DECEMBER 4, 2012

Annual meeting called to order at Hudson Pointe Day Care at 7:00 p. m. by chuck Moore on Tuesday, December 4th.

Board in attendance: Chuck Moore, John Kessler, Fred Lefton, Dawn Thompson, Sandra Barlow

Hudson Pointe Homeowners in attendance: Holly Moore, Shirley Betts, Barbara Kessler, Chuck & Gail Brenenstuhl, Harry Tegler, Robert Mitchell & Denise Lamouree

Introduction of Paul Dowen, Public Accountant, who covered the Association Financials and Annual Report.

Review of activities in 2012:

·  Jessyca Darah, from Opportunities North is our tennant. Second year of a three year lease for an average of $1,000 per month. Replaced kitchen sink, adjusted door jams, completed plumbing on toilets and replaced leaky hot water tank.

·  Cleveland Bros is in the second year of three year contract and doing great.

·  Continued Association Web Site. Continues to be active and saves postage.

·  Installed new photo eyes and repaired broken wires on sign up front.

·  Replaced tennis net

·  Purchased new events sign

·  Replaced sprinkler heads on the second island to improve the quality and reduce waste.

·  Cleaned up old dump site near playground on Hudson Pointe Blvd

·  Held annual family “Fun Day” which was well attended.

·  Held one movie night during summer. It was well attended

·  Garage sale in spring was successful.

·  Held fall wagon rides in the fall with over 100 participants

·  Ice skating rink was completed again in 2011

·  Litigation from playground accident continues with negotiations in progress.

·  Landscaped the circles on Danford Ct and Hyde Ct.

·  Suit has been brought against the Association Board and each member individually over a sign dispute at 114 Hudson Pointe Blvd. To date, the association has paid out approximately $1,500.00 in legal fees. The suit is being handled by our insurance company’s Attorney, Art Siegel.

Next year’s proposed activities:

Complete the landscaping on Danford Ct and Hyde Ct

Replace a few more globes and add permanent wiring on sections of street lights

Replace additional sprinkler heads on the first island

Add additional mowing to baseball field

Replace holiday wreaths

Continue summer and fall social activities


Q – How much in the suit against the association costing the homeowners.

A – To date, it is costing each homeowner approximately $16.00. Unfortunately , when it goes this far, everyone pays in the defense of a member that violates the covenants.

A big thank you to the Architectural, Landscaping, Board and association members who have volunteered their time. Special thank you to Dawn Thompson who is leaving the board after seven years of service to the association.

Election ballots were counted by Harry Tegler and Chuck Brenenstuhl.

2013 Board Members:

Chuck Moore, John Kessler ,Fred Lefton, Sandra Barlow and Denise Lefton

Architectural Committee:

Chuck Brenenstuhl, Jim Holser, and Fred Lefton

Please submit an architectural form for any architectural changes to the outside of your home or property to one of the committee members above. This form can be found on the web site below. Thank you!


Please use the web site above for future minutes, upcoming events, architectural forms and directory.

Happy New Year to All!

** we are always looking for new ideas… if you have any ideas don’t keep it to yourself… let one of the Board members know.**