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Add to SSP20350.

Include Item 204099, "Plant Establishment Work."

1*. Use Para1 for Highway Planting projects and delete Para2. Include SSPS4003.


The plant establishment period shall be Type1 and shall be ___working days.

2*. Use Para2 for Highway Construction projects and delete Para1. Include SSPS5790. The plant establishment period shall not exceed 250working days without written approval from the Chief of Office of State Landscape Architecture.


The plant establishment period shall be Type2 and shall not be less than ___working days.

3. Use when there are time restraints for sowing wild flower seed.

If wild flower seeding cannot be performed within the time limits specified under "Wild Flower Seeding" of these special provisions and the Engineer determines that the work except wild flower seeding and plant establishment work has been completed, the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of the start of the plant establishment period.

4. Use when SSP20530 is used.

Wild flower seeding not performed prior to the start of the plant establishment period shall be performed during the plant establishment period. The work involved in preparing areas to receive wild flower seeding and applying seed shall be in conformance with the provisions in "Wild Flower Seeding" of these special provisions.

5. Use when SSP20530 is used.

After sowing wild flower seed, plant establishment work for the wild flower seeding areas will not be required except for removing trash and debris and mowing. Mowing shall be performed after the wild flower seeds have set and the wild flowers have begun to die back.

6. Use for Highway Construction projects when SSPS5790 is used.

Attention is directed to "Relief From Maintenance and Responsibility" in these special provisions regarding relief from maintenance and protection.

7*. Use with SSP20353 when a granular form of fertilizer is to be applied. Insert months of application to meet the region.

Commercial fertilizer (granular) shall be applied to trees, shrubs, vines and ground cover during the first week of ______and ______of each year. Commercial fertilizer shall be applied at the rates shown on the plans and shall be spread with a mechanical spreader wherever possible.

8*. Use with SSP20353 when a slow release fertilizer is to be applied. Insert months of application to meet the region.

Commercial fertilizer (slow release) shall be applied to trees, shrubs, vines and ground cover during the first week of ______and ______of each year. Commercial fertilizer shall be applied at the rates shown on the plans and shall be spread with a mechanical spreader wherever possible.

9. Use only if the plant establishment period is more than 125working days. Edit or delete columns as applicable .

The center to center spacing of replacement plants for unsuitable ground cover plants shall be determined by the number of completed plant establishment working days at the time of replacement and the original spacing in conformance with the following:

Number of Completed Plant Establishment Working Days
1-125 / 126-190 / 191-End of Plant Establishment
9 / 9 / 6 / 6
12 / 12 / 9 / 6
18 / 18 / 12 / 9
24 / 24 / 18 / 12
36 / 36 / 24 / 18

10. Use when a Remote Irrigation Control System (RICS) controls the irrigation system, otherwise delete.

During the plant establishment period, the plants shall be watered utilizing the Remote Irrigation Control System (RICS) software program. A watering schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer for use during the plant establishment period.

11. Edit as required.

Weeds within plant basins, including basin walls and ground cover, shall be controlled by hand pulling.

12. Edit as required.

Weeds within mulched and ground cover areas and outside of plant basins shall be controlled by killing.

13. If the ENTIRE project area outside of mulched areas, plant basins, ground cover, median areas, and paved areas is to be mowed, delete the second sentence. If the plan is to limit the mowing areas, retain both sentences. Add or delete items to fit conditions.

Weeds outside of mulched areas, plant basins, ground cover, the median, and paved areas shall be controlled by mowing. At locations where proposed planting areas are 12feet or more from the edges of existing plantings to remain and from shoulders, dikes, curbs, sidewalks, fences, and walls, the mowing limit shall be 6feet beyond the outer limits of the proposed planting area.

14. Edit as required.

Weeds within median areas, pavement, curbs, sidewalk, and other surfaced areas shall be controlled by killing.

15. Edit as required.

Vines shall be trained onto fences and walls or through cored holes in walls.

16. Use and edit as required if disposal of mowed material is not required elsewhere. Include funds in the Engineer's Estimate under Supplemental Work for disposal of mowed material.

Except as specified in these special provisions, disposal of mowed material will not be required unless ordered by the Engineer. Disposal of mowed material, as directed by the Engineer, will be paid for as extra work as provided in Section41.03D,"Extra Work," of the Standard Specifications.

17. Use with SSP20430 when a growth regulator may be applied as provided in these special provisions.

At the option of the Contractor, a growth regulator may be applied to mowed areas, provided the growth regulator is approved in advance by the Engineer and the growth regulator is applied in conformance with these special provisions.


At the option of the Contractor, plants of a larger container size than those originally specified may be used for replacement plants during the first 125working days of the plant establishment period.

19. Use when plant establishment period is 125working days or more. Replacement plants for plants larger than 15gallon size shall be the same size as originally planted.

After 125working days of the plant establishment period have been completed, replacement of plants, except for ground cover plants, shall be onegallon size for seedlings, pot and liner size plants; 5gallon size for onegallon size plants; 15gallon size for 5gallon size plants; and other plant replacement plants shall be the same size as originally specified.

20. Use with SSP20430 when a preemergent is required. Include funds in the Engineer's Estimate under Supplemental Work for applying a preemergent pesticide.

When ordered by the Engineer, one application of a preemergent pesticide conforming to the provisions in "Pesticides" of these special provisions, shall be applied between 40working days and 50working days prior to completion of the plant establishment period. This work will be paid for as extra work as provided in Section 41.03D,"Extra Work," of the Standard Specifications.

21. Use when foliage protectors are to be removed at the end of plant establishment (PE) period, otherwise delete.

During the plant establishment period, if plants become restricted by foliage protectors, the tops of foliage protectors shall be removed. Foliage protectors shall be completely removed, including the support stakes, within 15working days prior to completion of the plant establishment period.


Wye strainers shall be cleaned at least 15days prior to the completion of the plant establishment period.

23. Use with SSP20900, otherwise delete.

Previously installed filters shall be removed, cleaned and reinstalled at least 15days prior to the completion of the plant establishment period.


The final inspection shall be performed in conformance with the provisions in Section51.13, "Final Inspection," of the Standard Specifications and shall be completed a minimum of 20working days before the estimated completion of the contract.

Use Paras25 & 26 with SSP20504 when turf (sod) is to be planted.


Turf areas shall be mowed in conformance with the provisions in "Turf (Sod)" of these special provisions.


Full compensation for mowing and trimming turf (sod) and disposing of mowed and trimmed material during the plant establishment period shall be considered as included in the contract lump sum price paid for plant establishment work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor.