Meeting Report Summary[Draft]
Chair:Scott Lambert1:00pm-4:00pm ET
- Call to Order
Mr.Lambert called the meeting to order at1:05pmand welcomed the participants to today’s meeting.
- Attendance Check-in, Introductions and Administrative Matters
The following ACTA Industry Segment Representatives and general public were present, either in person or on the telephone.
Name / Company/Organization / RepresentingScott Lambert / Curtis-Straus, LLC. / ACTA Chair
Milt Bush / The M Companies / Other Interested Party Segment
John Bipes / Mobile Engineering / Other Interested Party Segment
Richard Mullen / Panasonic / Manufacturer Segment
Vir Angelo Lontoc / Panasonic / Public
Kirk Burgee / FCC / Public
Cathy Zima / FCC / Public
John Hall / HP / Public
Steve Whitesell / Whitesell Consulting, LLC / Public
Mark Cassarino / ATIS / ACTA Database Manager
Kerrianne Conn / ATIS / ACTA Secretariat
Andrew White / ATIS / ATIS Liaison
- Agenda Review and Approval (ACTA-15-001)
- Participants reviewed the draft meeting agenda.
- A motion was made and seconded for the approval of the agenda as modified. (Bipes/Bush). The agendawas approved without opposition(AGREEMENT REACHED).
- Review and Approval of Meeting Summary from October 30, 2014General Council Meeting (ACTA-14-005)
- Participants reviewed the Meeting Summary.
- Motion was made for the approval of the October 30, 2014Meeting Summary (Bipes/Mullen). The Meeting Summary was approved without objection(AGREEMENT REACHED).
- ACTA Secretariat will remove “Draft” from the Meeting Summary and repost the document as ACTA-14-005(ACTION ITEM).
Action Item Review from October 30, 2014:
- ACTA Secretariat will remove “Draft” from the Meeting Summary and repost the document as ACTA-14-002(ACTION ITEM).
Status: Completed.
- Additionally, the question was raised what regulation does a wireless payphone fall under? Specifically, the question was raised if the payphone draws its dial-tone from PSTN does it need to follow Part 68 requirements? In response, it was suggested that ACTA submit a letter to put into an FCC docket containing information regarding this issue. (ACTION ITEM) Status: Ongoing – It was noted that the Secretariat will reach out to Mr. Salinas, the originator of this action item, to see if there is still interest in this action item.
Status: Completed – No additional interest was identified after outreach to Mr. Salinas.
- A question was raised if TR 41 is doing any work regarding caller id spoofing. It was noted that there is currently no technical work underway. Mr. Goode and Mr. White noted that ATIS is currently doing work in the Packet Technology and System Committee (PTSC) regarding enhanced Calling Name and in the Next Generation Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NGIIF). It was noted that the FCC has significant concerns regarding call spoofing including calls to public safety answering points with false caller id and calls to individuals purporting to be from government agencies such as the IRS. Many of these fraudulent calls originate outside of the United States. It was noted that the Secretariat will provide an e-mail to the Council Members regarding ATIS activities in this area. Additionally, this topic should be considered for further discussion at an upcoming General Council meeting (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Completed.
- It was noted that there was no one present at the meeting to provide a report. The Secretariat will reach out to Industry Canada to see if they have any information to append to this meeting record (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Completed.
- Participants were reminded of ACTA PN-11-03 ( Part 68 Compliance ACTA Advises Telephone Terminal Equipment Suppliers to Review Compliance with Part 68 Rules, which was developed by ACTA with input from the FCC in 2011. It was noted that this Public Notice (PN), provides some sample language which could be used in these scenarios. Upon further discussion, it was noted that the Secretariat would review the PN to determine if there would be value in a similar type release in the future (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Completed.
- It was noted that the Council in conjunction with the launch of the RPC Data Validation Program, considered solutions for products/RPCs which were no longer being used. Mr. Bipes noted he had some follow-up thoughts on this item which would be shared via the Council off-line. Additionally, Ms. Conn noted that she will review the meeting information to provide background on previous discussions (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Completed.
- Mr. Cassarino noted that the 2015 RPC Data Validation Program starts on November 1, 2015. The Secretariat drafted a PN which was displayed on the screen for the Council. The Secretariat will distribute this PN to the ACTA email lists as well as all contacts associated w/ RPCs in the coming days (ACTION ITEMS).
Status: Completed.
- Ms. Conn noted that the flyer would be available on the Part 68 website and encouraged participants to bring the flyer to related Industry events (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Completed.
- Secretariat Update
- Leadership Vacancies
- Ms. Conn noted that there were a number of open Leadership Positions on the Council. Council Members were encouraged to provide suggestions for possible candidates for these positions.
- Liaison Reports:
- TR 41 Liaison Report
- Mr. Whitesell presented ACTA-15-002 which contains the TR 41 liaison report. The report covered a number of activities which occurred since the last ACTA meeting. He noted that Jason Nixon, of Industry Canada, has agreed to serve as an Interim Chair of the TR 41.9 subcommittee. Additionally, Mr. Whitesell noted that he would most likely not run for re-election as TR-41 Chair when his current term ends in November.
- Mr. Whitesell noted that TR 41 was still awaiting response from the FCC on the NPRM on TIA’s petition requesting that ANSI/TIA-4965 standard on Conversational Gain be adopted by reference into Part 68. It was noted that the extended delay in release an NPRM on TIA’s Conversational Gain petition has resulted in TR 41.9 withdrawing approval for a completed, but on hold, amendment to TSB-31-D measurement guide describing testing procedures for Conversational Gain.
- It was noted that contributions concerning appropriate grounding of equipment during testing and the possibility of adding G. FAST requirements to ANSI/TIA-968-B were discussed during the November 2014 meeting. Additionally, there was a question about elimination of B-type ringing requirements and input was sought from ATIS and ACTA. ACTA had no opinion on this matter and Ms. Conn will forward the question to the appropriate ATIS Staff Members (ACTION ITEM).
- It was noted that based on contributions submitted from Cisco on allowing e-labeling of equipment that has an integrated display screen, a decision was made to open a new project to revise TIA-168-B to address this and other contributions from Industry Canada. Should this standard ultimately be revised, it will be forward to the Council for adoption.
- Mr. Whitesell noted that the ACTA Council had recently approved Amendment 2 to ANSI/TIA-968-B as an ACTA adopted Technical Criteria. It was noted that test labs will need to updating a copy of IEEE STD 269-2010, set up a speaker for providing the acoustic stimulus signal, and modifying their test procedures accordingly, TR 41.9 recommending allowing a 6 month transition period for implementing this new requirement. This recommendation was included in neither the standard nor the Public Notice. Based on discussion with the ACTA Chair, it was noted that the ACTA OP&P notes (clause 10.2) that an SDO should provide transition time and mandatory compliance date information directly in the technical criteria it submits.
- The question was raised if TIA had any concerns with including this information in the proposed technical criteria. In response, it was noted that it would be best from TIA’s viewpoint if the technical criteria document could be submitted accompanied by a separate in recommendation concerning transition times and mandatory compliance dates. ACTA could then include that information in its announcement of the 30-day review period for the new technical criteria and again in the Public Notice when the document is adopted.
- A Motion was made for the approval of a 6 month transition period from the approval date (March 20th) for the recently approved technical criteria (Bipes/Bush). The motion was approved without objection (AGREEMENT REACHED).
- ACTA will issue a Public Notice announcing the 6 month transition period (ACTION ITEM).
- The Secretariat will review the OP&P and consider process changes to the technical criteria submittal process as outlined above and provide a contribution during the July Executive Committee meeting (ACTION ITEM).
- FCC Report
- Mr. Burgee noted that the FCC had no items to report at this time.
- Industry Canada Report
- Ms. Conn presented the report submitted by Industry Canada which is contained in ACTA-15-003. She noted that if participants had any questions, they could submit them to the Secretariat and they would be forwarded on to Industry Canada.
- Questions for the FCC
- A question was asked about how the Net Neutrality ruling could potentially impact ACTA and specifically how it could impact registration of VoIP devices. The FCC noted that an order had been issued regarding this matter and recommended that any specific questions or comments be submitted on the record in this docket.
- Old/New Business
- 2015 RPC Data Validation Program
- Ms. Conn noted that the 2015 RPC Data Validation program has been successful to-date, already exceeding the 2015 projections for participants. Additionally, she noted that the Executive Committee has started to review a possible program to allow for notation of RPCs that are no longer in use. There would be more to come on this initiative during the next ACTA meeting.
- Mr. Cassarino reviewed some questions submitted by HP. The questions, including responses are as follows:
- “What are ACTA’s go forward plans for dealing with RPC’s where the responsibility party no longer exists?” In response, it was noted that this was being considered under a future initiation previously mentioned by Ms. Conn.
- “Does the agreement ACTA has with the Commission require the database to be an all-time record of any products that were ever registered?” In response it was noted that if the product ever existed in the marketplace, it needed to remain in the database.
- “If No, can ACTA be required to remove products that have been out of production for 10 years (basis for 10 years is records retention for SDOC (47CFR 68.326)).” In response it was noted that no information can be removed from the database at this time.
- New ACTA Information Flyer
- It was noted that there was a new informational flyer on the ACTA website for participants use. Any questions on the content of the flyer should be sent to the Secretariat.
- Newly Adopted Technical Criteria
- Implementation Period Discussion
- It was noted that this item was addressed during the TR 41 liaison report.
- ATIS Presentation on Caller ID Spoofing - ACTA-15-004
- Mr. White presented ACTA-15-004 which contains an overview of current standards activities on the growing issue if caller ID spoofing. He noted that this problem is growing with the implementation of SIP traffic which is more prone to spoofing because it is an end-t-end signaling protocol which allows customer systems and devices to more easily originate fraudulent traffic.
- Mr. White noted that there are standardization activities in ATIS’ Packet Technology and Systems Committee (PTSC) and IEFT Security Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) WG. Any additional questions on this topic should be submitted to the Secretariat.
- Next Meeting
- October 22, 2015 – 1-4pm ET (Virtual)
- Adjournment
- The meeting adjourned at2:16pm ET.
Summary of Action Items
Summary of Agreements Reached
April 23, 2015