What is overview and scrutiny?

Overview and Scrutiny aims to improve public services by:

  • Holding decision makers to account.
  • Contributing to policy development and review.
  • Challenging performance and reviewing quality.
  • Reflecting the voice of local people.

It does this through committees, made up of councillors, from all political parties and co-opted members, from outside of the Council. They work together to review services and make recommendations for improvement to the council and other organisations. They gather information from a wide range of people including professionals, service providers and users, and the general public. They do this through formal meetings, working groups, and site visits and one to one discussions.

As a result of their work, the committee may produce a report and make recommendations for improvement.

What are co-opted members?

Co-opted Members are members of the general public, aged 18 or over, who live or work* in the Wakefield district. They contribute to the work of overview and scrutiny by bringing specialist knowledge and skills to the process and an element of external challenge by representing the public.

Co-opted members are required to attendformal meetings of the committee to which they have been appointed, together with occasional,additional meetings/site visits.

They prepare for each meeting by reading the agenda papers and supporting information to familiarise themselves with the issues under scrutiny. At the meetings they listen carefully, ask questions in a non-judgemental way, respect confidentiality, and help the committee to make practical suggestions for improvements in services.

What skills and qualities do co-opted members need?

We are looking for people who have:

  • A keen and genuine interest in achieving improvements in public services for local people.
  • The ability to work effectively within a team.
  • The ability to communicate effectively and build good relations with other members and officers.
  • A respect for confidentiality.
  • The ability to deal with issues of a sensitive nature in a diplomatic manner.
  • A respect for the views of others and the ability to consider issues in a fair and non-judgemental way.
  • The ability to problem-solve and look for innovative new ways of working that will achieve improvements in services.
  • An awareness of the key priorities for the district and the range of agencies involved in providing services to local people (including the private and voluntary sectors).

What level of commitment is required?

Successful applicants will be appointed for a two year period fromMay this year. You will be required to attend six committee meetings per year, plus occasional working groups and site visits. Meetings are held during the dayin Wakefield but occasionally may be held elsewhere within the district.

What are the benefits?

This is an entirely voluntary role, but we are able to assist co-opted members with travelling expenses incurred in attending meetings. You will receive an induction and ongoing support throughout your term of office from the overview andscrutiny officers.

How do I apply?

Application forms can be downloaded from our website or requested from the overview and scrutiny office by telephoning 01924 305957. The deadline for receipt of completed application forms isFriday 24 March 2017.

What happens next?

Following the closing date, a shortlisting process will take place and those applicants who are shortlisted will be invited to attend an interview.

Successful applicants will be appointed to one of our committees based on their preferred areas of interest, as indicated on their application form and the terms of reference of the committees. All appointments are subject to formal approval by Annual Council in May.

How do I find out more?

All overview and scrutiny committees are open to the public to attend as observers. If you want to see how the committees operate you are welcome to come along to one of our forthcoming meetings:

  • Weds 15 March, 10amCommunities and Environment Committee
  • Thurs 30 March, 2pmAdults and Health Committee
  • Mon 3 April, 10.30amChildren and Young People Committee
  • Tues 4 April, 10amCorporate Services Committee
  • Mon 24 April, 10.30amEconomic Growth & Skills Committee

All the above meetings are held at County Hall, Bond Street, Wakefield, WF1 2QW.

For an informal discussion about the role, please contact Lynne Gascoigne/Andy Wood, Overview and Scrutiny Officers on 01924 305957 or email

Further information is also available on our website: