This form applies to institutions currently institutionally-accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education seeking initial institutional accreditation by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES).
NOTE: Incomplete applications will be returned for resubmission and will delay the review process.
Name of Institution:Street Address:
City: / State: / Zip:
School Telephone Number: / Fax Number:
Name of CEO (Specify Dr., Mr., Ms., Mrs): / Title:
Email: / Direct
Name of On-Site Administrator
(Specify Dr., Mr., Ms., Mrs.): / Title:
Email: / Direct
Website Address:
Institutional Accreditor: / Grant Expiration Date:
1. / Is the institution currently or within the past 24-month period under a show-cause directive or any other reporting status with any regulatory body? / Yes / No
If yes, explain, providing a status update and attach the letter from the respective agency(ies):
2. / Has accreditation ever been denied, removed, withdrawn, suspended, or revoked by this or any other accrediting agency? / Yes / No
If yes, explain:
3. / Has the institution ever relinquishedor allowed accreditation to lapse/expire? / Yes / No
If yes, explain:
4. / Has state approval ever been removed, withdrawn, suspended, or revoked from the institution?
Yes / No
If yes, explain:
Describe below any current, previous, or final action for which it is the subject, including probationary status, by an accrediting or state agency potentially leading to the withdrawal, suspension, revocation, or termination of accreditation or licensure. Action on the application will be stayed until the action by the accrediting or state agency is final. Include a copy of the action letter from the agency with this application. Further, the institution must provide evidence of compliance with ABHES requirements and standards relative to the action.
5. / Has a lawsuit been filed against the institution during the past 24-month period? / Yes / No
If yes, explain (including an explanation of its status):
6. / Is the institution under investigation of any kind, including from the Office of Inspector General (OIG) or Federal Trade Commission (FTC) currently or within the past 24-month period? / Yes / No
If yes, explain (including an explanation of its status):
The following questions pertain to owners and/or managers (CEO, administrators):
A. / Has any owner or manager been directly or indirectly employed or affiliated with any school which has lost or been denied accreditation by any accrediting organization during that individual’s period of employment or affiliation? / Yes / NoIf yes, please attach a statement to this application which details the facts and circumstances surrounding that school’s loss or denial of accreditation.
B. / Has any owner or manager been directly or indirectly employed or affiliated with any school that has closed without appropriately completing the education or training program for all enrolled students (e.g., an orderly teach-out plan/agreement) or entered into bankruptcy during that individual’s period of employment or affiliation? / Yes / No
If yes, please attach a statement to this application which details the facts and circumstances surrounding that school’s closure, bankruptcy or both as applicable.
C. / Has any owner or manager been directly or indirectly employed or affiliated with any school that has lost or been denied eligibility to participate in Federal Student Financial Aid programs, including those under Title IV of the Higher Education Act? / Yes / No
If yes, please attach a statement to this application which details the facts and circumstances surrounding the loss or denial of Title IV eligibility.
D. / Is any action pending (e.g. court action, audit, inquiry, review, administrative action), or has action been taken, by any court or administrative body (e.g. federal or state court, grand jury, special investigator, U.S. Department of Education, or any state agency), as to any owner, manager, or other affiliate? / Yes / No
If yes, please attach a statement to this application which gives full disclosure of the person(s) and the matters involved. Include a statement of the facts and circumstances surrounding the action identifying the matter (i.e., still under investigation, preliminary decision under appeal, etc.) and the position taken by the owner or manager involved. If the matter is final, provide a copy of the final action documentation.
E. / Has any owner or manger served in a similar capacity in any other school where either that individual or the school has been charged or indicted in a civil or criminal forum or proceeding alleging fraud, misappropriation, or any criminal act? / Yes / No
If yes, please attach a statement to this application which gives full disclosure of the person(s) and the matters involved. Include a statement of the facts and circumstances surrounding the action identifying the owner or manager and the school which is involved. If the matter is not yet final, please describe the procedural status of the matter (i.e., still under investigation, preliminary decision under appeal, etc.) and the position taken by the owner or manager involved. If the matter is final, provide a copy of the final action documentation.
A. / Does the institution demonstrate that it has the financial resources to ensure continuity of operation and to fulfill its obligations to students and employees (IV.B.1.)?
The financial well-being of an institution requires regular oversight by management.
The institution demonstrates it has revenues and assets available to meet the institution’s responsibilities, including continuity of service and the accomplishment of overall educational objectives. Institutions will submit audited financial statements. Factors to be considered include but are not limited to ratio of current assets to liabilities for the most recent operating year, history of operating results, and net worth. / Yes / No
If no, explain:
B. / Does the institution demonstrate that it meets the following current ratio, profitability, andnet worth criteria (III.A.10.)?
Minimally, an institution must submit an audited financial statement that evidences one or more of the following:
- A ratio of current assets to current liabilities that is at least 1:1 for the most recent operating year;
- A history of operating surpluses for the most recent two years; and
- A positive net worth for its most recent operating year(i.e., total assets which exceed the institution's total liabilities).
If no, explain:
C. / Is the institution on any reporting or probationary status limiting participation in Federal Student Financial Aid programs, including those under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (e.g., HCM1 or HCM2)? / Yes / No
If yes, explain:
D. / Does the institution have currently a letter of credit with the U.S. Department of Education? / Yes / No
If, yes, explain:
Complete the table below for the main campus.
The table will expand as needed to accommodate full listing of programs offered at each campus.
Address, City and State:
Program Title / In Class Clock Hours / *Recognized Outside Hours / Total Clock Hours / Number of Instructional Weeks for day (D), evening (E), &/or weekend (W) schedule, if applicable
40-D, 50-E,
60-W / Academic Credit Hours:
Semester / **Delivery Method (Residential; Blended; or Full Distance) / Credential Awarded
(Diploma, Certificate, or Type of Degree)
Do not use abbreviations
*Identify Outside Hours (i.e., student preparation/homework) ONLY if the institution has approval from currentinstitutional accrediting agency to include these hours as part of the total program length. Otherwise, leave the Outside Hours column blank where then the In Class Clock Hours are the same as the Total Clock Hours.
**See Delivery Method definitions outlined in the Glossary of the Accreditation Manual.
10. / PROGRAM OUTCOMESComplete the following Program Outcomes chart for the programs listed above for the reporting period
July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, using the ABHES formulas below:
***NOTE: Supporting documentation is not required to be provided with this application, but must be readily available upon request.
Retention Rate = (EE + G) / (BE + NS + RE)
EE= Ending Enrollment (Number of students in class, on clinical experience and/or leave of absence on June 30)
G= Graduates
BE= Beginning Enrollment (Number of students in class, on clinical experience and/or leave of absence on July 1)
NS= New Starts
RE= Re-Entries (number of students that re-enter into school who dropped from a previous annual report time period)
***At a minimum, an institution maintains the names of all enrollees by program, start date, and graduation date.
Examination Pass Rate = GP/GT
GP = Graduates passing examination (any attempt)
GT = Total graduates taking examination
***At a minimum, the names of all graduates by program, actual graduation date, and the credentialing or licensure exam for which they are required to sit for employment are maintained.
Placement Rate = (F + R)/(G-U)
F = Graduates placed in their field of training
R* = Graduates placed in a related field of training
G = Total graduates
U** = Graduates unavailable for placement
*Related field refers to a position wherein the majority of the graduate’s job functions require the use of skills and knowledge acquired through successful completion of the training program.
**Unavailable is defined only as documented: health-related issues, military obligations, incarceration, continuing education status, or death.
***At a minimum, an institution maintains the names of graduates, place of employment, job title, employer telephone numbers, and employment and verification dates.
The institution must provide additional documentation (examples may include but not limited to position description, job description, employer letter, graduate attestation) and rationale to justify graduates identified as self-employed, employed in a related field, or unavailable for employment.
MAIN CAMPUS – Program OutcomesProgram Title / Number of Students enrolled
July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 / Number of GraduatesJuly 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 / Retention Rate / Credentialing Pass Rate
(as required for employment) / Placement
ATTENTION: Program information and outcomes as required in questions #9 and #10 abovemust also be provided for each non-main and/or satellite campus assigned to the main campus. Be sure to complete and include thePre-Application Addendumas applicable. Failure to provide the program data for each campus will result in the application being returned and a delay of the review process.
11. / COMPLIANCE WITH THE 70% PREDOMINANCE RULEIf offering a non-allied health program, place a check mark next to the applicable 70% rule for which the institution complies, which may be computed based upon the collective student enrollment and/or programs offered at the main, non-main, and/or satellite campuses:
70% or greater of its full-time equivalent students are enrolled in allied health programs; or
70% of active programs are in the allied health education field; provided that a majority of the institution’s full-time equivalent students are enrolled in those programs. A program is active if it has a current student enrollment and is seeking to enroll more students.
12. Confirmation and Signature
I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information herein and attached hereto is accurate and correct. I certify that I understand that it is the school’s responsibility to demonstrate compliance with the ABHES Accreditation Standards as outlined in the Accreditation Manualand that the Commission’s deliberations and decisions are made on the basis of the written record and are therefore dependent on the forthrightness of the school in disclosing all information that ABHES has requested in this application.
I understand that failure to validate the information provided herein and attached hereto this application may result in a delay and/or the Commission taking a negative action.
Authorized Institutional Representative[Original]Signature: / Date:PRE-APPLICATION SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS
The following must accompany this completed Pre-Application for Institutional Accreditation:
Pre-Application Addendumfor Non-Main/Satellite Campus(es), as applicable.
Explanation and/or supporting documents per answers provided, as applicable.
Completed Pre-Applications should be emailed to . This may require documents to be professionally scanned as a JPG, TIF, Microsoft-Compatible, or ADOBE PDF to ensure that all information is legible and organized for ease of an electronic review. If the documents are scanned in per page and consist of more than two pages, please combine them into one document. Application documents must include the required original signatures where applicable.
If unable to email, Pre-Applications may also be submitted on a USB drive (mailed to the address below). When saving required documents, a separate document should be made and appropriately labeled and formatted as described above. The total number of attachments (if e-mailed) or files (if using a USB drive) is dependent on the application plus the number of exhibits to accompany the application. Each attachment/file should be named according to its content (e.g., Non-Main Campus Program Addendum, etc.). It is imperative that the application submission is properly labeled with the (1) institution’s name, (2) city/state, (3) titled “PRE-APPLICATION FOR ACCREDITATION”, and (4) the Date of submission.
7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 314N
Falls Church, Virginia 22043
If you have any questions regarding the application, please call us at 703-917-9503 or email India Tips, Assistant Executive Director, at .
Pre-Application for Institutional Accreditation
July 1, 2016