Accelerated Reader Goals
4th Quarter
Your child’s reading goal is attached. This is a goal set specifically for your child according to his/her reading level. The GRADE scores from the December test were used to determine goals. The following information will help you understand your child’s goals for this quarter and how they were determined.
Accelerated Reader Book Range: This is the range of books your child should be reading. For example a student who should stay in the range of 3.2-5.0 would be reading books for 3rd grade 5th month to 5th grade levels. Students may choose books above their level, but not below. All Accelerated Reader books are marked with their reading levels.
Accelerated Reader Points Goal: This is the amount of points your child should earn on Accelerated Readers tests by the end of the quarter. Your child earns points by reading approved books and passing the online tests. They will take these tests during reading class. Point values of books differ based on difficulty level of book. Easier books are worth less than points than more difficult selections. Point goals are circled on each student’s goal sheet. Students are required to document points for each test they take. They should shade in points earned so they can keep track of progress toward their goal.
Book Titles/Point Value/Points Earned: When taking a test, students are required to write the title of the book and how many points the book is worth. After taking the test, students are required to write in the amount of points they earned from that test. Sometimes, students do not receive the entire point value of the book. It is important for students to make sure they mark points earned accurately.
Students should read 20 minutes a night in order to meet point goals. I have books in my classroom that may be checked out or students can check out library books in order to meet goals. At mid-term I will inform students of their progress toward goal and what they need to do to meet their goal. Students can also check their progress any time they take a test.