónimo
Don Quijote de la Mancha, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
La Gaviota, Fernán Caballero
Doña Barbara, Rómulo Gallegos
Doña Perfecta, Benito Pérez Galdós
La tía Angustias (Nada) Carmen Laforet / Numbers, Dates, and Time
Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers
Second Semester
Unit 6 La poesíaEl cantar del Mío Cid, Anónimo
El libro del buen amor, Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita
Coplas de la muerte de su padre, Jorge Manrique
Soneto a Cristo crucificado, Anónimo
Las rimas, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Canción del pirata, José de Espronceda
Martín Fierro, José Hernández
Versos sencillos, José Martí
Caupolicán, Rubén Darío
Lo fatal, Rubén Darío
Ofertorio, Amado Nervo
Los heraldos negros, Cesar Vallejo
Vino primero pura, Juan Ramón Jiménez
Las higuera, Juana de Ibarbourou
El niño solo, Gabriela Mistral
Sensemayá, Nicolás Guillén
Dos niños, Nicolás Guillén
Oración por Marilyn Monroe, Ernesto Cardenal
Tu risa, Pablo Neruda / Test Practice
Short Dialogues & Narratives
Reading Comprehension
Idiomatic Usage
Idioms and Expressions with: tener, tomar, estar, echar, dar, and, hacer. Sayings and Proverbs.
Test Practice
Long Dialogues & Narratives
Paragraph Completion
Free Response Informal Speaking (Simulated Conversation)
Formal oral Presentation
Unit 7 Biografía
La respuesta, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Retrato, Antonio Machado
Prólogo de doce cuentos peregrinos, Gabriel García Márquez
Alfonsina, Mares de versos, María Esther Vásquez
Voy a dormir, Alfonsina Storni
Confieso que he vivido, Pablo Neruda / Test Practice
Formal Speakingst Practice
Oral Presentation
Composition Informal Writing
Paragraph Completion
Long Dialogues & Narratives
Paragraph Completion
Free Response Informal Speaking (Simulated Conversation)
Formal oral Presentation
Unit 8 El ensayo
Una peluquería americana, Julio Gamba
La sonrisa, Concha Suárez de Otero
A la mujer mexicana, Gabriela Mistral
Vida social, Miguel de Unamuno
Máscaras mexicanas, Octavio Paz
El interviewer, Juan Montalvo
El castellano viejo, Mariano José de Lara / Test Practice
Long Dialogues & Narratives
Paragraph Completion
Free Response Informal Speaking (Simulated Conversation)
Formal oral Presentation
Long Dialogues & Narratives
Paragraph Completion
Free Response Informal Speaking (Simulated Conversation)
Formal oral Presentation
Unit. 9 El drama
Fuenteovejuna, Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio
La vida es sueño, Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Mañana de sol, Serafín y Joaquín Alvarez Quintero
Corona de sombra, Rodolfo Usigli
La casa de Bernarda Alba, Federico García Lorca / Test Practice
Formal Speaking Practice
Oral Presentation
Composition Informal Writing
Paragraph Completion
Long Dialogues & Narratives
Paragraph Completion
Free Response Informal Speaking (Simulated Conversation)
Formal oral Presentation
Unit. 10 La traducción
El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha,
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
The Rose of the Alhambra, WashingtonIrving
Paula, Isabel Allende / Test Practice
Formal Speaking Practice
Oral Presentation
Composition Informal Writing
Paragraph Completion (Without Root Words)
Formal Writing (Composition)
Adley Margaret Albini, Louis. Tesoro literario. Ohio.Mcgraw-Hill. 2004
Diaz Jose,Leiche-Prieto, Margaret,Nadenbach Glenn. AP Spanish Preparing for Language Examination. Third Edition Prentice Hall. Boston 2007.
Essential Repaso. National Textbook Company.Chicago.1998.
Friedman E., Valdivieso, Virgillo C.,Aproximaciones. 5th Edition.McGraw Hill Co. New York. 2004.
Rodriguez Rodney. Momentos cumbres de las literaturas hispánicas. Prentice Hall. New Jersey. 2004.
Nacional Geographic en español
Suplemento La revista Argentina
CNN en español
Radio Naciones Unidas
Authentik en español (Paid Subscription)
Think Spanish (Paid subscription)
América (Paid Subscription)
Grade Scale: 86-100%=A 45% Notebook/Portfolio
75-85%=B 25% Tests/Quizzes
65-74%=C 20% Oral Presentations
55-64%=D 10% Homework
54 & below=F
Classroom procedures:
- Be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
- Follow directions given by the teacher.
- Bring class materials to class every day.
- Always be respectful to your teacher and classmates.
We have read, discussed, and understand the requirements, policies, and class grading procedures for this class.
**Parents please be advised that per school policy, cell phones or other electrical devices are not allowed in class. If seen, they will be confiscated and sent to the dean’s office.
Please sign: I have read and understand Mrs. Campos’ syllabus