School Street, Port Charlotte, Isle of Islay, Argyll and Bute, PA48 7TL.

Telephone Number01496 850327

Fax 01496 850349


August 2016

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Welcome Back!

A wee note to say welcome back to all our pupils and parents and we hope you had a good summer break. We are very pleased to welcome Mrs McCormick back after her absence last term. Below is a range of information for you as we start our new school year.

Pre 5 Developments

We have been working hard through the summer to transform the nursery environment! Please pop in to have a nosey or take a look at our Facebook page.

Water bottles

Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day. These can be purchased from the office for £1.20.


We are a Health Promoting School and therefore ask for children to have healthy snacks for breaktime, not crisps and chocolate!


As we are regularly outside, please ensure your child has waterproof clothing and wellies in school. Please also provide a PE kit to be in school every day. We now have a lost property box which will be kept in the cloakroom area so any lost items of clothing without name tags will be in there.

Lunch Money

Please remember that P4-7 children have to pay for school lunches. Lunch is charged at £2 and milk is an extra 10p. We ask that lunch money is sent in on a Monday.

Absences & Holidays during school time

To get the most out of a good education, children need to go to school every day. School attendance has a major influence on educational outcomes. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve better results at school and are more likely to complete their schooling.We are aware that from time to time it may be inevitable for a child to have to be off school, however a child who is absent a day of school per week misses an equivalent of two years of their school life. We monitor attendance termly and parents will be contacted if any children have 85% or less.

Parents/carers are encouraged not to arrange family holidays during term time but it is realised that, in exceptional circumstances, this is unavoidable. In such cases, parents/carers are asked to seek permission from the Head Teacher and provide information of the dates when the child is to be absent from the school in good time. (Argyll and Bute Policy)

Please remember to phone the school office before 9:30am to report an absence with an explanation. The School will also contact parents in the instance of any unexplained absence from school. This ensures we all work together to keep our children safe. Any unexplained absences will be recorded as an ‘unauthorised’.


We have now introduced the ’10 Clan Point Challenge’ to reward pupils on an individual basis. For every 10 Clan Points earned, the children will receive a raffle ticket which they will write their name on and post in a box. Every week a ticket will be chosen from the box and the child will get a small prize.

Healthy Tuck

We are keen to get Healthy Tuck up and running as soon as possible. There will be a meeting on Wednesday 24th August at 3:10pm to discuss this. Please come along if you are interested in getting involved.

Scotland Reads

We hope to welcome back our Scotland Reads volunteers from last session and invite anyone else that is interested to take part in this initiative. There will be a training session on Thursday 25th August, 1:00pm as a ‘refresher’ and for ‘beginners’! Please contact the school office to confirm your attendance.

Book Bug – Pre 5

We are pleased to let you know that there will be two Book-Bug sessions this term for children in our Pre 5 unit – Friday 2nd September, 11:30am and Friday 30th September, 11:30am. Please come along and get involved!

Important Dates…

  • P6/7 city trip to Stirling is from Tuesday 13th September to Friday 16th September.
  • End of Term 1 – Friday 14th October
  • Back to school – Wednesday 26th October
  • Parent’s Evening – Thursday 10th November
  • In-Service Day – Friday 18th November
  • w/c 5th December – Discount Book Fair
  • Pre5 & P1/2 Nativity – Monday 19th December, 10:30am
  • P3-7 Panto – Tuesday20th & Wednesday 21st December, both 7pm performances.
  • End of Term 2 – Thursday 22nd December, 1pm finish.

Here’s to a jam-packed year!

Many thanks,

Mrs Vessey