Section 1: Registration Details(to be completed by the student)
Surname: / Start Date:Forenames: / Expected End Date:
URN: / Degree Programme:
Faculty: / Registration status: FT, PT, Continuing
Department: / Are you sponsored by a Research Council (e.g. EPSRC, ESRC, BBSRC, AHRC etc)? Yes / No
Principal Supervisor:
Section 2: Previous Temporary Withdrawals(to be completed by the student)
Please use the space below list any previous periods of temporary withdrawal you have been granted:
Temporary withdrawal: From toTemporary withdrawal: From to
Temporary withdrawal: From to
Temporary withdrawal: From to
Section 3: Reason for Temporary Withdrawal(to be completed by the student)
Note that the Research Degrees Committee will only consider requests for temporary withdrawal where there has been:
- Bereavement through the death of a close relative or significant other* that in employment would lead to a reasonable employer to grant compassionate leave *[in such cases the Research Degrees Committee will require independent evidence of the nature of the relationship];
- Serious short-term illness or accident of a nature that, in employment, would lead a reasonable employer to agree absence on sick leave;
- A long-term (chronic) health problem suddenly worsening;
- For part-time students in full-time employment only, a significant increase in their workload due to circumstances beyond their control;
- Maternity or paternity;
- Difficulties relating to continuity of supervision;
- Difficulties in research beyond the student’s control;
- Other exceptional circumstances.
The maximum period of temporary withdrawal is twelve months aggregate. Requests for temporary withdrawal beyond twelve months will not normally be considered except in exceptional circumstances. Requests for temporary withdrawal without supporting evidence will not be considered.
Students are advised that retrospective periods of temporary withdrawal will not normally be considered. It is essential, therefore, that requests for temporary withdrawal are submitted in good time.
Students in receipt of funding are advised to check the terms of their scholarship. International students are also advised to check their visa status before making a request for extension.
Use the space below to state the period of temporary withdrawal you are requesting:
From (DD/MM/YYYY) to (DD/MM/YYYY)Use the space below to clearly and concisely explain the reasons for your temporary withdrawal request.
Use the space below to list the evidence you have provided to corroborate the reasons for your temporary withdrawal request.
Student’s signature………………………………………………………………………………………………
Once this section is completed, please send the form to your Principal Supervisor.
Section 5: Faculty Approval (to be completed by the Principal Supervisor and Faculty PGR Director)
The Principal Supervisor should use the space below to leave any comments and to indicate if they are in support of the request
Do you support the request for temporary withdrawal? YES / NOPrincipal Supervisor’s signature…………………………………………………………………………………
The Faculty PGR Director should use the space below to leave any comments and recommend to the Research Degrees Committee whether or not the temporary withdrawal is granted
Do you recommend that the temporary withdrawal is granted? YES/NOFaculty PGR Director’s signature……………………………………………………………………………………………
Section 6: RDC Approval
The request for extension is APPROVED / REJECTED