SEPTEMBER 23, 2003

PRESENT:Berty Riley, David Cope, Priscilla Fraser

and Patricia Walls

ABSENT:Randy Horton

Staff Present: William Singleton and Shirley Garvin

1.CALL TO ORDER – This meeting was called to order at

11:38 a.m. by Berty Riley, Chairperson, in the District Office Boardroom, Ridgeland, South Carolina.


3.NOTIFICATION OF NEWS MEDIA – The following news media

were notified of the date, time, place and agenda of

this meeting: Jasper Sun/Hardeeville Times, Beaufort

Gazette, Carolina Morning News, The Gullah Sentinel, WSAV, WTOC, WJWJ and WTGS.

4.INVOCATION – Dr. Singleton led the invocation.

5.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – The pledge to the flag was

recited by the committee members and staff present.

6.POLICY REVIEW – Ms. Riley stated that this meeting was

a continuation from the last meeting. She shared that

they needed to look at the transportation policy again

for clarification. They also have policies that

address No Child Left Behind.

EEA – STUDENT TRANSPORTATION – There was discussion

on how to clarify this policy regarding two-tenths and

five-tenths. This was brought up by Mr. Cope in the

September 22, 2003 board meeting.

It was agreed to delete the “insert” that was added to the 2003 Model for EEA (Student Transportation). This

information was included in the “draft” administrative rule submitted by Mrs. Garvin.

Mrs. Garvin presented revised information for the

committee members to review for the administrative

rule (EEA-R). After reviewing this information it was agreed to submit this information for approval with the noted changes.

Policy Committee Meeting

September 23, 2003

Page Two

Revision for item #2 should read “The State Department

Office of Transportation allows departure from the

route at any distance over five-tenths of a mile.

The Jasper County Board of Education has authorized

the Superintendent and Transportation Supervisor to

approve hazardous routes within two- to four-tenths

of a mile when a child’s safety becomes an issue,

providing the bus has ample space to turn around.”

It was agreed to delete the first sentence in item #3.

Dr. Singleton stated that he and Mrs. Garvin would go

back to look at the parent requests that came before

the Board previously to see if they fall within these

new guidelines.


reviewed the current policy and compared it with the

new 2003 Model. It was noted that the Model contained

new information on No Child Left Behind in regards to

Title I Involvement, Migrant Education Program, and

Limited English Proficient. It was noted that the

Model did not include the “evaluation” section from

the old policy. It was agreed to insert this informa-

tion from the old policy and use the Model policy

because of the new federal guidelines.

JFB – SCHOOL CHOICE – The committee reviewed the current policy and compared it with the new 2003 Model. Dr. Singleton recommended using the model

policy in place of the existing policy because it

included all guidelines as a result of No Child Left

Behind legislation.

  1. OTHERS – The next Policy Committee meeting was

scheduled for Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 1:30 p.m.

8.ADJOURNMENT – The meeting adjourned at 12:42 p.m.


Recording Secretary