Strategic Resourcing


Use contemporary learning approaches to inform the planning, design and use of facilities.
Embed sustainable environmental practices into the organisational structure and processes of the school.
Implement information and learning management systems that enhance student and staff engagement with learning, teaching and school operations.
Allocate expenditure on resources and professional learning of staff through a budget informed by the strategic renewal plan.


New staff laptops were purchased to allow staff to work effectively with up to date technology.
Staff learnt to use SharePoint and MySites to engage students with their learning.
A grant was received to reinvigorate our school garden. A local community member has supported this by presenting us with a market cart. Community artworks complete the garden project. The project is aimed at teaching students organic gardening.
Recycling has been set up for paper and cardboard waste in the school.
Staff researched contemporary learning spaces and designed contemporary learning spaces to be constructed 2015-2016 holidays and into term 1 2016.
A playground committee was formed, which met with consultants to plan for the development of the new playspace on our current junior oval. /
p (07) 3268 3070
f (07) 3216 4962
a 23 Bowman Street HENDRA QLD 4011

Our Lady Help of Christians School


Annual Progress Report

Mission and Religious Education


Develop a shared understanding of and practical responses to Catholic Social Teaching.
Provide a cohesive and integrated approach for the spiritual development and professional learning of staff.
Develop policies, programmes and practices that reflect the nature and purpose of Catholic schooling, within the broader evangelising mission of the Church.
Engage with a religious education curriculum that promotes knowledge, deep understanding and skills about the Catholic and broader Christian tradition.


Staff attended twilights on Infancy Narratives and teaching Old Testament at North Lakes.
SIT members and APRE took the Religious Education program to validation.
National Evangelisation Team spent a day with our Yr 6 students.
Each school term this year, we celebrated a Parish-School Mass on a chosen Sunday.
School Mass each Wednesday.
Fr Paul visited classrooms a number of times.
Staff participated in a PD session focusing on the Gospel of Mark with Fr Paul.
Fr Richard Leonard was engaged and presented two 90min. presentations.
Campaigns were run to support Caritas, Catholic Missions and OrangeSky laundry.
Opportunities were sought for students to engage with other schools to discuss issues around poverty, homelessness and equality. /

Learning & Teaching


Develop the capacities of school leadership team and classroom teachers to utilise ICLTs to improve learning and teaching.
Provide targeted strategies that ensure the identification, monitoring and improved education outcomes for specific diverse student populations.
Provide comprehensive whole-school approaches to pastoral care, protection of students, behaviour support and social and emotional wellbeing.
Implement the Australian Curriculum as a means of realising equity and excellence.
Develop a school-wide set of pedagogical practices that are data-informed and evidence-based.


Teachers engaged in a session about Feedback.
Staff engaged in two twilight PD in the area of Mathematics.
Numicon was implemented across Prep - Year 1 with hands on activities and planning across both year levels.
The Resilience Programme "You Can Do It" was fully introduced across all classes and a yearly "You Can Do It" programme was implemented for the year.
Constable Kristy O'Neil spoke to the students about staying safe during "Child Protection Week". We held an information evening in the hall earlier in the year about children staying safe when online.
Yr 1 teacher attended a Hearing Impaired PD.
Class and teacher subscriptions to Mathletics for differentiation in maths for student learning.
Staff meeting PD on MY SITE enhancinglearning.
LIFE implementation funding was provided for individual teachers to master LIFE and MY SITE. /

Professional Practice & Collaborative Relationships


Ensure a safe, healthy and productive school environment for students, staff and community.
Forge productive links with professional bodies and institutions,the broader community and government agencies.
Engage with effective professional learning communities both within schools and across the wider BCEO community.
Provide a comprehensive approach to staff well-being and development including professional learning, professional standards, performance management and pastoral care.
Promote partnerships that provide for consultation and engagement with parents as the primary educators of their children in the mission of the Catholic school.


The school board worked on a process of improving school engagement. The Principal wrote articles in the newsletters, based on the work of Cathy Quinn.
Participated in a cluster with three other schools in DELT to enhance our professional learning.
Our participation in Active School Travel continued into 2015, and is planned to continue in 2016, even if we are not part of the official programme.