The Theatre in the Clouds –Macbeth

The Theatre in the Clouds Limited requires some artwork for its interpretation of Macbeth. The artwork must be delivered in pixel art format, following an exact specification. Some artwork for the website is also required as part of the package.

A sum of £2800 is offered for the contractor who can provide the best service in this regard.

Some familiarity with the play, and traditional performances of it, will be required. Familiarity with low-res/pixel art techniques will also be necessary to create sufficiently beautiful images.

There is not sprite animation in the traditional sense, there are just a few alternative poses for some characters.


45 characters

44 variations on characters (alternative poses of the main 45)

sprite size will be 125px by 125px, of which a typical character will take up a 50px by 100px space

png file format, transparent background


11 backgrounds

600px wide, 400px high

jpg file format, less than 50k file size


To be discussed

Concept art

A mockup of Act 1 Scene 3 with the witches, Macbeth, and Banquo

Character mockups for King Duncan, Malcolm, Lennox and Donalbain

Background concept for castle interior and exterior

A mockup of Act 5 Scene 7 with Macbeth in armour and Young Siward


The deadline for applications is 4th January 2018. Applicants will be given a response within two weeks.

The application should include a cover letter, your CV, a link to your portfolio, and a proposal for how you would approach the project. Please mention when you can start work and when you would aim to complete the work by, and as much evidence as possible to show that you have a suitable creative vision for the project.

The payment for the project is a fixed sum, paid on completion, and this is non-negotiable. Some adjustments to artwork may be requested, although this can be kept to a minimal level by good communication throughout the project and clear concept art.