API RP 11V (19G) Gas-Lift Task GroupPage 1 of 3

Gas-Lift API 11V (19G) Task Group Meeting

February 6, 2009


Kurhaus Hotel
Scheveningen, The Netherlands
Feb. 6, 2009
8:00 am


•Moh’d Azwan AbdullahGuestBrunei Shell
•Fortune BikoroMemberPetroleum Consulting, Ltd.
•Ken DeckerMemberDecker Technology
•Cleon DunhamSecretaryOilfield Automation Consulting
•Roland GoodmanAPI Rep.API
•Jim HallChairmanShell International
•Marianna JamilMemberBrunei Shell
•Mike JohnsonMemberExxonMobil
•David LeeMemberShell International
•Denise LimaGuestPetrobras
•Wayne MabryMemberSchlumberger
•Luisana MarcanoGuestTOTAL E&P Cameroon
•John MartinezMemberProduction Associates


  • The participants in the meeting introduced themselves.

Meeting Minutes – August 8, 2008

•Jim Hall reviewed the minutes of the August 8, 2008 meeting.
•Our existing documents will keep the current document numbers.
•New documents will be named using the API 19GL series.
•We recommended adopt back of ISO17078-1 and 17078-2 to API.
•They will become API Specifications 19GL1 and 19GL2.
•We will use API Specification 19GL3 and 19GL4 for ISO 17078-3 and 17078-4.

Organization Review / API, Gas-Lift Task Group

•Jim Hall reviewed the new API organization.
•We are a Task Group under API Sub-Committee 19.
•We are the Gas-Lift Task Group, API 19GL.

Subcommittee 19 Meeting minutes – January 21, 2009

•Roland Goodman reviewed the API Sub-Committee 19 meeting of Jan. 21, 2009.
•The sub-committee approved the process of adopting back the ISO documents to API.
•There was discussion of the monogram process for the adopted back documents.
•Sub-Committee 19 is voting (balloting) on ISO 17078-3 FDIS. This is being done as the American “member” of the ISO.

Inventory and Status of Specifications and Recommended Practices

•API 11VIGas-Lift Mandrels and Valves - This specification will be replaced by API 19GL1 and 19GL2.
•API RP 11V2Gas-Lift Valve Performance - This recommended practice will be replaced by API 19GL2.
•API RP 11V5 Gas-Lift Operations - This recommended practice will continue as is.
•API RP 11V6 Gas-Lift Design with IPO Valves - This recommended practice will continue as is.
•API RP 11V7 Gas-Lift Valve Reconditioning - This recommended practice will be replaced by API 19GL2.
•API RP 11V8 Gas-Lift Systems - This recommended practice will continue as is.
•API RP 11V9 Dual Gas-Lift - This recommended practice is being reviewed by API.
•API RP 11V10 Intermittent Gas-Lift - This recommended practice will continue as is.
•API RP 11V11 Dynamic Modeling - This recommended practice is being developed.

Review and recommend US position for ISO 17078, part 3

•This is being balloted to the members of API.

Work in Progress (11V9, 11V11)

Concerning API RP 11V9
•We reviewed the ballot on API RP 11V9. It passed the ballot.
•There was one comment, from ExxonMobil, that it is too long.
•API can pay for a technical editor if we need to revise the document.
•There is an API “style” guide on preparation of API documents.
•It is on
•We might consider a process to review all of our API documents.
  • We will publish the API RP 11V9 document as is and begin the process of finding a technical editor.
  • We will respond to the comment by ExxonMobil by saying that we will find a technical editor to work on editing of the document.
  • We will define potential people to be the technical editor.
  • The nominations for this process should be turned into Jim Hall by March 31, 2009. We need their credentials, their availability, and a two-page example of their work.
  • The goal is to reduce the length of the document while maintaining the technical requirements for dual gas.
  • We will communicate with John Yonker, chair of API SC 19, when we find a technical writer to move ahead.
•Possible candidates are Sid Smith, Bill Barlett, David McCalvin, Norm Hein, Jim Lea.
•The Task Group needs to find the candidate(s) we recommend.
Concerning API RP 11V11
•Cleon Dunham reviewed the current status of API RP 11V11.
•There will be a Work Group meeting later today at 11:00 am.

Review Impact of “Adopt-Back” of ISO 17078 Documents

•The ISO Standards for gas-lift will be adopted back with API 19GL numbers.
•We will not withdraw “old” API documents quickly.
•If a document is to be withdrawn, this must be balloted by the API.
•There must be a clear path forward for monogram licensees.
•If ISO ever wants to develop a “standard” that is similar to the API RP’s, there will be cooperation between the API Task Group and the ISO Task Group.
•However, it is very unlikely that ISO will want to produce RP’s.

Review New Work Item List

•Possible new work items:
NWI Gas-Lift Automation. Cleon Dunham will chair a Work Group to work on Gas-Lift Automation.
  • There will need to be a group of companies that provide and use gas-lift automation.
•API RP 11V6. We need to undertake a revision to API RP 11V6. A new work item will be required for this.
  • Joe Clegg will be asked if he’ll lead this effort. If not, Ken Decker will volunteer to lead the effort. Tommy Nations should be involved. Cleon Dunham would like to be involved.
•API RP 11V8. There need to be small revisions to API RP 11V8. This will require a new work item.
•API RP 11V2. There is an error in API RP 11V2 that needs to be corrected there and in ISO 17078-2.
•Wayne Mabry suggests that the Task Group review the documents word-by-word.
•There may be a desire to do this on API RP 11V11.

Next Meeting Date – May 2009, Houston

•The next meeting will be on May 8, 2009, potentially at Brian Freeman’s Chevron office in Houston, Texas.


•We expressed thanks to Roland Goodman of API for attending the meeting.

RP 11V11 Working Meeting

•This meeting is scheduled to be held today at 11:00.