The Economics program at NortheasternIllinoisUniversity offers courses of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

Economics is the social science that analyzes the basic problem of scarce resources and the necessity of choice. This basic problem is faced by businesses, households, governments and nations. Economics courses focus on how markets operate and how policies and choices affect market activity. Economics provides useful insights into problems of recession and inflation, international economic relations, environmental issues, economic growth, public policy, financial markets, and labor market developments among others. A major in economics provides an excellent preparation for careers in business and public organizations. Economics majors are also well prepared for graduate study in business and law. Further graduate study in Economics is necessary for careers in university teaching and other professions requiring masters or doctoral degrees.

The introductory courses (ECON-215 and ECON-217) are designed to provide basic knowledge and to serve as a foundation for other courses in economics and business. A concentration in economics provides an excellent background for students who wish to pursue careers in business and management, law, government, or teaching.

Required Courses: / Credits
ECON-215 Principles of Macroeconomics / 3
ECON-217 Principles of Microeconomics / 3
ECON-220 Business & Economic Statistic I / 3
ECON-303 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory / 3
ECON-304 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory / 3
Electives (five (5) 300-level Economics courses Must include one Writing Intensive course) / 15
Total credit hours required for an Economics Major / 30
Required Courses: / Credits
ECON-215 Principles of Macroeconomics / 3
ECON-217 Principles of Microeconomics / 3
ECON-220 Business & Economic Statistics I / 3
Electives (any three (3) 300-level Economics courses) / 9
Total credit hours required for an Economics Minor / 18
 / Students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all courses counted toward the major and the minor.
 / No “P” grades will be accepted.
 / Transfer students wishing to major in Economics must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours in Economics courses at the 300-level. Transfer students wishing to minor in economics must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours in Economics courses at the 300-level.

The following list includes all courses offered by the Department of Economics. All courses carry three hours of credit with the exception of ECON-401 (four credit hours).

ECON-215 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON-217 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON-220 Business & Economic Statistics I
ECON-303 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON-304 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON-302 Economic Development
ECON-306 Labor Economics
ECON-307 Money and Banking
ECON-308 Comparative Economic Systems
ECON-309 Public Finance
ECON-310 Business and Economics Statistics II, WIP
ECON-312 Mathematical Economics
ECON-313 Economic History of Europe
ECON-314 The Development of Economic Thought, WIP
ECON-315 American Capitalism
ECON-316 Independent Study in Economics
ECON-318 Introduction to Econometrics and Forecasting
ECON-319 Current Economic Problems: (Title Varies)
ECON-320 Nonprofit Management, Admin. & Communications, WIP
ECON-321 International Monetary Theory & Relations
ECON-322 International Economics
ECON 323 Economic Development
ECON 324 Economics of the European Union
ECON-331 American Economic History
ECON-332 Industrial Organization
ECON-333 Urban Economics
ECON-334 Cost-Benefit Analysis
ECON-335 Economics of Transportation
ECON-336 Health Economics
ECON-337 Environmental Economics
ECON-338-Applications in Health Research & Policy
ECON-340 Managerial Economics
ECON-341 Behavioral Economics
ECON-343 Macro Data Analysis
ECON-344 Financial Economics
ECON-377 Real Estate Economics
ECON-401 Fundamentals of Business Economics (a course for MBA students)

Please note that electives are not offered each semester. For the most current listing of courses go to


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Dr. Christina CiecierskiDr. Scott Hegerty

Dr. Ryan GallagherDr. Mike Wenz

Dr. Hardik Marfatia