Mason Dixon

German Shorthaired Pointer

Club, INC.

Mason Dixon German Shorthaired

Club Inc.

Constitution and By –laws

Ratified January 26 , 1974

Effective June 1, 1974

Revised June 26, 1987

Revised January 28,1995

Effective June 25,1995

Revised February 28,1999

Effective January 29, 2000

Revised January 27, 2004

Effective June , 2004

Revised September 2008

Effective January 2009

Objective and purpose

Mason – Dixon German Shorthaired Pointer Club

Is chartered by the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America

And a register breed club with the AKC.

We support the policies of our parent clubs to promote the breed, activities and Rescue.

Membership is not limited to GSP’s and their owners but the focus is GSP’s.

We welcome all sporting dog breeds members


ARTICLE I page 5







Honorary Membership

Lifetime Membership

Application for Membership

Termination of Membership

Fiscal Year


Regular Club Meetings

Annual Meeting

Special Club Meetings

Regular Board Meeting

Special Board Meeting

Board Transactions

Eligibility to Vote


Board of Directors






Standing Committee


Field Trial

Hunting Test

Walking Field Trial




ARTICE V page 12

Club Year

Change Board of Directors


Nominating Committee


Qualification for Office

Nominating Committee’s Report

Nominating by Member Body

One Slate

Official Ballot




ARTICLE VI page 14

Auditing Committee


Additional and Special Standing Committees






ARTICLE IX page 16

Order of Business

Absence of Officer or Board Members

ARTICLE X page 17


ARTICLE XI page 17



Breeder Ethics

Addendums page 18

Recognition Program Rules






Section 1. The name of the Club shall be the Mason-Dixon German Shorthaired Pointer

Club, Inc.


Section 2. The purpose of the Club shall be:

(a)  to encourage and promote the breeding of better German Shorthaired

Pointers and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to


(b)  to do all in its power to protect and advance the interest of the breed

by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at breed shows, field trials,

hunting tests, and obedience trials; and

(c)  to conduct matches and specialty shows, field trials, hunting tests,

and obedience trials under the rules of the American Kennel Club.


Section 3. The Club shall not be conducted or operated for profit and no part of any

Profits or remainder or residue from dues or donations to the Club shall

Inure to the benefit of any member or individual.



Section 1

(a)  Full membership will be open to all persons eighteen (18) years of age

or older and who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club

and who subscribe to the purpose of this Club. Each membership shall be considered a family membership with one vote per family unless otherwise specified .

(b)  Persons applying for full membership shall be considered members upon receipt of the signed application and receipt of the first year dues by the membership chairperson. The membership application shall include the club by-laws by reference and the applicant’s signature on the membership application shall be deemed acceptance of the by-laws. The by-laws are available for review on the Club’s website. Office eligibility and recognition awards tenure begin on that date.



Section 2

(a)  The membership dues shall be payable on or before January 1st.

(b)  The membership dues for the coming year shall be determined

by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of members present and

voting at any regular or special membership meeting. The dues

shall be derived and approved by the Board of Directors

prior to the membership meeting where voting on dues is to

occur. New members after SEPTEMBER 1st shall pay one-half

(1/2) the annual dues.

Honorary Membership

Section 3

Any full member may nominate a member for consideration as an honorary

member to the board. This can be done at any time through the year but will be voted on only at

the Club’s two annual meetings.

The requirements to be considered for honorary memberships are

(a) A nominee must have been a member of the club for a minimum of eight (8)

years consecutively.

(b) A nominee must have served as a committee chairperson or an officer of the

Club in at least two different positions and have served at least two terms in

each. These will be the minimum requirements to be used by the Board for

consideration. The honorary nominee should be devoted to the Club for the

betterment of the breed, and should be a person who is deserving of the title

honorary member. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved

by the unanimous consent of the board.

Lifetime Membership

Section 4

A lifetime membership may be purchased at any time by any member for the fee of $500.00. A lifetime membership has all of the benefits of a full member for life but will no longer be required to pay dues.

Application for Membership

Section 5

Each applicant for membership shall apply on a form as approved by the Board of Directors, and which shall provide that the applicant agrees ( signed form see addendum) to abide by this Constitution and By-Laws and the rules of the American Kennel Club.

Applicants shall submit dues payment for the current year with their applications. Members shall be welcomed at the next regular meeting of the full membership following submittal of their applications.

Termination of Membership

Section 6

Membership may be terminated:

(a)  By resignation. Any member in good standing may

resign from the Club upon written notice to the

Secretary, but no member may resign when in debt

to the Club.

(b)  By lapsing. A member will be considered as lapsed

and automatically terminated if such member’s dues

remain unpaid forty-five (45) days after JANUARY 1.

In no case may a person be entitled to vote at any

Club meeting whose dues are unpaid as of the date

of that meeting. Any officer or member of the Board

of Directors whose membership is so terminated will

have his position filled immediately. The Board of Directors

will appoint a member in good standing to fill this position.

(c)  By expulsion. A membership may be terminated by

expulsion as provided in Article VIII of the By-Laws.

Fiscal year

Section 7

The fiscal year shall be JULY 1st of each year to align with the election of officers.


Regular Club Meetings

Section 1

There shall be two (2) regular meetings of the Club each year and shall be held in January and June, at a time and place approved by the Board of Directors. Written notice of each such meeting will be mailed by the Secretary at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting. The quorum for such meetings shall be members present in good standing.

Annual Meeting

Section 2

(a)  The June meeting shall be identified as the Annual Meeting

and in addition to the regular business shall be the meeting

at which new officers take office.

(b)  Members are encouraged to bring guests to all regular

meetings of the Club. These guests shall have no voting privileges.

Special Club Meetings

Section 3

Special Club meetings may be called by the President.

or by a majority vote of the members of the Board who

are present and voting at any regular or special meeting

of the Board, and shall be called by the Secretary upon

receipt of a petition signed by ten (10) members of the

Club who are in good standing. Written notice of such a

meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary at least 10 days

prior to the meeting and said notice shall state the purpose

of the meeting and no other Club business may be trans-

acted thereat. The quorum for such a meeting shall be

twenty percent (20%) of the members in good standing.

Regular Board Meeting

Section 4.

There shall be no less than two (2) regular meetings of

the Board of Directors each year. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the presidents or boards request ( see special board meetings). These may use e –mail or conference phone calls. The quorum for such a meeting shall be a majority of the Board.

Special Board Meeting

Section 5.

Special meetings of the Board may be called by the

President at the request of any three (3) members of the

Board of Directors in writing to the President. The

Secretary shall notify all members of the Board in

writing at least ten (10) days prior to any such special

meeting stating time, place and reason. No other business

shall be transacted there at. A quorum for such a meeting

shall be a majority of the Board.

Board Transactions

Section 6.

The Board of Directors may conduct its business by mail, E-mail,

or by telephone poll through the Secretary, when it is

deemed by the President that time does not allow or that

the matter involved is not of sufficient impact to warrant

the calling of a Special meeting of the Board of Directors.

The results on any business conducted by mail, e-mail or by

Telephone poll shall be summarized and forwarded by the

Secretary to each Board member no less than five (5) days

after the transaction and such summary shall be entered

in the official minutes of the Club.

Eligibility to Vote

Section 7.

Each full member in good standing whose dues are paid

for the current year shall be entitled to one vote at any

meeting of the Club at which the member is present and

to cast one ballot in each election.


Board of Directors

Section 1.

The Board of Directors shall be composed of President,

Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Chairman

of the following standing committee: Show, Field Trial,

Membership, Hunting Test, Walking Field Trial, and

Rescue. All officers and chairpeople of these standing

committees shall be elected for a period of two (2) years.

Beginning in 1995, the offices of President, Secretary, and the Chairmen of the Show and Hunting Test Committees shall be elected for a two year term. Beginning in

2000, the offices of Vice President, Treasurer, and the

chairman of the Field Trial, Membership and Rescue

shall be elected for a two (2) year term. The Walking Field

Trial, will be for a one (1) year term and run in the year

2001 for a two (2) year term. The officers and chairmen

will be elected at the Annual Meeting and serve until their

successors are elected. General Management of the Club’s

affairs shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors.


Section 2.

The Club’s officers, consisting of the President, Vice-

President, Secretary and Treasurer shall serve in their

Respective capacities both with regard to the Club and

its meetings and the Board and its meetings.


(a)  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Board

and shall see that the previsions of this Constitution and By-Laws, and

the rules and regulations and policies established hereunder are ob-

served. The President shall also perform all duties as are by custom

and parliamentary practice required of the office.

Vice President

The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance

of the duties of that office and assume the duties of the President

during his absence. In addition, it shall be the responsibility of the

Vice President to make arrangements for the two(2) regular

Meetings of the Club each year in accordance with the provisions

of Article III, Section 1, and to have such information to the

Secretary at least twenty (20) days prior to the time of such meeting.


The Secretary shall prepare and maintain for permanent record

written minutes of the Club and Board of Director meetings, receive

and submit to the proper authorities all communications, attend and

dispose of all administrative correspondence, maintain the Club’s

records, files and seal, and perform all duties pertinent to and re-

motion of the interests of this Club.


The Treasurer shall collect and receive all monies due or belonging to the Club. The Treasurer shall deposit the same in a bank designated by the board in the name of the Club. The books shall be at all times open to inspection by the Board, and the Treasurer shall report to them at every meeting the condition of the Club’s finances and every item of receipt or payment not before reported. At the Annual Meeting the Treasurer shall render an account of all monies received and expended during the previous fiscal year. The Treasurer shall be bonded, and the amount shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Standing Committee

Section 3.

There shall be six (6) standing committees: a) Show; b) Field Trial;

c) Hunting Test; d) Walking Field Trial; e) Membership and f) Rescue.

The Chairmen are to be elected at the Annual Meeting in accordance

With Article IV, Section 1 and are to be members of the Board of

Directors. They shall be vested with full authority for promotion and

Operation of all shows, field trials, hunting tests and rescue activities

Sponsored by the Club, including appointment of committee members,

but they shall be limited in this authority to conducting the shows, field

trials, hunting tests, or any other business along lines previously adopted

by the Club as to location and normal expenditures. All drastic changes

in such conduct of these shows, field trials, hunt tests and other business

shall be referred to the Board of Directors for approval. An incumbent

chairman shall make no commitment or agreement which exceeds his

term of office or obligates the succeeding chairman in any manner without

approval of the Board of Directors. All funds of these committees shall be