Grade 1

Social Studies


Map Skills


Calendar Skills


Goods and Services


American Symbols

Current President

Patriotic Songs

Pledge of Allegiance

National Holidays

Folk Tales/Famous Americans/Biographies

American Customs and Celebrations


Strand 1

Map Skills

Essential Questions:

  1. What are the four cardinal directions?
  2. Where are the North and South Poles and the Equator on the globe?
  3. Where are the continents, mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans on a map?


Cardinal directions: north, south, east and west,

rivers, oceans, mountains, equator, north pole, south pole, continents

Suggested Resources:

Scott Foresman social studies leveled readers (need to be purchased)

Beginning Map Skills (Learning Horizons)

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader

Evan-Moor Daily Geography practice

Compass, maps, globe


Essential Question:

  1. What information does a timeline give us?


timeline, changes, sequence

Suggested Resources:

Scott Foresman social studies leveled readers

Scott Foresman Unit 4, Week 2: see pages 64-65

Everyday Math lesson 4.9

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader

Calendar Skills

Essential Questions:

  1. What are the days of the week?
  2. What are the names of the months?
  3. What are the four seasons?


date, day, month, year, season, winter, spring, summer, fall,

sequence, past, now, future

Suggested Resources:

Scott Foresman social studies leveled readers

Everyday Math lesson 1.9

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader


Morning Meeting activities


Strand 9

Goods and Services

Essential Questions:

  1. What are some products that people buy and use?
  2. What are some examples of goods and what are some examples of services?


goods, services, products, needs, wants, use, jobs, money, choices

Suggested Resources:

Scott Foresman social studies leveled readers

Scott Foresman Unit 2: Who Works Here?

and leveled readers

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader


Strand 1.1

National capital and the state capital

Essential Question:

What are the capital of the United States and the capital of Massachusetts and why are they important?


capital, law, state, country, governor, government, Washington D.C., Boston, Massachusetts

Suggested Resources:

Leveled readers


Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader

Strand 1.2

The Presidents of the United States

Essential Questions:

  1. Who is our President?
  2. Describe the President’s job.
  3. Explain how a person becomes the President of the United States.


President, election, vote, ballots, majority

Suggested Resources:

Write & Read Book: Our Country

Scholastic: Our Country

Scholastic: Arthur Meets the President by Marc Brown

Scholastic: My Teacher for President by Kay Winters

Caldecott: So You Want to be President By Judith St. George

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader

Strand 1.3

United States leaders, symbols, events, and holidays

Essential Question:

Identify and explain the meanings of the following American symbols: eagle, flag, Statue of Liberty, White House.


symbol, freedom

Suggested Resources:

Big Book: The City

State map

Scott Foresman reading leveled reader: Special Buildings

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader

Strand 1.4

Pledge of Allegiance and national songs

Essential Questions:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to recite the “Pledge of Allegiance” and to explain its general meaning.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to sing national songs such as “America the Beautiful”, “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”, “God Bless America”, and “The Star Spangled Banner” and explain the general meaning of the lyrics.


pledge, allegiance, united, republic, nation, national anthem, indivisible, liberty, justice, respectful

Suggested Resources:

Our National Anthem by Stephanie St. Pierre

Patriotic Traditions by Alyson Kieda

Patriotic music

American Flag

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader

Strand 1.5

National and Massachusetts Holidays

Essential Question:

Why do we celebrate: Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Patriots Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day?


celebrate, customs, parade, holiday, honor, patriotic

Suggested Resources:

Scott Foresman Unit 4, Week 4: “My Fourth of July”

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader

Strand 1.7

Individuals, Families, and Communities Now and Long Ago

Essential Question:

Describe the main characters and their qualities in various legends and folktales (See Frameworks for suggestions.)


fable, folktale, legend, character, moral

Suggested Resources:

What Your First Grader Needs to Know

Scott Foresman, unit 1 “Big Blue Ox”

Various legends and folktales

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader

Strand 1.8

Famous Americans

Essential Question:

Describe the qualities or distinctive traits of famous Americans of different ethnicity, faith, and historic periods.


famous, courage, leadership, strength

Suggested Resources:

Scott Foresman Unit 4 – “The Dot”

Scott Foresman Unit 5 – “Ben Franklin”, “Wright Brothers”, “Alexander Graham Bell”

Scholastic - Fifteen Easy to Read Biography Mini-Books” “Famous Americans”


Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader

Strand 1.9

Celebrations and Customs

Essential Question:

Explain and describe various celebrations and customs observed in America.


celebration, customs, tradition, holiday

Suggested Resources:

Scott Foresman – unit 4 “The Lady in the Moon” story and leveled readers

Scott Foresman – unit 4 “Mama’s Birthday Present” story and leveled readers

Classroom Magazines: TIME for Kids, Scholastic News, Weekly Reader



This guide was created with the understanding that Social Studies is integrated into all areas of the curriculum.

Teacher observation:

  • vocabulary related to each unit
  • participation in discussion
  • teacher-made rubrics
  • students' responses through illustrations

Open response questions: oral and written


Graphic organizers

Various teacher-created materials